Our Hospital Photo Selection
Vietnam 70-71
Known Attachments & Related Units
2nd General Dispensary
2nd Medical Detachment
194th General Dispensary
45th Medical Detachment
332nd General Dispensary
46th Medical Detachment
25th Medical Detachment
53rd Medical Detachment
935th Medical Detachment
82nd Medical Detachment
136th Medical Detachment
Photo Contributions By Others
Walter Wronka's 66-67 Photo Series - 93rd Evac
Frank Rodriguez's News Article - 93rd Evac
Harold MacAloney's 1969 Photo Series - 93rd Evac
Note 1: Some of the identifying names are incorrect! If you can identify correctly, email me!
Note 2: All "highlighted" listings indicate there is at least one photograph available for viewing!
And, no "underline" means that I don't have any photo's for them!!
I thought I had a personal group photo of the ER, but apparently I don't!!!
If you have photo's you would like posted on this site,
send the Webmaster an email, so we can determine how!
I can post any GIF or JPEG format graphics as email attachments,
or we will have to use the postal system, for a round trip so
I can scan what you are willing to send. All photo's returned!
Just email the webmaster for details. I will respond!