This is a list of the CBM/PET library as it is at present from the catalouge disks but there are some additional bits that are due to go onto the list at present . There is a seperate page for the 700 series
However - all contributions gratefully received !!
main menu page
page one of PET/CBM library items
page two of this list of PET/CBM library items
page three of this list of PET/CBM library items
page four of this list of PET/CBM library items
page five of this list of PET/CBM library items
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
11 " ********************************
12 " *** I.C.P.U.G. disk no. e1 ***
13 " ********************************
14 " *** Programs written or ***
15 " *** modified by: ***
16 " *** ***
17 " *** John Bloore, ***
18 " *** ***
19 " *** KINGSWINFORD, ***
20 " *** West Midlands, ***
21 " ***
22 " *** ***
23 " *** 5th May 1985 ***
24 " *** ***
25 " ********************************
26 " *** List-Me Program by: ***
27 " *** ***
28 " *** Joe Griffin (ICPUG) ***
29 " *** 7 April 1985 ***
30 " *** ***
31 " ********************************
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
36 " ********************************
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
47 "
49 "
50 " School administration program by
51 " John Bloore,,
52 " KINGSWINFORD, W. Midlands
53 " ***
54 " Tel 0384 274148
55 "
56 " A neighbour of mine is a school master and, a few years ago, had a
57 " problem, well two problems really. Firstly, he wanted to print a list
58 " of the various option subjects and the initials of the associated
59 " master. In each year group, there were two non-optional subject
60 " groups (English and Maths) and six optional subject groups. Each
61 " subject group was subdivided into between 7 and 10 subject sets. This
62 " was a relatively easy printing problem. The second problem was not so
63 " easy to find a solution for, a means of inputing the data for all
64 " students and then sorting them as required into subject set lists,
65 " House (or Tutor) groups in various combinations. Initially, the school
66 " was for boys only but later changed to Comprehensive Co-educational.
67 " Another combination for the poor programmer to cater for ! (i.e. me !).
68 "
69 " So, first to define the equipment available and the problem/objectives.
70 "
71 " 1/ The program to run on the schools Commodore PET (originally
72 " BASIC 3 later converted to BASIC 4) and fitted with a TOOLKITÝ chip,
73 " cassette and 3022 printer.
74 " 2/ The data for the options available and the associated master to
75 " be stored.
76 " 3/ Store the student data (surname, first name, sex, House (Tutor)
77 " group, English group, Maths group, and six optional subjects).
78 "
79 " 4/ At a later date, the system was upgraded by the addition of a
80 " 4040 disk drive.
81 "
82 " Based on this equipment and objectives, the original program had to be
83 " designed to use the sequential data cassette or to store the data
84 " within the program itself. As it was visualised that it would be
85 " necessary to keep sorting the data, the later solution was chosen.
86 " However this also meant that the program must also fit within the
87 " available memory, so a means of data compression was needed. Another
88 " factor to be considered was that the operator, not being familiar with
89 " the program detail (in fact, not necessarily understanding programming
90 " in any case), would need a simple method of adding the data lines into
91 " the program with the minimum complication.
92 " As the output should ideally be in alphabetical order, this also
93 " dictated that a means of automatic sort and insertion into the data
94 " statements was required.
95 "
96 " To do this, first the surname and sex are inputed. These two inputs are
97 " compressed into a string variable (say BADAMS) and then the data lines
98 " are searched and compared to this string until the appropriate place
99 " is found in the list. The line number of the last data line read is
100 " contained in memory locations 60 and 61 (BASIC 4 PET). So a line
101 " number is assigned to the new data line (variable Y) of this number
102 " plus 5. The remainder of the data is then inputed, coded and printed
103 " to the screen. If correct, the data is inserted in the program
104 " by the following method.
105 "
106 " One characteristic of the PET is that the keyboard buffer can store
107 " up to 10 characters, so a little program is stored in the buffer
108 " and, by the use of an END statement, is made to run. In essence, this
109 " forces a carriage return over the data line, then prints R<shifted E>
110 " to the screen (shorthand TOOLKIT command to renumber the program)
111 " followed by a carriage return, then Gshifted O>190 (PETÝ shorthand for
112 " GOTO190), followed again by a carriage return.
113 " Hey presto, the line is inserted, the program renumbered in steps
114 " of 10 and the program restarts at line 190 without the operator
115 " needing to know how to program!
116 "
117 " Now to the problem of coding up the data. In order to do this, two
118 " arrays are set up, W$(SA,SB) for the option data and F$(SA,SB) for
119 " the master's initials. The first variable ( W$(SA,0) ) is the title
120 " of the subject group and the subject numbered from 1 to 11. F$(SA,SB)
121 " is set up the same except that there is no F$(SA,0). The value of SA
122 " and the corresponding subject groups are as follows :-
123 "
124 " GROUP
125 "
126 " 0 ENGLISH set
127 " 1 MATHS set
128 " 2 Option group 1
129 " 3 Option group 2
130 " 4 Option group 3
131 " 5 Option group 4
132 " 6 Option group 5
133 " 7 Option group 6
134 " 8 House (or tutor) group
135 "
136 " For each Student, three strings are up :-
137 " S$ Sex and surname (i.e. BADAMS)
138 " C$ First name (i.e. IAN )
139 " D$ Data string of 9 coded characters for the various options.
140 "
141 " Thus, the program line :-
142 "
144 " means :-
145 "
146 "
147 " Sex - Boy, Surname ADAMS, First name - IAN
148 "
149 " D$ = A - House (Tutor) group A)
150 " B - ENGLISHÝ group B
151 " C - MATHS group C
158 "
159 " NOTEÝ:-
160 " Initially, the maximum number of subjects in each option was 10,
161 " so numbers 0 to 9 were used. This made it easy to recognise that
162 " W$(1,5) for instance was MATHS group 5.
163 " However, the inevitable happened. One year there were 11 subjects
164 " in one option group! Hence the change to letters. Now, theoretically,
165 " they can have up to a maximum of 26 subjects in each group!
166 "
167 " Having stored the data, the next problem is the form of the output,
168 " either to the screen (40 column) or to the printer (3022 or 4022).
169 "
170 " Thus, the first question asked is:-
172 "
173 " followed by :-
175 "
176 " This is followed by the MAINÝ MENU having 8 options available.
177 "
181 " 4/ REFER TO (and amend if required)
187 "
188 " The first two options use a common method and, after a second menu to
189 " select either ENGLISH, MATHS or one of the six optional subject groups,
190 " the appropriate program lines are listed to the screen. This stops
191 " the program so that alterations can be made, then the program can be
192 " re-RUN with the altered data.
193 "
194 " In order to add a student record, firstly as previously indicated,
195 " you need to input the surname and sex of the student. The data lines
196 " are read until the correct alphabetical position in the data lines is
197 " found, then the rest of the data input and the program line forced
198 " into the program. The program is then restarted.
199 "
200 " The fourth option is used to find the data for a selected student and,
201 " if required, modify that data. After a modification has been made,
202 " the original data line is replaced with the new line in a similar
203 " method to that of adding a new student. Otherwise, you are returned to
204 " the MAIN MENU.
205 "
206 " Now we come to the fifth option which is the main program output. There
207 " are four main types of output :-
208 "
209 " 1/ Option list - all students in the specified option/subject set.
210 "
211 " 2/ Option list - all students taking each option/subject in turn and
212 " printed consecutively.
213 "
214 " 3/ House (or Tutor) Group listing.
215 "
216 " 4/ All students
217 "
218 " Output type 2 is the same as 1 except that the computer lists each
219 " subject in each option group in turn automatically.
220 "
221 " Firstly, there is the OPTION MENU
222 "
223 " A list for each option in turn.
224 " B Option group 1.
225 " C Option group 2.
226 " D Option group 3.
227 " E Option group 4.
228 " F Option group 5.
229 " G Option group 6.
230 " H English.
231 " I Maths.
232 " J List by House or List all students
233 "
234 " Selection of any option other than 'A' or 'J' transfers you to the
235 " SUBJECT MENU. This lists out the subjects (or group for English and
236 " Maths options). Selection of the subject then sets the parameters for
237 " the search. Each line of data is then read and the relevent portion of
238 " D$ compared with the selection. If a match is found, the data is output.
239 "
240 " NOTE. As the sex is stored as a 'A' or a 'B' at the start of S$,
241 " all data lines are presorted into boys first followed by girls (i.e.
242 " BYOUNG appears before GADAMS). If, for sexual descrimination reasons
243 " this is not required, alter 'A' to 'G'!
244 "
245 " For subject lists, the program has been set up to print the Surname,
246 " First name, House group and a blank line. This latter item is to allow
247 " a line to write comments on the printed output. For selection J
248 " however, the program prints the pupils in a house group, each house
249 " group in turn or all the students with the relevant option/subject data.
250 "
251 " Returning now to the sixth option on the main menu, this outputs a list
252 " of options/subjects with the initials of the master (or mistress) in
253 " charge.
254 "
255 " The seventh option is for an automatic save of the altered program (for
256 " operators not familiar with the disk commands). If required, this
257 " routine could be modified to allow the option of a cassette save
258 " although I doubt whether there are many schools now without a disc drive.
259 "
260 " Option 8 is to allow the data input in this program of pupils names
261 " and tutor group to be output as a sequential file to be read by the
262 " RICHMONDÝ TEST suite of programs. These programs are for the
263 " preparation of statisical data based on the pupils performance in
264 " a given series of 11 tests. Further details of these programs follows.
265 "
266 " Option 9 is to end the program.
267 "
268 " The program listed includes some sample data to allow the program to
269 " be tested. All the student data lines except 'DATAZZZZZZ etc' should
270 " be deleted before using the program for actual data. Once the program
271 " has been proved, I would suggest that the RUN/STOP key could be
272 " disabled while the program is running - (i.e. RS=PEEK(144):POKE144,RS+3
273 "
274 " Restore by inserting in option 8 'POKE144,RS', i.e. line 890
275 "
276 " There is one snag, however. Ensure that the first line occurs after
277 " line 460 and the second line is included before the ENDÝ statements on
278 " lines 360, 410, 2690 and 3770.
279 "
280 " Incidentally, for those who do not know how a line 'REM"' is followed
281 " by a blank line in the listing. The secret is to type :-
282 " rem""<delete one"><rvs ON ><sh IF ted><unsh IF tedj><unsh IF tedj>.
283 " Does wonders for legibility of listinds!
284 "
285 " If anyone wants to use this program on a Commodore 64, the equivalent
286 " location numbers for poke commands are as follows :-
287 "
288 " PET BASIC4 C64
289 " 158 198 clear keyboad buffer.
290 " 623/632 631/640 keyboard buffer.
291 " 59468 53248 upper/lower case conversion
292 " 40960 not known TOOLKIT chip.
293 "
295 "
296 " String variables - temporary.
297 " an$, B$, IH$, IT$, J$, R$, RZ$, Y$.
298 " Other string variables.
302 " G$ = Academic year G1$ = year G2$ = year (i.e. '5th yr 84/85'
307 " W$(SA,SB) = SUBJECT
308 "
309 " Numerical Variables - temporary.
310 " AN, B, B1, BX, D, I, IH, IS, IT, J, JX, K, L, N, NB, P, Q, R, RR,
311 " RZ, CS, SF, SK, SM, SQ, T, W, X
312 "
313 " Other numerical variables.
318 " SZ - LEN(S2$) TZ - COUNTER Y - Line number of data line.
320 "
321 ************************************
322 "
324 "This suite of programs was originally written by an unknown author.
325 "I was asked to examine them and convert them from a Walters Dolphin
326 "printer to a CBM 3022 printer. The programs listed below are the result.
327 "By converting them from BASIC 3 to BASICÝ 4 together with other major
328 "program modifications, they are now used by at least two schools in
329 "the Dudley Education Committee area. As far as is known, the programs
330 "are PUBLICÝ DOMAIN and no copyright held by other than myself.
331 "
332 "
333 "Richmond Tests - Suite of programs
334 "
336 "
338 "
340 "
342 "
344 "
345 "RICH5 - ZSCORES100
346 "
348 "
349 "Supporting programs included on program disk:-
350 "
352 "
354 "
356 "
358 "---------------------------------
359 "
360 "Firstly, the RICH1A- NAMES program stores the main titles for the
361 "seperate tests as follows.
362 "
363 " Abbreviation Subject in
364 " used in listing full.
365 "--------------------------------------------------
366 " 1. V Vocabulary
367 " 2. R Reading
368 " 3. L-1 Spelling
369 " 4. L-2 Use of capital letters
370 " 5. L-3 Punctuation
371 " 6. L-4 Usage
372 " 7. W-1 Map reading
373 " 8. W-2 Reading of graphs and tables
374 " 9. W-3 Use of reference materials
375 "
376 "10. M-1 Mathematics - concepts
377 "11. M-2 Mathematics - Problem solving
378 "
379 "This file is used by most of the programs.
380 "
382 "--------------------------------------------
383 "
384 "The main program disk is normally inserted in DRIVE 0 and a headed disk
385 "put into DRIVE 1 to hold the data files.
386 "
388 "
389 "1. Put program disk into Drive 0 (i.e. right hand drive).
390 "2. Load the required program.
391 "3. Put headered data disk into drive 1 (i.e. left hand drive).
392 "4. Run program and load data.
393 "5. Follow instructions printed on screen - notes to help follow
394 " on the following pages.
395 "
397 "----------------------------
398 "This program is run first to allow the input of the raw data, i.e. up
399 "to a maximum of 200 names and the SAS scores in each of the 11 tests
400 "listed above. The first instruction is a reminder to insert the data
401 "disk into Drive 1.
402 "
403 "Pressing the return key brings up the main menu :-
404 "
406 "----------------------------
407 "
413 "
414 "OPTION 1.
415 "---------
416 "
417 "First entry required is the school year. This forms the basis for
418 "identifying all subsequent files. A suggested format is '3-84/5' (i.e.
419 "the third form for academic year 1984/5.
420 "
421 "You will then be asked to enter each pupil's name (surname and initial)
422 "and tutor group (suggested format 3U1). When you wish to terminate the
423 "data entry, an entry of '###' in the name field will terminate the
424 "input and then allow you to check and alter if necessary any of the
425 "data input.
426 "At the end of the sequence, you will be returned to the main menu and
427 "the data file of the list of names will be output to the data disk.
428 "The file name used will be 'YEAR A-8B/C' if the name convention
429 "suggested above is used.
430 "
431 "Notes:- 1. If a file of this name already exists, it will be
432 "overwritten
433 " by this program.
434 " 2. See also Option 3 as an alternative.
435 "
436 "OPTION 2.
437 "---------
438 "This allows the entry of the mark data against the 'YEAT file' already
439 "set up. The whole list of data entries for each pupil must be inserted
440 "in one session. On completion, the program will store a file
441 "'MARKSA-8B/C' onto drive 1.
442 "
443 "After inputing all the marks and saving a data file, you will be asked
444 "if the printer is ready. Answering 'YES' will cause a hard copy of the
445 "data to be output to printer for checking. After printing (or if you
446 "answered 'NO') you will be returned to the main menu.
447 "
448 "Notes:- 1. See option 4 as an alternative data entry method.
449 "2. Any mark of 70 or below will be recorded as a mark of 70.
450 "3. Any mark of 130 or above will be recorded as a mark of 130.
451 "
452 "OPTION 3.
453 "---------
454 "This option will allow you to append extra names to the list 'YEAR
455 "A-8B/C' and input the SAS scores to be appended to the file
456 "'MARKSA-8B/C'.
457 "
458 "Thus, if say 30 names out of the maximum number of 200 were entered
459 "with Option 1 and the mark data for these entered by Option 2, the
460 "remainder of the data can be entered in by Option 3 in reasonable sized
461 "blocks for a session, saving periodically to avoid loss of data.
462 "
463 "OPTION 4.
464 "---------
465 "If a file of names is available from another source as a sequential
466 "file (thereby saving the time of typing them all in), this option wi:ll
467 "read that data file and prepare a dummy file of marks (all scores of
468 "50, ensuring that they are obvious as genuine marks are never less than
469 "70). The program then reads the marks data file (if one exists) and
470 "substitutes these marks for the dummy file.
471 "
472 "The main advantage of this option is that you can check an individual
473 "pupil's marks or run through all the marks, inserting and modifying as
474 "necessary. When you reach the end of the session, you can break out
475 "and the program will automatically write (or overwrite if a file
476 "exists) the mark data file to drive 1.
477 "
479 "---------------
480 "This program uses the data files prepared by the RICH1-DATA PREP
481 "program.
482 "
483 "First input required is the year neme (i.e. A-8B/C). The program then
484 "calculates the overall scores in all the categories, the overall mean
485 "scores and standard scores. The results are saved to a data file
486 "'Z-VALUEA-8B/C' The program then converts the SAS scores to Stanine
487 "equivlents and saves the results in a file 'STANINE A-8B/C'.
488 "
490 "--------------
491 "Running the program brings up a menu :-
492 "
498 "
499 "OPTION 1 prints the final results using the group mean and group
500 "standard variation.
501 "
502 "OPTION 2 as above but in merit order.
503 "
504 "OPTION 3 - Alphabetical order
505 "
506 "OPTION 4 prints the Stanine scores.
507 "
509 "-------------
510 "Calculates the means for each row and each column and prints a table of
511 "the results.
512 "
513 "RICH5-ZVALUE100
514 "---------------
515 "As RICH2 but process Z-scores to base of 100
516 "
517 "
519 "----------------
520 "As RICH3 but to base 100.
521 "
522 "*** That's all, folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
11 " ********************************
12 " *** I.C.P.U.G. disk no. L0 ***
13 " ********************************
25 " ********************************
26 " *** List-Me Program by: ***
27 " *** Joe Griffin (ICPUG) ***
28 " *** 7 April 1985 ***
29 " ********************************
30 " ********************************
31 " *** ok to copy but not to ****
32 " *** be sold or published ****
33 " *** for profit. ****
34 " ********************************
35 " ********************************
36 " * To the best of our knowledge *
37 " * the programs on this disk *
38 " * are in the public domain. *
39 " * *
40 " * Should this not be the case, *
41 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
42 " * *
43 " ********************************
44 "
45 "
46 " LIST-ME.L0 This file contains descriptions of the programs on
47 " ICPUG Disk No. L0 - LOAD and LIST it.
48 "
49 " This disk contains ALL the Currently available PET Versions
50 " of COMAL. For more information on COMAL see ICPUG Newsletters
51 " or Contact Brian D. Grainger
52 " 73, Minehead Way
53 " Stevenage,
54 " Herts.
55 " SG1 2HZ
100 "
101 " 'comal boot' select any version of comal
102 "
103 " 'comalerrors' data file of error codes and messages
104 "
105 " 'comalb3' complete v0.11 for BASIC 2.0/3.0
106 "
107 " 'comalb3in' input module for split v0.11 B-2.0/3.0
108 " 'comalb3ex' execution module for split v0.11
109 "
110 " 'comal3c1' complete v0.11 for cassette users
111 "
112 " 'comal80-0.11' complete v0.11 for BASIC 4.0
113 "
114 " 'comal80in' input module for split v0.11 BASIC 4.0
115 " 'comal80ex' execution module for split v0.11
116 "
117 " 'comal4c1' complete v0.11 for cassette users
118 "
119 " 'comal 80 r1.02j' loader for v1.02 for 8096 machines
120 " 'comal80-0.12/1' complete v0.12 for BASIC 4.0 machines
121 "
122 " 'comr' code for v1.02 for 8096 machines
123 "
124 " 'generrors-e' BASIC program to give English error messages
125 " 'generrors-d' BASIC program to give Danish messages
126 "
127 " 'generrormessag.l' COMAL program to give error messages
128 "
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************ dpg *****
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
11 " ********************************
12 " *** I.C.P.U.G. disk no. L3 ***
13 " ********************************
25 " ********************************
26 " *** List-Me Program by: ***
27 " *** Joe Griffin (ICPUG) ***
28 " *** 7 April 1985 ***
29 " ********************************
30 " ********************************
31 " *** ok to copy but not to ****
32 " *** be sold or published ****
33 " *** for profit. ****
34 " ********************************
35 " ********************************
36 " * To the best of our knowledge *
37 " * the programs on this disk *
38 " * are in the public domain. *
39 " * *
40 " * Should this not be the case, *
41 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
42 " * *
43 " ********************************
44 "
50 " This disk contains a number of COMAL programs, LIST'ed to disk.
51 " To get the files into the machine use ENTER 'filename'
52 "
100 " LIST-ME.L3 This file contains descriptions of the files on
101 " ICPUG Disk No. L3 - LOAD and LIST it. (A BASIC file)
102 "
103 " COMAL.L3 This COMAL LIST'ed file contains descriptions of
104 " the files on ICPUG Disk No. L3 - ENTER and LIST it.
105 "
106 " remove //.l remove comment lines from a LIST'ed COMAL program
107 " file'to'print.l print a file which was LISTed to disk
108 " disk'get.l 'get' a single character from a disk file
109 " disk'get'init.l initialisation for disk'get
110 " disk'get'strin.l 'get' a string from disk
111 " get'char.l 'get' a character from the keyboard
112 " jiffies.l calculate jiffie count
113 " scan.l quick scan of keyboard
114 " value.l return value of an integer string
115 " cursor.l position cursor
116 " generrormessag.l error message generator
117 " formatter.l formatted output of LIST'ed file
118 " scan'disk2.l scan disk to find procedures used
119 " transfer/fix.l convert program files to LIST files
120 " utilities.l a whole range of utilities
121 " evaluator.l expression evaluation
122 " read'dir.l read disk directory
123 " directory.l modify disk directory
124 " disk'to'tape.l copy 'seq' file to tape
125 " auto'menu.l automatic menu program selection
126 " format-2col.l format text from disk into two columns
127 " screen'image.l save screen to disk file
128 " formatter'disk.l 'formatter' for a whole disk
129 " see.l show 'seq' file on screen - page at time
130 " see2.l show 'seq' file on screen - scrolling
131 " quicksort'demo.l demonstration of quicksort technique
132 " benchmarksys.l benchmark system tests
133 " benchmarksys.b benchmarks - in BASIC
134 " seeinstruction.l display an instruction file
135 " hanoi40.l Tower of Hanoi - 40 column
136 " matrix inverse.l invert a matrix
137 " ddplotting.l double density plotting
138 "
139 " olsenmain.l school record program suite - menu
140 " enroll.l - enroll class or individual
141 " printout.l - printout lists
142 " entermarks.l - enter pupil's marks
143 " window.l - display records
144 " corrections.l - correct records
145 " delete.l - delete records
146 " delrec.l - delete records
147 " keys - key file for olsen school
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************ dpg *****
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
11 " ********************************
12 " *** I.C.P.U.G. disk no. L4 ***
13 " ********************************
25 " ********************************
26 " *** List-Me Program by: ***
27 " *** Joe Griffin (ICPUG) ***
28 " *** 7 April 1985 ***
29 " ********************************
30 " ********************************
31 " *** ok to copy but not to ****
32 " *** be sold or published ****
33 " *** for profit. ****
34 " ********************************
35 " ********************************
36 " * To the best of our knowledge *
37 " * the programs on this disk *
38 " * are in the public domain. *
39 " * *
40 " * Should this not be the case, *
41 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
42 " * *
43 " ********************************
44 "
50 " This disk contains a number of COMAL programs, LIST'ed to disk.
51 " To get the files into the machine use ENTER 'filename'
52 "
100 " LIST-ME.L4 This file contains descriptions of the files on
101 " ICPUG Disk No. L4 - LOAD and LIST it. (A BASIC file)
102 "
103 " COMAL.L4 This COMAL LIST'ed file contains descriptions of
104 " the files on ICPUG Disk No. L4 - ENTER and LIST it.
105 "
106 " nyklub.l football club records suite
107 " nylistmedl.l
108 " nyopret.l instructions are
109 " nyrette.l
110 " nysletmedl.l in danish
111 " nyvismedl.l
112 "
113 " othelinstr.l instructions for 'othello'
114 " startothello.l loader program for 'othello'
115 " othello.l game of 'othello' - for two players
116 " stripvar.l ?? - don't know
117 " auntie.l maths exercises
118 " binsearch.l binary search demo
119 " hanoi80.l Tower of Hanoi - 80 column
120 " double.l string handling demo
121 " euclid.l demo - greatest common divisor
122 " fixpermut.l calc. no of fixed permutations
123 " forward.l string handling demo
124 " growstring.l string handling demo
125 " hannibal.l shop demo
126 " max01.l string handling demo
127 " queens.l place 8 queens on a chess board
128 " quicksort.l quicksort routine
129 " sqrt.l find square-root by iteration
130 " textstat01.l count statistics on text
131 " textstat02.l count statistics on text
132 " magic squares.l magic squares game
133 " disk.l easy disk commands
134 " time'disp.l display time on screen
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************ dpg *****
10 LIST : REM list-me for pc
20 REM tpug communications disk
30 REM as of may, 1983
40 REM for green-screen machines
50 REM
60 REM revised for icpug library disk
70 REM
80 REM by : joe griffin 6/nov/83
90 REM
100 REM "ICPUG PET Comms" pc 2c
110 REM 47 "8010 modem drivr" prg - terminal pgm for 8010
120 REM 2 "autodial ml" prg - machine language for autodial term
130 REM 27 "autodial term" prg - extended term pgm for 40/80 col w/rs232
140 REM 18 "autoterm/16" prg - terminal program for 4016
150 REM 6 "cbm 8010" prg - simple basic terminal pgm for 8010 modem
160 REM 32 "comm primer" prg - communications presentation
170 REM 25 "freq generator!" prg - generates modem noises
180 REM 7 "intelcom" seq - describes how to use intelcom
190 REM 4 "intelcom3" prg - m/l to handle rs232 modem on skinny 40
200 REM 4 "intelcom3/40" prg - m/l to handle rs232 modem on fat 40
210 REM 4 "intelcom4" prg - m/l to handle rs232 modem on 8032
220 REM 5 "logger" prg - as per 'cbm 8010' plus log to disk
230 REM 14 "morse tutor" prg - test your morse code capability
240 REM 4 "morse-bttrfld" prg - more morse code
250 REM 7 "rs232 doc" seq - describes how to attach rs232 on user port
260 REM 3 "supercom" prg - m/l for terminal.s12
270 REM 28 "term inst1" seq - instruction for '' pgms (wp)
280 REM 20 "term inst2" seq - more instructions for 'terminal' pgms
290 REM 7 "term.i12" prg - m/l for terminal.i12
300 REM 7 "term.r12" prg - m/l to do terminal functions with intelcom
310 REM 8 "term.r12a/16" prg - machine language for autoterm/16
320 REM 18 "terminal doc" prg - description of terminal functions
330 REM 14 "terminal.i12" prg - terminal pgm for pet/cbm with 8010
340 REM 15 "terminal.r12" prg - steve punter's terminal program
350 REM 14 "terminal.s12" prg - term pgm for superpet w/ modem on serial
360 REM 4 "vt52.basic" prg - term pgm to run 8032/8010 as a vt52
370 REM 3 "vt52.bin" prg - m/l for vt52.basic
380 REM
390 REM all the machine-language pieces are automatically loaded by the
400 REM basic terminal program which uses them.
410 REM
420 REM use basic-aid (read"xxxx") to view the sequential files
430 REM or 'autodial term' to print them
440 REM
100 "
101 "
102 " 'Special Edition ' SE 2c
103 " 'COMPACTOR' - BASIC program to COMPACT program files
104 " 'COMPACT' - M/C Code program to COMPACT files
105 " 'COMPARE.READ-ME' - Some notes on Compare
106 " 'COMPARE/21' - PET version of Compare - BASIC Source
107 " 'COMPARE/21.CF' - Compiled version of COMPARE
108 " 'COMPARE/231' - C-128 version of COMPARE (Source)
109 " 'X-REF.A' - Cross-reference program (for ASCII printer)
110 " 'X-REF.C' - Cross-reference program (for CBM printer)
111 " 'CROSS-REF.ML' - M/C Code version of Cross-reference program
112 " 'DISK LOG' - Disk logger (for ASCII printer)
113 " 'DISK.LOG' - Disk logger (for CBM printer)
114 " 'DISK RENUMBER' - Renumbers a program file
115 " 'LIST-ALL' - Jim B's program
116 " 'LISTER/82' - PET version of LISTER (latest version)
117 " 'LISTER/82.CF' - Compiled version of LISTER
118 " 'LISTER/91' - C-128 version of LISTER
119 " 'MERGE' - Compute! program to merge two program files
120 " 'MERGE.CF' - Compiled version of above
121 " 'MERGER' - Compute! program to merge two program files
122 " 'MERGER.CF' - Compiled version of above
123 " 'UNCOMPACTOR' - BASIC program to Un-COMPACT program files
124 " 'UNCOMPACT' - M/C Code program to Un-COMPACT files
100 "
101 "
102 " The 'Superbase Utils' disk contains the following files. The first
103 " five files are all stored as BASIC programs and should be loaded and
104 " listed.
105 "
106 " '' This file
107 " 'sb loaders' Instructions for using Superbase Loaders
108 " 'list-me.b8' Instructions in Program form for 8096 BASIC-Aid
109 " 'list-me.kt' Instructions in Program form for C-64 BASIC-Aid
110 " 'list-me.b6' Instructions in Program form for KEYTRIX for 700
111 "
112 " '--- toolkits ---'
113 " 'b-aid.8032.a' 8096 BASIC-Aid (ASCII Printer)
114 " 'b-aid.8032.c' 8096 BASIC-Aid (CBM Printer)
115 " 'keytrix v4' Boot program for KEYTRIX programs
116 " '+b1 kxb128.v4'
117 " '+b15kxb128.v4'
118 " '+b15kxb128.v4+'
119 " '+b1 kxb256.v4'
120 " '+b15kxb256.v4'
121 " '+b15kxb256.v4+'
122 " '+btxfer.fe48'
123 " 'wedge-64' Boot program for C-64
124 " 'dos 5.1' DOS Wedge for C-64
125 " 'b-aid.c-64' BASIC-Aid for C-64
126 "
127 " '-- sb-loaders --'
128 " 'sb-loader/8096' Superbase Loader for 8096
129 " 'sb-loader/700' Superbase Loader for 700
130 " 'sb-loader/64' Superbase Loader for C-64
131 "
132 " '- sb-utilities -'
133 " 'rename sb files' Jack Cohen's rename Program
134 " 'sb-archive/96' Joe Griffin's Archive Routine (8096)
135 " 'sb-archive/64' Joe Griffin's Archive Routine (C-64)
136 "
137 " We will add further routines as they become available.
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
11 " ********************************
12 " *** I.C.P.U.G. disk no. U1 ***
13 " ********************************
25 " ********************************
26 " *** List-Me Program by: ***
27 " *** Joe Griffin (ICPUG) ***
28 " *** 7 April 1985 ***
29 " ********************************
30 " ********************************
31 " *** ok to copy but not to ****
32 " *** be sold or published ****
33 " *** for profit. ****
34 " ********************************
35 " ********************************
36 " * To the best of our knowledge *
37 " * the programs on this disk *
38 " * are in the public domain. *
39 " * *
40 " * Should this not be the case, *
41 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
42 " * *
43 " ********************************
44 "
45 "
46 " LIST-ME.U1 This file contains descriptions of the programs on
47 " ICPUG Disk No. U1 - LOAD and LIST it.
48 "
100 " date: 9 january 1985
101 "
102 " This text gives brief information about the programs on this disk
103 "
104 " The programs listed are for changing hardware configurations and for
105 " accessing and managing disks.
106 "
107 " Where known, the type of disk drive used is given. If no details are
108 " provided, it is probably for 4040.
109 "
110 " This disk was compiled by A.L. Minter
111 "
112 " 'backup 2031 1.0'
113 " runs on: basic 2/4
114 " purpose: carry out backup on single disk drive 2031
115 " notes: mixed basic and machine code
116 "
117 " 'block move'
118 " runs on: basic 4
119 " purpose: to move code from one place in memory to another.
120 "
121 " ''
122 " runs on: basic 2
123 " purpose: transfers progs from one tape to another
124 " notes: run by sys 934
125 "
126 " ''
127 " runs on: basic 2
128 " purpose: transfers progs from tape to disk
129 " notes: run by sys 973
130 "
131 " 'cbm 4032'
132 " 'cbm 4032/lc'
133 " runs on: 80-col basic 4 only
134 " purpose: re-configures the screen so that it appears as 40-col screen
135 " at the same memory locations as on a 40-col machine.
136 " notes: load and run. machine code which uses the screen itself.
137 " '/lc' version leaves screen in lower case with gap between
138 " lines of text, which is easier to read for word processing etc.
139 "
140 " 'change unit no'
141 " runs on: all disks
142 " purpose: change device number of disk drive (eg from 8 to 9)
143 "
144 " 'change/ladr.bas'
145 " runs on: all
146 " purpose: changes the loading address of programs
147 " notes: useful for re-locating programs between pet and vic
148 "
149 " 'copy disk 2.0'
150 " runs on: basic and dos 2 drives
151 " purpose: copies files from one drive to another on a single unit
152 " notes: allows sorting into alphabetical order but will not copy
153 " relative files.
154 "
155 " 'copy/all.40'
156 " 'copy/all.80'
157 " 'copy/all.dg'
158 " runs on: basic 4
159 " the definitive butterfield version of the copying program.
160 " purpose: copies any file (incl relative files) from one drive to
161 " another. allows the second drive to be on a different unit (eg: 9
162 " instead of 8.
163 " notes: '40' for 40 column machines.
164 " '80' for 80 column machines, modified by jim tierney.
165 " 'dg' modified by joe griffin, to allow use of 8050 disks in 8250
166 "
167 " 'copyfour'
168 " 'copytwo'
169 " runs on: basic 4 (or 2 respectively) and 2031 drive
170 " purpose: copies program and sequential files from one disk to another
171 " by passing the file into memory and then switching disks
172 " notes: machine code in cassette buffer. will not handle relative
173 " files
174 "
175 " 'cross-ref'
176 " runs on: basic 4 (possiblly basic 2)
177 " purpose: provides cross reference of all variables & lines in a basic
178 " program.
179 " notes: mixed basic and machine code.
180 "
181 " 'dd restore'
182 " 'dd sort'
183 " run on: basic 2/4, and twin disk drive
184 " purpose: sort a disk directory into order or restore it to its previous
185 " order.
186 " notes: two programs from Mick Bignall, modified by Joe Griffin.
187 "
188 " 'delete all'
189 " runs on: basic 2/4
190 " purpose: delete chosen files from disk
191 " notes: butterfield prog. may be dangerous to use!
192 "
193 " 'disk check'
194 " runs on: all
195 " purpose: checks all files for bad spots, and allows scratched files to
196 " be recovered.
197 "
198 " 'disk contents'
199 " runs on: basic - any disk drive
200 " purpose: displays disk directory, including any deleted files
201 "
202 " 'disk id correctr'
203 " runs on: basic 2/4
204 " purpose: restores disk id to its original
205 " notes: mixed basic and machine code
206 "
207 " 'disk logger'
208 " runs on: all
209 " purpose: displays each program name, start and end address
210 "
211 " 'disk master v2'
212 " runs on: all
213 " purpose: disk catalogue and file location. works for single & double
214 " density disks.
215 "
216 " 'disk to tape'
217 " runs on: basic 4 and dos 2
218 " purpose: automatic transfer of files from a disk to a c90 tape
219 " notes: 2040,2031,3040,4040, 8050 or 8250 drives
220 "
221 " 'disk view'
222 " runs on: all
223 " purpose: displays sectors in hex format and also free map
224 " notes: if only half sector displayed, press space to continue
225 "
226 " ''
227 " runs on: basic 2
228 " purpose: transfers progs from disk to cassette
229 "
230 " 'display t&s'
231 " 'display t&s.8032'
232 " runs on: all
233 " purpose: display contents of chosen track and sector as hex and ascii
234 " notes: first version is for 40 column machines, second for 80
235 "
236 " 'dos 2040'
237 " runs on: dos 1
238 " purpose: disk support for 2040 disk drive
239 " notes: replaced by later universal version
240 "
241 " 'file recovery.4'
242 " 'file recovery.8'
243 " runs on: basic and single density disks/basic and double density disks
244 " purpose: checks bad sectors and provides for repair of these
245 " notes: you need to know how a disk is laid out to use this
246 " successfully.
247 "
248 " 'identify disk'
249 " runs on: all
250 " purpose: subroutine which tests disk rom, to identify unit in use.
251 "
252 " 'ieee watch 2'
253 " runs on: basic 2/4
254 " purpose: you can see what is going on on the ieee port.
255 " notes: needs two pets - use one to watch activity on the other.
256 "
257 " 'load address.mod'
258 " runs on: all
259 " purpose: change load address stored as first two bytes of program file.
260 "
261 " 'master directory'
262 " runs on: all + single density disks.
263 " purpose: reads up to 1500 prog names from directories, sorts, prints
264 " and saves to disk as a file
265 "
266 " 'r/w pet memory'
267 " runs on: basic2/4
268 " purpose: simple monitor which disassembles memory.
269 "
270 " 'ram test'
271 " runs on: any
272 " purpose: tests every ram location
273 " notes: give 33 or 34 as memory size, to include screen.
274 "
275 " 're-chain basic'
276 " runs on: basic 4
277 " purpose: fixes links in program re-loaded from 700 series.
278 "
279 " 'relread'
280 " runs on: basic 4
281 " purpose: demonstrates how to read relative files.
282 "
283 " 'rename any disk'
284 " runs on: basic 2/4
285 " purpose: change disk title and id
286 " notes: 2040,2031,3040,4040, 8050 and 8250 drives. changing id's is
287 " not very advisable.
288 "
289 " 'rom test'
290 " runs on: any
291 " purpose: identifies and tests rom set
292 "
293 " 'screenwash'
294 " runs on: basic 4
295 " purpose: modifies 40-col pokes graphics for 80-col use
296 "
297 " 'stack sniffer'
298 " runs on: any
299 " purpose: allows the content of the stack to be read
300 "
301 " 't.m.p.'
302 " runs on: basic 2
303 " purpose: prepares a directory on tape and allows for fast retrieval of
304 " programs from tape
305 "
306 " 'tape file mgr'
307 " runs on: basic 1
308 " purpose: organise, write, edit and read files to tape
309 "
310 " ''
311 " runs on: basic 4
312 " purpose: transfer programs from tape to disk
313 "
314 " 'toolkit 1.0'
315 " runs on: basic 1
316 " purpose: soft toolkit for use with old roms
317 "
318 " 'trace.rel'
319 " runs on: basic 2
320 " purpose: provides a trace facility for basic 2 pets.
321 "
322 " 'unicopy 4.0'
323 " 'unicopy inst'
324 " runs on: basic 4
325 " purpose: jim butterfield utility to write from disk to disk (using
326 " single drive) or to tape. '.ins' contains instructions.
327 "
328 " 'unscratch'
329 " runs on: basic 2/4
330 " purpose: recovers scratched files so long as the disk has not already
331 " been written to after scratching
332 "
333 " 'used t and s'
334 " runs on: all + single density disks
335 " purpose: examines disk header and outputs prog name, no of blocks,
336 " track and sector numbers
337 "
338 " 'view.bam/dos1'
339 " runs on: dos 1
340 " purpose: graphic indication of the free space on a disk
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************ dpg *****
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
11 " ********************************
12 " *** I.C.P.U.G. disk no. U2 ***
13 " ********************************
25 " ********************************
26 " *** List-Me Program by: ***
27 " *** Joe Griffin (ICPUG) ***
28 " *** 7 April 1985 ***
29 " ********************************
30 " ********************************
31 " *** ok to copy but not to ****
32 " *** be sold or published ****
33 " *** for profit. ****
34 " ********************************
35 " ********************************
36 " * To the best of our knowledge *
37 " * the programs on this disk *
38 " * are in the public domain. *
39 " * *
40 " * Should this not be the case, *
41 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
42 " * *
43 " ********************************
44 "
45 "
46 " LIST-ME.U2 This file contains descriptions of the programs on
47 " ICPUG Disk No. U2 - LOAD and LIST it.
48 "
100 " date: 15 february 1985
101 "
102 " This text gives brief information about the programs on this disk
103 "
104 " The programs listed are various programming facilities.
105 "
106 " This disk was compiled by A.L. Minter
107 "
108 " 'aid2' and 'aid4'
109 " run on Basic 2 & 4 respectively
110 " These are two small toolkit programs, which use far less memory than
111 " BASIC-Aid. The initial display lists the functions provided.
112 "
113 " 'b-aid.instruct'
114 " program file of comments, describing the BASIC-Aid suite
115 "
116 " 'b-aid' - BASIC-Aid is given here in versions for various machines, all
117 " with a choice of Ascii or Cbm printers.
118 "
119 " 'buffer-in'
120 " runs on : all
121 " purpose : provides buffered input to allow use of commas, colons and
122 " quotes in user input. program is well commented.
123 "
124 " 'compactor'
125 " runs on: basic 2/4
126 " purpose: removes all rem's and padding from program
127 " notes: twin disks needed, but line 960 can be changed if you have a
128 " 2031 drive.
129 "
130 " 'data writer'
131 " runs on: all
132 " purpose: generates data statements for an area of memory
133 " notes: the statements are formed into a basic program which can then
134 " be renumbered and saved.
135 "
136 " 'datamaker'
137 " runs on: basic 1 & 2
138 " purpose: converts code in 2nd cass buffer to program lines of data
139 " statements
140 " notes:could be modified for basic 4
141 "
142 " 'dec/hex table'
143 " runs on: all
144 " purpose: prints tables of dec/hex values
145 "
146 " 'dechex'
147 " runs on: basic 2
148 " purpose: converts decimal numbers to hex
149 "
150 " 'disk lister'
151 " runs on: all
152 " purpose: produces a program listing with cursor controls changed to
153 " words
154 "
155 " 'disk renumber'
156 " runs on: basic 2 & 4
157 " purpose: renumbers a program on disk and saves the new program in
158 " addition to the old one.
159 "
160 " 'dump 1 line!'
161 " runs on: all
162 " purpose: routine to dump one line of screen to printer
163 "
164 " 'dump2/sys826'
165 " runs on: basic 2
166 " purpose: lists all variables used after prog has been run
167 " notes: load before or after running prog. sys826 activates.
168 "
169 " 'dump4/sys826'
170 " runs on: basic 4
171 " purpose: lists all variables used after prog has been run
172 " notes: load before or after running prog. sys826 activates. may
173 " conflict with basic 4 in cass buffer#2
174 "
175 " 'hex loader 2.0'
176 " runs on: basic 2
177 " purpose: for assembling machine code into memory
178 "
179 " 'hexinput'
180 " runs on: basic 4 x 40 col
181 " purpose: reconfigures number keyboard for hex input
182 " notes: see icpug newsletter july 83 p432. poke 32763,0 before
183 " running.
184 "
185 " 'linelist utility'
186 " runs on: basic 2 & 4
187 " purpose: controlled listing
188 "
189 " 'list true ascii'
190 " runs on: all
191 " purpose: reads files and converts true ascii
192 "
193 " 'lister'
194 " runs on: basic 2
195 " purpose: interprets memory between any two specified locations and
196 " displays as basic.
197 "
198 " 'locksmith'
199 " runs on: basic 2 & 4
200 " purpose: locks a program to make it unlistable and to run on loading.
201 " notes: this prog is locked.
202 "
203 " 'lower case list'
204 " runs on : basic 1 & 2
205 " purpose : allows cbm matrix printer to list programs with correct
206 " upper/lower case, rather than upper/graphics.
207 "
208 " 'merger'
209 " runs on: basic 2/4
210 " purpose: merge two programs
211 " notes: butterfield program. needs twin disk drive - will not run on
212 " 2031 because not enough channels
213 "
214 " 'minimerge'
215 " runs on: basic 2/4
216 " purpose: merge program on memory with one on disk
217 " notes: load minimerge first, then add first prog to be merged by
218 " running minimerge. read instructions. uses templeton merge technique
219 "
220 " 'organiser'
221 " runs on: all
222 " purpose: create index of programs
223 "
224 " 'pet lister #4'
225 " runs on: basic 4
226 " purpose: replace cursor control characters to words
227 " notes: could be changed to basic 2
228 "
229 " 'pet to vic'
230 " runs on: basic 2 & 4
231 " purpose: loads pet progs to vic and vice versa
232 "
233 " 'picture print'
234 " runs on: all
235 " purpose: converts picture on screen to print statements
236 "
237 " 'renumber nr'
238 " runs on: basic 2 only
239 " purpose: renumber program in memory
240 " notes: machine code loaded by data statements.
241 "
242 " 'renumber or'
243 " runs on: basic 1 only
244 " purpose: renumber program in memory
245 " notes: machine code loaded by data statements.
246 "
247 " 'screenmaker.ins'
248 " 'screenmaker'
249 " runs on: basic 2/4 and 40/80-col
250 " purpose: creates a data input mask which is saved to disk as a machine
251 " code program for subseqent re-use. the positions and lengths of each
252 " data input field are saved as a short data program for use in the
253 " applications program. the input routine or data entry to the mask is
254 " all in basic
255 "
256 " 'string thing'
257 " runs on: basic 4
258 " purpose: universal string input routine
259 "
260 " 'title'
261 " runs on: basic 4
262 " purpose: places a permanent title at top of screen
263 " notes: although machine code is for basic 4, the program sits in the
264 " 2nd
265 "
266 " 'un-new/sys826'
267 " runs on: basic 2
268 " purpose: recover from 'new'
269 " notes: sits in cass#2 buffer. can be loaded after you have new'ed.
270 " sys826 gets your prog back again
271 "
272 " 'uncompactor'
273 " runs on: basic 2/4
274 " purpose: expands compacted program with line numbers
275 " notes: twin disks needed
276 "
277 " 'entry instruct'
278 " instructions in a program file for the cbm data entry system.
279 "
280 " 'v40*...' versions of the machine code for the entry system
281 " notes: ref: p higginbottom - commodore club news jan 1981 and
282 " printout magazine feb 81. the program produces a form on the screen and
283 " conrtols user input. machine code loads at $7b00 (31488).
284 "
285 " 'demo 8032' demonstration of the capabilities of the data entry system
286 " on the 8032.
287 "
288 " 'example set-up' simple example of use of entry system.
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************ dpg *****
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
11 " ********************************
12 " *** I.C.P.U.G. disk no. U3 ***
13 " ********************************
25 " ********************************
26 " *** List-Me Program by: ***
27 " *** Joe Griffin (ICPUG) ***
28 " *** 7 April 1985 ***
29 " ********************************
30 " ********************************
31 " *** ok to copy but not to ****
32 " *** be sold or published ****
33 " *** for profit. ****
34 " ********************************
35 " ********************************
36 " * To the best of our knowledge *
37 " * the programs on this disk *
38 " * are in the public domain. *
39 " * *
40 " * Should this not be the case, *
41 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
42 " * *
43 " ********************************
44 "
45 "
46 " LIST-ME.U3 This file contains descriptions of the programs on
47 " ICPUG Disk No. U3 - LOAD and LIST it.
48 "
100 " date: 15 february 1985
101 "
102 " This text gives brief information about the programs on this disk
103 "
104 " The programs listed are various facilities for managing the printer and
105 " for reading files on disk.
106 "
107 " This disk was compiled by A.L. Minter
108 "
109 " 'alphabetical'
110 " purpose: demonstration of sort of alphabetical data.
111 "
112 " 'demo sort'
113 " runs on: all
114 " purpose: demonstrate a sorting algorithm
115 " notes: butterfield program
116 "
117 " 'filesort 4.0'
118 " runs on: BASIC 4.0
119 " purpose: Sort elements from a file. Handles multiple fields.
120 "
121 " 'keysort 2.0'
122 " runs on: BASIC 1 & 2, could be mod'd for BASIC 4.
123 " purpose: sort strings of any length by any field
124 "
125 " 'keysort.src'
126 " source code in CBM format for 'keysort'.
127 "
128 " 'multi-sort'
129 " runs on: BASIC 4.0
130 " purpose: demonstration and timing of several sorting methods.
131 "
132 " 'pet pointer sort'
133 " runs on: BASIC 4.0
134 " purpose: fast machine code sort, in which array pointers only are
135 " moved.
136 "
137 " 'petsort'
138 " runs on: any
139 " purpose: Sorts an array by moving the pointers and not the strings.
140 " This avoids garbage collection problems. It can be used for nested
141 " sorts and for calling records from a relative file in sorted order
142 "
143 " 'quick record sor'
144 " runs on: all
145 " purpose: subroutine to sort 200 records
146 " notes: reports time taken to sort and for garbage collection
147 "
148 " 'sort'
149 " runs on: all
150 " purpose: demo of fast sort routine
151 "
152 " 'sort1'
153 " runs on: all
154 " purpose: similar to sort (above) with minor changes
155 "
156 " 'sort3.src'
157 " purpose: lexical sort
158 " notes: CBM format source code file for a machine code sort.
159 "
160 " 'sortbub1'
161 " runs on: all
162 " purpose: bubble-sort demo and routine
163 "
164 " 'sortfile'
165 " runs on: all
166 " purpose: sorts large files on disk
167 "
168 " 'sorting demo'
169 " runs on: BASIC 1
170 " purpose: demo of four different sorting routines
171 "
172 " 'sorting demo1'
173 " runs on: BASIC 2 - 4
174 " purpose: demo of four different sorting routines
175 "
176 " 'sortprint'
177 " runs on: all
178 " purpose: prints alpha listing from an array.
179 " notes: avoids garbage collection
180 "
181 " 'sortreplace'
182 " runs on: all
183 " purpose: sorts an array by replacement
184 "
185 " 'sortshellm'
186 " runs on: all
187 " purpose: shell-metzner sort for string arrays
188 "
189 " 'sortshelln'
190 " runs on: all
191 " purpose: shell-metzner sort for number arrays
192 "
193 " 'superspeed sort'
194 " purpose: fast machine code sort
195 "
196 " 'ultrasort'
197 " runs on: BASIC 4.0
198 " Machine code QUICKSORT, sorts 1000 items in under 8 seconds - that's
199 " fast.
200 "
201 "
202 " 'ascii-wpro'
203 " runs on: BASIC 2/4
204 " purpose: converts an ascii file into a wpro file
205 " notes: needs twin disk drive
206 "
207 " 'banner'
208 " runs on: all
209 " purpose: prints large letters sideways across the printing paper. for
210 " adverts or banners.
211 "
212 " 'label addrs pr40'
213 " runs on: BASIC 2
214 " purpose: program to print labels using the pr40 printer
215 " notes: mixed BASIC and machine code
216 "
217 " 'line processor'
218 " runs on: all
219 " purpose: elementary word processor
220 " notes: allows sequential files to be read and modified
221 "
222 " 'pr40 print nr'
223 " runs on: BASIC 2
224 " purpose: machine code for driving the pr40 printer through the user
225 " port
226 "
227 " 'pr40 print or'
228 " runs on: BASIC 1
229 " purpose: machine code for driving the pr40 printer through the user
230 " port
231 "
232 " 'print format'
233 " runs on: all
234 " purpose: demo of number formatting subroutine
235 "
236 " 'print using 1'
237 " runs on: all
238 " purpose: short subroutine to format numbers
239 " notes: as fast as most machine codes - 3 lines of BASIC
240 "
241 " 'print using'
242 " runs on: all
243 " purpose: BASIC sub-routine to provide print using facility
244 "
245 " 'printer demo'
246 " runs on: all
247 " purpose: demonstrates all characters on commodore matrix printers
248 "
249 " 'seq. to wpro.wp'
250 " runs on: all
251 " purpose: skeleton for entering data for sequential wordpro files
252 " notes: use in conjunction with prog wordpro reader below
253 "
254 " 'textwriter'
255 " runs on: all
256 " notes: mini word processor
257 "
258 " 'word pro reader'
259 " runs on: all
260 " purpose: reads files generated by wordpro
261 "
262 " 'wp buster'
263 " runs on: all
264 " purpose: reads wordpro files and splits them into smaller units.
265 "
266 " 'wp list-screen'
267 " runs on: BASIC 4
268 " purpose: reads wordpro files screen only. very fast, paging or
269 " scrolling.
270 "
271 " 'wp-ascii'
272 " runs on: all
273 " purpose: reads wordpro files screen only
274 "
275 " 'wp-ascii(print)'
276 " runs on: all
277 " purpose: reads wordpro files with option to print hard copy
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************ dpg *****
1 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
2 " ********************************
3 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
4 " *** be sold or published ****
5 " *** for profit. ****
6 " ********************************
7 " * To the best of our knowledge *
8 " * the programs on this disk *
9 " * are in the public domain. *
10 " * *
11 " * Should this not be the case, *
12 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
13 " * *
14 " ********************************
15 "
16 " some of the stuff on this disk may be in BASIC 2
17 " and work best on 40 col screens
18 "
19 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
20 :rem to use printer
21 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
22 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
23 REM
24 "***
25 "***
26 "*** 1 "icpug.lib.assem " bd 2c
27 "*** 30 "assembler4.66" prg
28 "*** 24 "2-6labels" seq
29 "*** 24 "4-6labels" seq
30 "*** 29 "64l ABS.feb83" seq
31 "*** 3 "asm.assextns" seq
32 "*** 12 "asm.caseextn" seq
33 "*** 5 "asm.extncntrl" seq
34 "*** 29 "asm.IF extn" seq
35 "*** 7 "asm.leaveextn" seq
36 "*** 8 "asm.loopextn" seq
37 "*** 5 "asm.repextn" seq
38 "*** 36 "asm.rep INPUT" seq
39 "*** 5 "asm.test IF f" seq
40 "*** 7 "asm.whileextn" seq
41 "*** 30 "assembler4.72" prg
42 "*** 18 "b-aid.8032.a" prg
43 "*** 18 "b-aid.8032.c" prg
44 "*** 1 "bas.seq LIST er" prg
45 "*** 21 "basic aid reloc" prg
46 "*** 5 "cbm.TO.mae" prg
47 "*** 11 "c ON v+chk.b2" prg
48 "*** 11 "c ON v+chk.b4" prg
49 "*** 6 "declare.4lbl" seq
50 "*** 4 "declare.zlbl" seq
51 "*** 10 "declare.zpet" seq
52 "*** 10 "declare.zvic" seq
53 "*** 23 "disembl/help" seq
54 "*** 14 "diskm ON" prg
55 "*** 7 "edi TO r32k.4" prg
56 "*** 29 "edv9.3032" prg
57 "*** 29 "edv9.4032" prg
58 "*** 28 "edv9.8032" prg
59 "*** 29 "edv9.fa40" prg
60 "*** 35 "eps ON dump.asm" prg
61 "*** 6 "eps ON dump.m/c" prg
62 "*** 66 "extensi ON s" prg
63 "*** 31 "extram ON inst" prg
64 "*** 21 "extram ON 4.r" prg
65 "*** 12 "hex LOAD er 2.0" prg
66 "*** 5 "hexdec" prg
67 "*** 10 "instruct ed" seq
68 "*** 33 "INT el dis bas2" prg
69 "*** 36 "INT el dis bas4" prg
70 "*** 3 "LOAD er4" prg
71 "*** 3 "LOAD er4-hi" prg
72 "*** 3 "LOAD er4-mid" prg
73 "*** 3 "mae.TO.cbm" prg
74 "*** 22 "microm ON 80h" prg
75 "*** 21 "microm ON b" prg
76 "*** 22 "microm ON +$5b00" prg
77 "*** 22 "microm ON 8032" prg
78 "*** 89 "microm ON e inst" prg
79 "*** 22 "microm ON e40@$6b" prg
80 "*** 22 "microm ON e80@$6b" prg
81 "*** 50 "mod IF y t&s 8032" prg
82 "*** 2 "NOT es" prg
83 "*** 18 "obj.extns" seq
84 "*** 56 "pet revas jan83" prg
85 "*** 8 "ptzlabels" seq
86 "*** 5 "revas mem bytes" prg
87 "*** 14 "revas tables" prg
88 "*** 13 "romlabels" seq
89 "*** 34 "seq.extensi ON s" seq
90 "*** 6 "superm ON 8032" prg
91 "*** 24 "superm ON inst" prg
92 "*** 13 "superm ON 1.rel" prg
93 "*** 9 "superm ON 2.rel" prg
94 "*** 9 "superm ON 4.rel" prg
95 "*** 34 "TO mlabels" seq
96 "*** 26 "unassembler.cbm" prg
97 "*** 32 "unassembler.mae" prg
98 "*** 9 "VERIFY m-l" prg
99 "*** 3 "VERIFY src" prg
100 "*** 7 "z/plabels" seq
101 "
102 " ************************* that's all folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
49 " some of the stuff on this disk may be in BASIC 2
50 " and work best on 40 col screens - but as this is a
51 " 8296 system disks that may be unlikely !!! - k.r. 5/97
101 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
102 :rem to use printer
103 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
104 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
112 "*** 0 "8296d SYS temdisk" pn 2c
113 "*** 23 "burnin8296" prg
114 "*** 17 "add-ON -LOAD.src" seq
115 "*** 73 "add-ON -m ON.src" seq
116 "*** 2 "add-ON -LOAD" prg
117 "*** 7 "add-ON -m ON" prg
118 "*** 65 "basic2.0" prg
119 "*** 81 "basic4.0/40" prg
120 "*** 81 "basic4.0/80" prg
121 "*** 2 "EXP AND ed-demo" prg
122 "*** 4 "EXP AND ed-basic" prg
123 "*** 1 "sttest" prg
124 "*** 1 "test1" prg
125 "*** 1 "test2" prg
126 "*** 1 "test3" prg
127 "*** 2 "test4" prg
128 "*** 36 "EXP -basic.src" seq
129 "*** 5 "dos supp OR t" prg
130 "*** 11 "per FOR mance test" prg
131 "*** 8 "unit TO unit" prg
132 "*** 3 "change address" prg
133 "*** 27 "PRINT er demo" prg
134 "*** 12 "sequential" prg
135 "*** 16 "EXP AND relative" prg
136 "*** 81 "basic4.0/80(d)" prg
137 "*** 87 "8296d diagnostic" prg
138 "*** 1403 blocks free.
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
51 "
101 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
102 :rem to use printer
103 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
104 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
114 " blocks used -- program or seq file
115 " prg name
116 " adventure8050
117 "*** ``1````"adventure`game"```seq`````````````````````````````````````````
118 "*** ``9````"advf`0"```````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
119 "*** ``5````"advf`1"```````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
120 "*** ``2````"advf`10"``````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
121 "*** ``2````"advf`11"``````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
122 "*** ``2````"advf`12"``````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
123 "*** ``2````"advf`13"``````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
124 "*** ``5````"advf`2"```````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
125 "*** ``3````"advf`20"``````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
126 "*** ``7````"advf`21"``````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
127 "*** ``6````"advf`22"``````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
128 "*** ``5````"advf`23"``````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
129 "*** ``6````"advf`24"``````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
130 "*** ``7````"advf`25"``````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
131 "*** ``11```"advf`26"``````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
132 "*** ``6````"advf`27"``````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
133 "*** ``5````"advf`28"``````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
134 "*** ``1````"advf`29"``````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
135 "*** ``4````"advf`3"```````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
136 "*** ``7````"advf`31"``````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
137 "*** ``3````"advf`4"```````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
138 "*** ``4````"advf`5"```````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
139 "*** ``6````"advf`6"```````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
140 "*** ``3````"advf`7"```````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
141 "*** ``4````"advf`8"```````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
142 "*** ``4````"advf`9"```````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
143 "*** ``9````"advitm"```````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
144 "*** ``8````"advkeys"``````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
145 "*** ``21```"advmap"```````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
146 "*** ``9````"advpos"```````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
147 "*** ``18```"advshor"``````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
148 "*** ``49```"adventure"````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
149 "*** ``1````"advboot"``````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
150 "*** ``1````"hirst`hotel"``````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
151 "*** ``36```"data"`````````````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
152 "*** ``9````"instr`reservat"```prg`````````````````````````````````````````
153 "*** ``29```"bookings`update"``seq`````````````````````````````````````````
154 "*** ``14```"annual`data"``````seq`````````````````````````````````````````
155 "*** ``23```"bar`pricesmk3"````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
156 "*** ``33```"yearly`bal"```````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
157 "*** ``25```"mnthly`bal"```````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
158 "*** ``3````"createrel"````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
159 "*** ``24```"hotel`bkgsmk2"````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
160 "*** ``26```"reservations"`````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
161 "*** ``25```"date"`````````````rel`````````````````````````````````````````
162 "*** ``25```"mnthly`bal`pr"````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
163 "*** ``19```"calcs`profit"`````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
164 " the advent/hotel disk is on one 8050 or one 4040
165 " disk
167 " this was among the first adventure games written
168 " the adventure game is best played with pen and paper
169 " handy to make maps
170 " for those of you who wish to have a helping hand
171 " see if you can find a book called
172 " exploring adventures on the vic
173 " or
174 " ditto c-64
175 " by peter gerrard
176 " its out of print so good luck !
177 " my copy isn't for sale !
178 " start the thing off with the advboot prg
179 " hint
180 " forest then ravine !
181 " but take care watch out for the
182 " aaaarrgghhhh!!!
183 " it got me!!
184 " the hirst hotel prgs came from
185 " r.s. hirst of bournemouth
186 " they are a range of programs to do
187 " the paperwork for a small hotel
188 " i found them on a disk marked
189 " 8096/4040 , r.s. hirst bournemouth
190 " they come with an instruction prg
193 " no other info as yet 16/9/95
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************
1 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
2 " ********************************
3 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
4 " *** be sold or published ****
5 " *** for profit. ****
6 " ********************************
7 " * To the best of our knowledge *
8 " * the programs on this disk *
9 " * are in the public domain. *
10 " * *
11 " * Should this not be the case, *
12 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
13 " * *
14 " ********************************
15 "
16 " some of the stuff on this disk may be in BASIC 2
17 " and work best on 40 col screens
18 "
19 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
20 :rem to use printer
21 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
22 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
23 REM
24 "*** 1 "diagnostics " ds 2c
25 "*** 23 "burnin8296" prg
26 "*** 87 "8296d diagnostic" prg
27 "*** 13 "8032.mem.prg" prg
28 "*** 11 "per FOR mance test" prg
29 "*** 91 "los.......110m" prg
30 "*** 5 "start-catal.cv0p" prg
31 "*** 4 "start/call..cu1p" prg
32 "*** 2 "call.e65169.cu0m" prg
33 "*** 1 "tab.e32614..cu0m" prg
34 "*** 3 "index m ON i TO r" prg
35 "*** 3 "cs(catal-screen)" prg
36 "*** 2 "err OR codes.ct0p" prg
37 "*** 2 "lower boundary" prg
38 "*** 5 "catal.......cv0p" prg
39 "*** 4 "call........cu1p" prg
40 "*** 1 "" prg
41 "*** 13 "8000 test" prg
42 "*** 5 "check disk" prg
43 "*** 15 "diagnostic boot" prg
44 "*** 4 "PRINT er test" prg
45 "*** 13 "4000 test" prg
46 "*** 13 "4032&8050 test" prg
47 "*** 46 "discdiags" prg
48 "*** 45 "discdiag" prg
49 "*** 45 "ma TO rdiscdiag" prg for the mator shark hard disk drive
50 "*** 47 "full 8050 test" prg
51 "*** 55 "alignment prog" prg
52 "*** 67 "speed adjustment" prg
53 "*** 15 "pll checking" prg
54 "*** 33 "digital brd test" prg
55 "*** 11 "4032 test" prg
56 "*** 15 "8032 test" prg
57 "*** 10 "baud rate test" prg
58 "*** 54 "" prg
59 "*** 13 "8096 mem.prog" prg
60 "*** 11 "8250 per" prg
61 "*** 10 "perf" prg
62 "*** 10 "perf1" prg
63 "*** 10 "perf test" prg
64 "this disk was donated by david stone of southend
65 "
66 " ************************* that's all folks ************
1 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
2 " ********************************
3 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
4 " *** be sold or published ****
5 " *** for profit. ****
6 " ********************************
7 " * To the best of our knowledge *
8 " * the programs on this disk *
9 " * are in the public domain. *
10 " * *
11 " * Should this not be the case, *
12 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
13 " * *
14 " ********************************
15 "
16 " some of the stuff on this disk may be in BASIC 2
17 " and work best on 40 col screens
18 "
19 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
20 :rem to use printer
21 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
22 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
23 " blocks used -- program or seq file
24 " prg name ken's remarks nov93
25 " browndisk1
26 "*** ``8````"startup"``````````prg```troy`hackers`greatest`hit`!```````````
28 "*** ``10```"copy/all"`````````prg````butterfeild`again`!``````````````````
29 "*** ``14```"wraptrap"`````````prg```8032`game`credits`sept`81`````````````
30 "*** ``17```"space`def"````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
31 "*** ``27```"moonland"`````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
32 "*** ``32```"starfleet"````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
33 "*** ``11```"maze"`````````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
34 "*** ``10```"minefield"````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
35 "*** ``61```"spaceace"`````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
36 "*** ``33```"time`chess"```````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
37 "*** ``21```"siege"````````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
38 "*** ``25```"bridge`partner"```prg```game``````````````````````````````````
39 "*** ``25```"bridge"```````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
40 "*** ``22```"space`shuttle"````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
41 "*** ``10```"dragonfly"````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
44 "*** ``23```"android`nim"``````prg```canada`79`good`graphics`game``````````
45 "*** ``29```"startrek"`````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
46 "*** ``29```"blackjack"````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
48 "*** ``4````"directory"````````prg``very`slow`menu`prg`not`as`good`as`start
49 "*** 122 "petchess" prg chess game -won't let you make daft moves
50 " peices moved by co-ords not KB3 etc
51 "*** ``29```"invaders"`````````prg```d=left`,g=right`,@=`fire!`````````````
52 "*** ``33```"ski`run"``````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
53 "*** ``21```"siege2"```````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
54 "*** ``61```"space`ace`2"``````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
55 "*** ``33```"timechess2"```````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
56 "*** ``22```"othello"``````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
57 "*** ``23```"dominoes"`````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
58 "*** ``24```"jason"````````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
59 "*** ``43```"labyrinth"````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
60 "*** ``4````"tune"`````````````prg``music`out`of`cb2`line``````````````````
61 "*** ``8````"slot`machine"`````prg``what`it`says```````````````````````````
62 "*** ``29```"fast`invaders"````prg```d=left`,g=right`,@=`fire!`````````````
63 "*** ``73```""`````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
64 "*** ``1````"mike"`````````````prg```needs`missing`files```````````````````
65 "*** ``8````"a`c`trainer"``````prg``good`cartoon`!`````````````````````````
66 "*** ``1````"warble"```````````prg``game```````````````````````````````````
67 "*** 43 "graphix" prg petspeed compiled - can't run it-no info
68 "*** ``11```"reverse"``````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
69 "*** ``13```"earth`def"````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
70 "*** ``18```"lettermaze"```````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
71 "*** ``21```"hangman"``````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
72 "*** ``15```"pinball"``````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
73 "*** ``6````"mastermind"```````prg``game```````````````````````````````````
74 "*** 51 "snakes" prg petspeed compiled - can't run it-no info
75 "*** ````````````````````````needs`file`on`tape#1`!````````````````````````
76 "*** ``12```"demolition"```````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
77 "*** ``9````"roadrace"`````````prg``game```````````````````````````````````
78 "*** ``21```"duel"`````````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
79 "*** ``9````"timtrap"``````````prg``game```````````````````````````````````
80 "*** ``18```"tape144"``````````prg```print`out`of`a`record`label```````````
81 "*** ``5````"command3"`````````prg``list`of`commands`file``````````````````
82 "*** ``16```"instructions2"````prg```list`of`commands`file`````````````````
83 "*** ``5````"universal`wedge"``prg``cbm`demo`disk`bit``````````````````````
84 "*** ``8````"unit`to`unit"`````prg``variety`of`copy`all````````````````````
85 "*** ``3````"change`8050"``````prg``change`device`#````````````````````````
86 "*** ``11```"copy`2040`-`8050"`prg```variety`of`copy`all`uses`change`device
87 "*** ``27```"printer`demo"`````prg```cbm`demo`disk`bit`````````````````````
88 "*** ``12```"sequential"```````prg```prg`to`write/read`seq`file````````````
89 "*** ``11```"performance`test"`prg```cbm`demo`disk`bit`````````````````````
90 "*** ``5````"check`disk"```````prg``cbm`demo`disk`bit``````````````````````
91 "*** ``17```"logic`diagnostic"`prg```tests`chips`&`flashes`drive`lights````
92 "*** 13 "8032.mem.prg" prg 8096 bit - diagnostic
93 "*** ``17```"add-on-load.src"``seq```8096`bits`````````````````````````````
94 "*** ``73```"add-on-mon.src"```seq```8096`bits`````````````````````````````
95 "*** 2 "add-ON -LOAD" prg uses basicx.0etc prgs
96 "*** ``7````"add-on-mon"```````prg``8096`bits``````````````````````````````
97 "*** 65 "basic2.0" prg turns 8096 into 3032 with business keys
98 "*** ``81```"basic4.0/40"``````prg```8096`bits`````````````````````````````
99 "*** ``81```"basic4.0/80"``````prg```8096`bits`````````````````````````````
100 "*** ``2````"expanded-demo"````prg``8096`bits``````````````````````````````
101 "*** ``4````"expanded-basic"```prg``8096`bits``````````````````````````````
102 "*** ``1````"sttest"```````````prg``8096`bits``````````````````````````````
103 "*** ``1````"test1"````````````prg``8096`bits``````````````````````````````
104 "*** ``1````"test2"````````````prg``8096`bits``````````````````````````````
105 "*** ``1````"test3"````````````prg``8096`bits``````````````````````````````
106 "*** ``2````"test4"````````````prg``8096`bits``````````````````````````````
107 "*** ``36```"exp-basic.src"````seq```8096`bits`````````````````````````````
108 "*** ``213`blocks`free.````````````````````````````````````````````````````
109 "well thats all the info i can glean from this this lot!
110 "i've just swept the stuff off 3 disks a contact named
111 "brown sent me so hence the name of the disk , then
112 "checked it after - it may just be that i'm doing something
113 "wrong when i can't do something with them !
114 "warning - a poke used in basic2 can cause damage to
115 "basic4 screens - if the bottom 2 or 3 lines merge
116 "or shrink together stop ! & erase the poke or dump
117 "the prg ! i havn't found it in any of the items
118 "i've checked but i havn't checked all of them !
119 "i only mention this as theres a prg called basic2 on
120 "this disk and 'knowledge is power !' .
121 "according to references the add-on-load & add-on-mon
122 "contain small bugs
123 "load :- if the named operating system could not be found
124 "the program re-tried for a new file name but no message
125 "was displayed .there was no graceful exit from the prog
126 "two modifications to the source code are needed
127 "(i've got no details as to what -k.r)
128 "mon:- bug is more severe , when performing a save from the
129 "monitor the pointers to the start adress of the save were
130 "not set up - fine if the prog just loaded was being
131 "re-saved but disastrous otherwise
132 "info from j.g
133 "see journal sept/oct92 for more info other '8096 bits'
134 "if one to hand !
135 "
136 " ************************* that's all folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
11 " ********************************
12 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
13 " *** be sold or published ****
14 " *** for profit. ****
15 " ********************************
16 " * To the best of our knowledge *
17 " * the programs on this disk *
18 " * are in the public domain. *
19 " * *
20 " * Should this not be the case, *
21 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
22 " * *
23 " ********************************
24 "
25 " some of the stuff on this disk may be in BASIC 2
26 " and work best on 40 col screens
27 "
28 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
29 :rem to use printer
30 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
31 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
32 "** locks`used`--`program`or`seq`file`````````````````````````````````````
33 "** ````````prg`name``````````````````````````````````````````````````````
34 "** ``1`"games```````````"`02`2c``````````````````````````````````````````
35 "** ``61```"spaceace"`````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
36 "** ``26```"startrek"`````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
37 "** ``24```"trek"`````````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
38 "** ``21```"siege"````````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
39 "** ``33```"ski"``````````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
40 "** ``11```"brands`hatch"`````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
41 "** ``7````"break80"``````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
42 "** ``23```"android`nim"``````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
43 "** ``29```"atlantic`patrol"``prg`````````````````````````````````````````
44 "** ``21```"bigfigs"``````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
45 "** ``20```"canyon"```````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
46 "** ``27```"dam`buster"```````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
47 "** ``21```"dungeon"``````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
48 "** ``16```"ferry"````````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
49 "** ``56```"labyrinth"````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
50 "** ``13```"life"`````````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
51 "** ``55```"nightmare`park"```prg`````````````````````````````````````````
52 "** ``23```"ouranos"``````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
53 "** ``20```"piranha"``````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
54 "** ``20```"spacefighter"`````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
55 "** ``28```"tablut"```````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
56 "** ``22```"tank`battle"``````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
57 "** ``10```"wrap`trap"````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
58 "** ``24```"attack!"``````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
59 "** ``17```"capture!"`````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
60 "** ``27```"concorde`lander"``prg`````````````````````````````````````````
61 "** ``20```"dots"`````````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
62 "** ``14```"forest-ambush"````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
63 "** ``23```"frog"`````````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
64 "** ``25```"golf"`````````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
65 "** ``24```"jumbo`jet`lander"`prg`````````````````````````````````````````
66 "** ``15```"lawn"`````````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
67 "** ``19```"maxit"````````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
68 "** ``24```"money`table"``````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
69 "** ``18```"rail"`````````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
70 "** ``26```"ratrun"```````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
71 "** ``19```"rescue!"``````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
72 "** ``24```"safe!"````````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
73 "** ``6````"surround"`````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
74 "** ``23```"tank!"````````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
75 "** ``13```"zap"``````````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
76 "** ``24```"air`traffic"``````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
77 "** ``17```"fire!"````````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
78 "** ``23```"gold`mine"````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
79 "** ``24```"police"```````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
80 "** ``25```"slot!"````````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
81 "** ``23```"dance!"```````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
82 "** ``18```"emaze!"```````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
83 "** ``55```"miser"````````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
84 "** ``22```"subkiller"````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
85 "** ``49```"adventure"````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
86 "** ``5````"locksmith2"```````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
87 "** ``10```"ins`dodge"````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
88 "** ``27```"dodge`city"```````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
89 "** ``20```"black`box"````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
90 "** ``19```"fruit`mach"```````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
91 "** ``13```"3d`tic`tac`toe"```prg`````````````````````````````````````````
92 "** ``16```"alien`attack"`````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
93 "** ``23```"backgammom1"``````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
94 "** ``26```"backgammon"```````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
95 "** ``25```"thunt"````````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
96 "** ``25```"wumpus"```````````prg`````````````````````````````````````````
97 "** the game disk is on one 8050 or three 4040
98 "** disks
99 "** the only prg on here that isn't a game
100 "* is ''locksmith2''- this prg will make
101 "** a basic prg unlistable and run on
102 "** loading , this prg itself is in a
103 "** listable state !
104 "** its one of jim butterfields productions
105 "** the games have various credits on them
106 "** there will be some repeats from other disks
107 "** due to the quantity of prg's on the disk
108 "** but i've decided to keep it as i found it!
109 "
110 " ************************* that's all folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
49 " some of the stuff on this disk may be in BASIC 2
50 " and work best on 40 col screens
51 "
104 "** blocks used -- program or seq file
105 "*** prg name ken's remarks feb95
106 "*** 0 "juppdisk1 " 95 2c
107 "*** 4 "bearing shots" prg game
108 "*** 9 "hammurabi" prg game
109 "*** 16 "how many a's" prg game
110 "*** 29 "s/inv" prg game
111 "*** 5 "mr tall" prg game
112 "*** 19 "trig ratios" prg game
113 "*** 10 "abacus tables" prg game
114 "*** 46 "capital cities" prg game
115 "*** 26 "circuits" prg game
116 "*** 31 "britain map" prg game
117 "*** 60 "picture spell" prg game
118 "*** 25 "fracti ON s drill" prg game
119 "*** 5 "htu" prg game
120 "*** 7 "l ON g divisi ON" prg game
121 "*** 15 "large maths" prg game
122 "*** 30 "keepingbook1" prg book keeping prg
123 "*** 16 "1361 invoice pro" prg 1361/8023 printer format stuff
124 "*** 7 "yahtzee sheets" prg game
125 "*** 5 "cluedo sheets" prg game
126 "*** ``5````"french`vocab"`````prg``game```````````````````````````````````
127 "*** ``4````"codes/decodes"````prg``game```````````````````````````````````
128 "*** ``14```"capital`quiz"`````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
129 "*** ``25```"dambusters`4"`````prg```40`col`game``canadian`origin``````````
130 "*** ``12```"bouncyball"```````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
131 "*** ``14```"hangman/2"````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
132 "*** ``26```"bank`robber@"`````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
133 "*** ``13```"zombies"``````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
134 "*** ``4````"time`test"````````prg``game```````````````````````````````````
135 "*** ``7````"basic`arithmetic"`prg``game```````````````````````````````````
136 "*** ``1````"moving`ball"``````prg``game```````````````````````````````````
137 "*** ``3````"bridge`dealing"```prg``game```````````````````````````````````
138 "*** ``12```"age`tables"```````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
139 "*** ``22```"android`nim"``````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
140 "*** ``26```"ratrun"```````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
141 "*** ``21```"tank`battle"``````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
142 "*** ``29```"car`rally"````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
143 "*** ``20```"depth`charge"`````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
144 "*** ``6````"noughts`&`x's"````prg``game```````````````````````````````````
145 "*** ``9````"noises"```````````prg``game```````````````````````````````````
146 "*** ``8````"snake@"```````````prg``game```````````````````````````````````
147 "*** ``26```"atlantic`patrol"``prg```game``````````````````````````````````
148 "*** ``28```"directed`numbers"`prg```game``````````````````````````````````
149 "*** ``9````"candidate`list"```prg``1361/8023`printer`format`stuff`````````
150 "*** ``13```"entrance`exam"````prg```1361/8023`printer`format`stuff````````
151 "*** ``5````"marksheet"````````prg``1361/8023`printer`format`stuff`````````
152 "*** ``15```"moon`landing"`````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
153 "*** ``11```"capquiz-randomqs"`prg```game``````````````````````````````````
154 "*** ``2````"no.order`prog"````prg``game```````````````````````````````````
155 "*** ``28```"patterns"`````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
156 "*** ``23```"mult.tables"``````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
157 "*** ``8````"hurkle"```````````prg``game```````````````````````````````````
158 "*** ``15```"3d`histogram"`````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
159 "*** ``27```"verb`endings"`````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
160 "*** ``28```"fraction`boxes"```prg```game``````````````````````````````````
161 "*** ``6````"histogram"````````prg``game```````````````````````````````````
162 "*** ``19```"wordmatch"````````prg```game``````````````````````````````````
163 "*** ``3````"scrn`rvrse`rtne"``prg``subroutine`````````````````````````````
164 "*** ``23```"burnin8296"```````prg```!!!!!!!!!!````````````````````````````
165 "*** ``22```"copy/all.v5"``````prg````butterfeild`again`!`with`tierney`````
166 "*** ``49```"1361balancesheet"`prg```1361/8023`printer`format`stuff````````
167 "*** ``30```"1361`bills`progr"`prg```1361/8023`printer`format`stuff````````
168 "*** ``30```"one`line`bills"```prg```1361/8023`printer`format`stuff````````
169 "*** ``48```"profit&loss"``````prg```1361/8023`printer`format`stuff````````
170 "*** ``15```"new`invoice"``````prg```1361/8023`printer`format`stuff````````
171 "*** this lot came from a fellow icpug member called keith jupp
172 "*** at the present i've not checked that many of the games
173 "*** but they're here at least !
174 "*** ken ross feb 95
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
49 " some of the stuff on this disk may be in BASIC 2
50 " and work best on 40 col screens
51 "
101 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
102 :rem to use printer
103 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
104 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
110 "***
111 REM
112 "*** 1 " cbm pet 8032" xs 2c
113 "*** 9 "au TO LOAD" prg
114 "*** 43 "papermate" prg
115 "*** 13 "envelope labels" prg
200 " an early wp prg
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
49 " some of the stuff on this disk may be in BASIC 2
50 " and work best on 40 col screens
51 "
101 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
102 :rem to use printer
103 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
104 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
114 "*** blocks used -- program or seq file
115 "*** prg name remarks oct 95
116 "*** games
117 "*** ```24```"othello"``````````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
118 "*** ```7````"breakout"`````````prg``game``````````````````````````````````
119 "*** ```10```"wrap`trap"````````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
120 "*** ```24```"attack"```````````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
121 "*** ```16```"defend`base"``````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
122 "*** ```14```"forest`ambush"````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
123 "*** ```15```"lawn"`````````````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
124 "*** ```19```"maxit"````````````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
125 "*** ```26```"ratrun"```````````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
126 "*** ```24```"safe!"````````````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
127 "*** ```24```"yahtzee"``````````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
128 "***```55```"miser"````````````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
129 "*** ```29```"atlantic`patrol"``prg```game`````````````````````````````````
130 "*** ```20```"canyon"```````````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
131 "*** ```27```"dam`buster"```````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
132 "*** ```21```"dungeon"``````````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
133 "*** ```16```"ferry"````````````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
134 "*** ```56```"labyrinth"````````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
135 "*** ```27```"lunar`lander"`````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
136 "*** ```16```"match"````````````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
137 "*** ```55```"nightmare`park"```prg```game`````````````````````````````````
138 "*** ```23```"ouranos"``````````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
139 "*** ```20```"piranha"``````````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
140 "*** ```20```"spacefighter"`````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
141 "*** ```28```"tablut"```````````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
142 "*** ```22```"tank`battle"``````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
143 "*** ```8````"way`out"``````````prg``game``````````````````````````````````
144 "* 25 "invader80" prg a= fire ,return =l , @= right (on my 8032)
145 "*** ```107``"monopoly"`````````prg````for`6`players```````````````````````
146 "*** ```22```"afo"``````````````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
147 "*** ```19```"rescue!"``````````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
148 "*** ```17```"vos"``````````````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
149 "*** ```9````"fifteen"``````````prg``game``````````````````````````````````
150 "*** ```19```"one`arm`bandit"```prg```game`````````````````````````````````
151 "*** ```19```"super`9x9"````````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
152 "*** ```9````"horse`race"```````prg``game``````````````````````````````````
153 "*** ```33```"ski"``````````````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
154 "*** ```61```"space`ace"````````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
155 "*** ```21```"seige"````````````prg```game`````````````````````````````````
156 "* 26 "star trek" prg see education disk ,browndisk,gamesdisk
157 "*** ```24```"startrek"`````````prg```for`repeats`of`this``````````````````
158 "*** ```5````"ascii`read"```````prg```butterfeild`again!`-`reads`seq`files`
159 "*** this lot came from a chap in wales called john davies
160 "*** at the present i've not checked that many of the games
161 "*** but they're here at least !
162 "*** ken ross oct 95
163 "*** please note that most of the games can be found
164 "*** on other disks
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************