This is a list of the CBM/PET library as it is at present from the catalouge disks but there are some additional bits that are due to go onto the list at present . There is a seperate page for the 700 series
However - all contributions gratefully received !!
main menu page
page one of PET/CBM library items
page two of this list of PET/CBM library items
page three of this list of PET/CBM library items
page four of this list of PET/CBM library items
page five of this list of PET/CBM library items
10 REM
20 REM
30 POKE 59468 ,14
100 GOTO 170
110 REM print on sub
120 OPEN 1,4,7: PRINT#1:CLOSE 1:OPEN 1,4 : CMD 1
140 REM print off sub
150 PRINT#1 :CLOSE 1
155 CLOSE 4
170 PRINT" intro kendisk7 nov93 "
175 PRINT"KD7 "
550 PRINT"want hard copy Y/N ";:INPUT p$ :IF p$="y" THEN GOSUB 110
555 GOTO 930
760 REM hit sub
770 IF p$="y" THEN GOTO 840
780 PRINT" "
790 IF y$="y" THEN GOTO 850
810 GET z$:IF z$>"" GOTO 810
820 GET z$: IF z$="" GOTO 820
830 PRINT" ";
860 REM
930 REM first line
931 b$=" book ": m$=" modified ":o$=" originated "
935 PRINT"we'll ignore the real first prg on this bunch as it's"
940 PRINT"that old favourite hit of troy hackers :-startup"
945 PRINT"and move onto my work"
950 PRINT"rita ";o$
955 PRINT" R ecord I nformation TA bulator"
960 PRINT" this prg will process the data held in array at the end of"
965 PRINT"the prog in a variety of ways , i wrote it to deal with our"
970 PRINT"record collection , data = title , artist ,LP name "
975 PRINT"options ="
980 GOSUB 760
990 POKE 59468,14
992 FOR i=1 TO 79: PRINT CHR$(166);:NEXT i:PRINT
994 PRINT CHR$(166),"ken ross aug 93 ";TAB(78)CHR$(166)
996 PRINT CHR$(166),"Record Information TAbulator";TAB(78)CHR$(166)
998 PRINT CHR$(166),"R I TA ";TAB(78)CHR$(166)
1000 FOR i= 1 TO 4 :PRINT CHR$(166),TAB(78)CHR$(166):NEXT i
1002 PRINT CHR$(166),"options 1= search for title ";TAB(78)CHR$(166)
1004 PRINT CHR$(166)," 2= artist";TAB(78)CHR$(166)
1006 PRINT CHR$(166)," 3= titles that start with";TAB(78)CHR$(166)
1008 PRINT CHR$(166),"options 4= album list";TAB(78)CHR$(166)
1010 PRINT CHR$(166)," 5= contents of an album";TAB(78)CHR$(166)
1012 PRINT CHR$(166)," 6= complete info listing";TAB(78)CHR$(166)
1014 PRINT CHR$(166),"options 7= complete search for phrase in title";
1016 PRINT TAB(78)CHR$(166)
1018 PRINT CHR$(166)," q= quit , . = return to menu after";TAB(78)CHR$(166)
1020 FOR i= 1 TO 3 :PRINT CHR$(166),TAB(78)CHR$(166):NEXT i
1022 FOR i=1 TO 79: PRINT CHR$(166);:NEXT i:PRINT
1024 PRINT"hit return to carry on . ?"
1025 GOSUB 760
1026 PRINT"then it runs the data into arrays ( 106 in sample data)"
1028 PRINT"x= amount of records in this section of real prg"
1030 PRINT"then you get the options screen"
1032 PRINT"find title=1 ,artist=2 ,search=3 ,albums=4 ,album contents=5";
1034 PRINT" complete list=6 complete search=7 q ?"
1035 PRINT
1040 PRINT"it has printout options on each section - its set up on"
1045 PRINT"my 4022 so it may need modification to work on different"
1050 PRINT"machines on tabbing "
1051 PRINT"on my 8032 i've got around 700 items in the data arrays"
1052 PRINT"and theres still a bit more room "
1055 PRINT
1060 PRINT"hints¬es ";o$
1065 PRINT"lumps of letters written to people dealing with"
1070 PRINT"odds & sods - one section is about creating IEEE cables"
1075 PRINT"seq files written with PETPRO#2 then concated together"
1080 PRINT"to put them onto this disk"
1085 PRINT"assorted stuff - delve through and you may find something"
1090 PRINT"useful"
1095 GOSUB 760
1100 PRINT"traverse ";o$
1105 PRINT"surveying prg dealing with closed loop traverse "
1110 PRINT"uses bowditch correction for final results "
1115 PRINT"works out eastings & northings "
1120 PRINT"reduced bearings etc "
1125 PRINT"partial & full co-ords "
1130 PRINT"( bearings in deg , mins , secs )"
1135 PRINT
1140 PRINT"frenchchmod ";m$
1145 PRINT"the french teaching prg from disk CH modified (mangled!)"
1150 PRINT"by me to try something out , its a english into french"
1155 PRINT"translator with a limited vocabulary "
1156 GOSUB 760
1160 PRINT
1165 PRINT"antijulius ";o$ ;" +";m$
1170 PRINT"a decoder of messages sent in shifted alphabet"
1175 PRINT"i heard somewhere that julius cesear was the first person"
1180 PRINT"to use the system hence the name"
1185 PRINT"uses a bubble sorting routine pulled off another icpug disk"
1190 PRINT"to find the most frequently used letters then trys out the"
1195 PRINT"most commonly used letters in the english language in those"
1200 PRINT"positions in shifted alphabet and shows you the results"
1205 PRINT
1210 PRINT"notegraph ";o$;" +";m$
1215 PRINT"explore the tonal qualitys of your machine"
1220 PRINT"modified etchasketch with the cursor shifting"
1225 PRINT"notes & timbre against a graph "
1230 PRINT
1235 PRINT"barchart ";o$
1240 PRINT"creates a barchart on screen from pokes etc"
1245 PRINT"the fractional part of the bars isn't all that wonderful"
1250 PRINT"but it looks ok -inspired by my casio 7500G "
1255 PRINT"can get printout using screen dump from aid"
1260 GOSUB 760
1265 PRINT"matrix ";o$
1270 PRINT"AÝ REALÝ MATRIX prog not that linear eq from other icpug disk!"
1275 PRINT"it'll deal with up to 9*9 matrix before it wraps around &"
1280 PRINT"looks untidy "
1285 PRINT"for those who dont know what a matrix looks like this is"
1290 PRINT"one"
1295 PRINT"123 456 789"
1300 PRINT"987 654 321"
1305 PRINT"123 456 789"
1310 PRINT"well thats a 3*3 matrix -it'll multiply , subtract and add"
1315 PRINT"two of them "
1320 PRINT
1325 PRINT"cdwrapper ";o$
1330 PRINT"this'll create a wrapper for cd covers on my 4022 printer"
1335 PRINT" fellow 4022 owners attention ! "
1340 PRINT"this'll print enhanced letters sideways along the LH side"
1345 PRINT"of the paper then print info etc like this"
1350 GOSUB 760
1355 PRINT"screen example"
1356 POKE 59468,12
1360 FOR i=1 TO 42 : PRINT"-";:NEXT i: PRINT
1365 FOR i=1 TO 6: PRINT TAB(41)":" :NEXT i
1370 PRINT"lRROP text up 17 letters";TAB(41)":"
1375 PRINT" text up 17 letters";TAB(41)":"
1380 PRINT"lRjRRT text up 17 letters";TAB(41)":"
1385 PRINT"[RRR] text up 17 letters";TAB(41)":"
1390 PRINT"lRlRRT text up 17 letters";TAB(41)":"
1395 PRINT"CCCCC text up 17 letters";TAB(41)":"
1400 PRINT"RRRRRT text up 17 letters";TAB(41)":"
1410 PRINT"[RRR] text up 17 letters";TAB(41)":"
1420 FOR i=1 TO 2: PRINT TAB(41)":" :NEXT i
1430 FOR i=1 TO 42 : PRINT"-";:NEXT i: PRINT
1440 PRINT TAB(5)"cliece 5"
1450 FOR i=1 TO 42 : PRINT"-";:NEXT i: PRINT
1455 PRINT"hit any key" :GOSUB 760
1460 POKE 59468,14
1465 PRINT"well the print out looks far better than my picture"
1470 PRINT"on screen !"
1475 PRINT"it prints a-z , 0-9 , ! - = + . $ "
1480 PRINT"also mapped is a pound sign under the #
1485 PRINT"dollar under the @ "
1490 PRINT"the type face has quite a 30's feel to it in some cases"
1495 PRINT"quite accidently ! if it hasn't got a symbol it'll "
1500 PRINT"print a space "
1501 GOSUB 760
1505 PRINT
1510 PRINT"bookbar ";b$;m$
1515 PRINT"barchart prg from 40 useful subs (etc) for the PET"
1520 PRINT"its been laying around amongst a pile of other things"
1525 PRINT"for ages and i only discovered it after finishing"
1530 PRINT"my bar chart prg ! "
1535 PRINT"i've modified it for 80 cols and replaced"
1540 PRINT"''----------- etc '' with loops "
1545 PRINT"(i seem to use them a lot!)
1550 PRINT"when entering data ( up to 31 cols )"
1555 PRINT"any negative #'s will finish data entry and go on to"
1560 PRINT"draw the graph "
1565 PRINT"DO NOT SCREENDUMP THIS ON 4022 printer !!!!"
1570 PRINT"as this screen could produce far too much heat on our"
1575 PRINT"machines heads - other machine owners use own judgement"
1580 GOSUB 760
1581 GOTO 1700
1582 REM loop back
1585 PRINT"well thats all for this disk :- as per usual feel free"
1590 PRINT"to re-number & rewrite as you see fit but don't forget"
1595 PRINT"its nice to have new prgs in the library so send"
1600 PRINT"the final results to the current ICPUG CBM/PET librarian"
1605 PRINT"as i'm sure he'd love to hear from you !"
1610 PRINT"any comments etc about updates about this lot"
1615 PRINT"ken ross
1620 PRINT"london
1625 PRINT"will find me :- sae's please for definite replys !"
1630 GOSUB 760
1650 STOP
1700 PRINT"tapewipetime ";b$;m$;o$
1705 PRINT"bit from strasms's book about using the internal clock"
1710 PRINT"with my bits tacked around it "
1715 PRINT"i use it for wiping bits of audio cassettes "
1716 PRINT"using the CBM's tape deck "
1720 PRINT"enter how long a chunk is be be wiped , mins & secs"
1725 PRINT"burst of cheeping to give you time to press play & record"
1730 PRINT"on the tape recorder , during the cheeping the motor"
1735 PRINT"is switched off , and it starts running when the clock"
1740 PRINT"comes on screen , then at the desired time more"
1745 PRINT"cheeping announces the motors switched off & its "
1750 PRINT"time to remove the tape , then returns to start"
1755 PRINT" no machine code in it - just pokes & BASIC ! "
1756 PRINT"machine code could be used to sense the pressing"
1757 PRINT"of the tape controls but i couldn't figure out how"
1758 PRINT"hence cheeping at start of prg !"
1770 GOSUB 760
1775 PRINT"rita#2 ";o$
1780 PRINT"upgraded version of rita earlier on , this version uses"
1785 PRINT"data stored on disk in seq format - hurrah for BASIC4.0 !"
1790 PRINT"with its dopen & dclose "
1795 PRINT"i've included some data to play with & ritawriter"
1800 PRINT"a prg that writes data arrays into seq file on disk"
1805 PRINT"then they can be conat'd together afterward for"
1810 PRINT"further additions"
1815 PRINT
1820 GOSUB 760
1830 PRINT"ritadsf "
1840 PRINT"a variety of rita#2 but this has the directory files"
1850 PRINT"from the disks i had to hand , listed then saved as seq"
1860 PRINT"files then processed by dsfwriter into varous strings"
1870 PRINT"load''$(n)'',8 "
1880 PRINT"then"
1890 PRINT"open1,8,3,''0:filename,s,w'':cmd1:list:print#1"
1900 PRINT"then run dsfwriter"
1910 PRINT"which takes it from drive 0 and saves it onto d1"
1920 PRINT"under the same file name so you can concat away"
1930 PRINT"please note as the dsfdata file i've created"
1940 PRINT"has not been checked i've only just created it"
1950 PRINT"for demo purposes "
1951 GOSUB 760
3000 PRINT"STEELBEAM#NOV93 ";b$;m$;o$
3010 PRINT"modified version of steelbeamdes kendisk4 & steelbeam#jan93"
3015 PRINT"kendisk6 and this version should be easier to use - i hope !"
3020 PRINT"for civil students it follows "
3030 PRINT"stages 4a or 4c from lavan & fletchers student's guide to"
3040 PRINT"structural design "
3050 PRINT"input grade of steel "
3060 PRINT"span , # loads , point/ total udl / total triangle"
3070 PRINT"(unfactored ) , how much span it covers , dead or imposed"
3080 PRINT"it calcs bending moment & shear & where max "
3090 PRINT"lateral supported total or not "
3100 PRINT"any limits on depth of beam , 0= none ,"
3110 PRINT"offers a selection "
3111 PRINT"then it runs through STEELDATAFILE for its database "
3120 PRINT"#, section , (a 2 here indicates if its O.K. for state2)"
3130 PRINT"ratio bending moment/beam capacity, py "
3140 PRINT"then prints out calcs on screen - with option to save to disk"
3150 PRINT"and print out using STEELSGFILE for bits of format & words"
3155 PRINT"the file saved to disk can be later used in petpro#2 w.p"
3156 PRINT"for creating reports etc example of which is OPTION 2501"
3160 PRINT"contact me if help wanted ! "
3165 GOSUB 760
3205 PRINT"uses STEELDATAFILE & STEELSGFILE to printout onto A4"
3210 PRINT"paper the information on disk about steel sections used"
3215 PRINT"in steelbeam#nov93 prg "
3220 PRINT
3225 PRINT"RITA#5 ";o$
3230 PRINT"this version of rita uses a database created with petpro#2 w.p"
3235 PRINT"(gosh what a surprise that was folks !) for ease of editing"
3240 PRINT
5000 GOTO 1582
5005 IF p$="y"THEN GOSUB 140
5010 PRINT"thats all folks !"
10 REM
20 REM
25 INPUT "is this a C 64 or a P et p ";m$
27 IF m$="c" THEN GOTO 100
28 IF m$="p" THEN GOTO 30
29 GOTO 25
30 POKE 59468 ,14
100 GOTO 170
110 REM print on sub
120 OPEN 1,4,7: PRINT#1:CLOSE 1:OPEN 1,4 : CMD 1
140 REM print off sub
150 PRINT#1 :CLOSE 1
170 PRINT"KENDISK8 jan 95 "
550 INPUT "want hard copy Y/N n ";p$: IF p$="y"THEN GOSUB 110
555 GOTO 930
760 REM hit sub
770 IF p$="y" THEN GOTO 840
780 PRINT" "
790 IF y$="y" THEN GOTO 850
810 GET z$:IF z$>"" GOTO 810
820 GET z$: IF z$="" GOTO 820
830 PRINT" ";
860 REM
930 REM first line
932 PRINT"On this disk there are some suites for the 8096 as well as the"
934 PRINT"usual odd & sods - any queries , comments and what have you"
936 PRINT"drop me an SAE "
938 PRINT"Ken Ross
940 PRINT"London
944 GOSUB 760
946 PRINT"The first prg on the disk is my old favourite Troy Hackers"
948 PRINT"startup "
952 PRINT"cashreg71 "
954 PRINT"this was an experiment to use the titling sub from an ICPUG"
956 PRINT"disk , it counts up pounds , shillings and pence "
958 PRINT"and why not ! "
961 GOSUB 760
962 PRINT"the first 8096 suite on the disk "
964 PRINT"expandedsteel96 - start prg"
966 PRINT"ststeel96"
968 PRINT"beamauto96"
970 PRINT"createcase"
972 PRINT"petpro#2.96"
974 PRINT"tempfile - temporary seq file overwritten during prg"
976 PRINT"steeldatafile - data file for beamauto96"
978 PRINT"steelsgfile - ditto"
980 PRINT"inffile -ditto "
982 PRINT"expanded-basic - the thing that makes it all work "
986 PRINT"option 2645 "
988 PRINT"editoption 2645"
990 PRINT"case 2645"
992 PRINT"these are seq files - examples of the output from the prg"
994 PRINT"this is a steel design prg - a modified version of a steel"
996 PRINT"girder design prg from an earlier kendisk "
998 PRINT"in this suite the prgs are paged out of cache with data"
1000 PRINT"written to disk , petpro#2.96 is the standard PETPRO#2"
1002 PRINT"modified by me to use in this prg "
1006 GOSUB 760
1008 PRINT"concbeam96 - prg"
1010 PRINT"concrete 2645 - seq"
1012 PRINT"editconc2645 - seq"
1014 PRINT"this prg is an orphan - it was going to be part of the"
1016 PRINT"beamauto etc suite but when i loaded them all in it bumped"
1018 PRINT"me into the monitor so i removed it from the suite"
1020 PRINT"concrete beam design prg from an earlier kendisk"
1022 PRINT
1024 PRINT"casiohorse "
1026 PRINT"i copied this in from my casio fx-730's handbook"
1028 PRINT"gambling game - it looks better on the casio "
1030 PRINT
1032 PRINT"notesjuly94 - seq"
1034 PRINT"notesmar94 -seq"
1036 PRINT"jarvis1 -prg"
1038 PRINT"jarvis2 -prg"
1040 PRINT"cbm lore -seq"
1042 PRINT"assorted notes and bits from letters - seq files are written"
1044 PRINT"with petpro#2"
1046 PRINT
1048 GOSUB 760
1050 PRINT"another 8096 suite "
1052 PRINT"startexcalibur"
1054 PRINT"stexcalibur"
1056 PRINT"introexcalibur"
1058 PRINT"menuexcalibur"
1060 PRINT"96excalibur"
1062 PRINT"also uses expanded-basic "
1064 PRINT"a true/false guessing game ,writes some data to the 2nd"
1066 PRINT"cassette buffer to retain it when the next bit pulled out"
1068 PRINT"of cache wipes the working memory clean "
1070 PRINT"menuexcalibur uses a large part from the ICPUG 8x50 cat disk"
1072 PRINT"excaldemo1-4 are seq files that it uses "
1074 PRINT"note the questions are just a set i made up to experiment with"
1076 PRINT"hence repeats"
1078 PRINT
1080 PRINT"32excalibur is a cut down version of the suite"
1082 PRINT
1084 GOSUB 760
1086 PRINT
1088 PRINT"32merlin is a find the missing word prg "
1090 PRINT"merlindemo1 -2 are the seq files it uses "
1092 PRINT
1094 PRINT"32rita#7 "
1096 PRINT"a database prg - modified version of an earlier kendisk prg"
1098 PRINT"insrita#7 - a seq file with instructions"
1100 PRINT"autorita#7.1 - modified version with that cat disk prg"
1102 PRINT"ritademo , ritademo2 - datafiles for them"
1104 PRINT
1106 PRINT"lottonums "
1108 PRINT"lottosim"
1110 PRINT"these use a sorting sub from another ICPUG disk "
1112 PRINT"generates 6 random numbers , sorts them "
1114 PRINT"an equally valid method of picking numbers for the lottery"
1116 PRINT"lottosim lets you see how you lucky you'd be ( or not!)"
1118 PRINT
1120 GOSUB 760
1122 PRINT"spreadsheet - prg "
1124 PRINT"a sort of spreadsheet prg funnily enough ! "
1126 PRINT"functions availble on it are limited "
1128 PRINT" < page > - shift the page over by one col"
1130 PRINT" % mod - multiply by a % figure - or + "
1132 PRINT" K eep - save all data to disk , dump screen to disk"
1134 PRINT" for use with petpro#2 ,dumpscreen to printer"
1136 PRINT" M ath - 4 functions + ,- ,* , - , by a figure or by "
1138 PRINT" another col or row"
1140 PRINT" Q uit - save all data to disk and stop "
1142 PRINT" A lter - change entry to something else"
1144 PRINT"if -then - if- then loop for creating numerical data"
1146 PRINT"retitle - change headings "
1148 PRINT"expand - expand sheet by a col or row or both this"
1150 PRINT" saves data to disk then you re-load it to find"
1152 PRINT" a blank row inserted "
1154 PRINT"jump - instead of paging a col at a time this jumps"
1156 PRINT" the wanted col to left of the screen"
1158 PRINT"most of the functions have a 'do it to 1 point or whole"
1160 PRINT"row/col facility'"
1162 GOSUB 760
1164 PRINT"there are times when the row ttl col hangs up and won't give"
1166 PRINT"new figures in display - save to disk and re-load cures this"
1168 PRINT"ssdata1 - 2 are seq files that have been created using it"
1170 PRINT"the size of the sheet is up to 22 rows deep and i've had"
1172 PRINT"it up to 101 cols across in experiments "
1174 PRINT"22 = screen depth as i didn't build in a page up/down facility"
1176 PRINT"across min is 7 for the row ttl to add things up "
1178 PRINT"Since writing it i've found that my letters down screen"
1180 PRINT"numbers across go the opposite from accepted spreadsheet fashion"
1182 PRINT"- so what - it works for me!"
1184 PRINT"if you use it and have any ideas or comments or want help"
1186 PRINT"see page 1 of this prg!"
1188 PRINT
1190 PRINT""
1192 PRINT"a modified version of PETPRO#2 from another ICPUG disk"
1194 PRINT"this is the version i use - all i've done is made it a"
1196 PRINT"bit more idiot proof and with the help of that cat disk"
1198 PRINT"prg and the error message string less likely to hang up"
1200 PRINT"on me "
1202 PRINT
1204 GOSUB 760
1206 PRINT"another 8096 suite"
1208 PRINT"startmargret1"
1210 PRINT"margret2 - 5"
1212 PRINT"also uses expanded-basic"
1214 PRINT"this is a suite of autorita#7.1 , ,spreadsheet"
1216 PRINT"- they're just the same as the other ones on this disk"
1218 PRINT"but with a bit at each end to pull them out of cache"
1220 PRINT"when wanted "
1222 PRINT
1224 PRINT"casslbl4022"
1226 PRINT"cassette label printer for the 4022 printer"
1228 PRINT"updated version of a prg from an earlier kendisk . it uses the"
1230 PRINT"special character print facility on the 4022 (s.a.=5)"
1232 PRINT"it prints a capital letter sideways on the paaper for the"
1234 PRINT"spine of the cassette box then prints as normal on the front"
1236 PRINT
1238 PRINT"well thats all i can say about the lot on this disk "
1240 PRINT"so i'll say"
1242 GOSUB 760
1990 IF p$="y"THEN GOSUB 140
2000 PRINT"thats all folks !"
10 REM
20 REM
25 INPUT "is this a C 64 or a P et p ";m$
27 IF m$="c" THEN GOTO 100
28 IF m$="p" THEN GOTO 30
29 GOTO 25
30 POKE 59468 ,14
100 GOTO 170
110 REM print on sub
120 OPEN 1,4,7: PRINT#1:CLOSE 1:OPEN 1,4 : CMD 1
140 REM print off sub
150 PRINT#1 :CLOSE 1
170 PRINT"KENDISK9 feb 95 "
550 INPUT "want hard copy Y/N n ";p$: IF p$="y"THEN GOSUB 110
555 GOTO 930
760 REM hit sub
770 IF p$="y" THEN GOTO 840
780 PRINT" "
790 IF y$="y" THEN GOTO 850
810 GET z$:IF z$>"" GOTO 810
820 GET z$: IF z$="" GOTO 820
830 PRINT" ";
860 REM
930 REM first line
932 PRINT"On this disk there is a suite for the 8096 as well as the"
933 PRINT"usual odd & sods - and a english into romanian substition"
934 PRINT"prg that drives a non CBM printer through the user port"
935 PRINT"any ideas comments or querys you can always ";
936 PRINT"drop me an SAE "
938 PRINT"Ken Ross
940 PRINT"London
944 GOSUB 760
946 PRINT"The first prg on the disk is my old favourite Troy Hackers"
948 PRINT"startup "
952 PRINT"english into romanian"
954 PRINT"this prg uses files saved to disk from petpro#2 then"
956 PRINT"if it finds a matching word it substitutes the romanian one"
958 PRINT"its very much of the 'invisible idiot ' variety of translation"
960 PRINT"romprinter - the prg that does the work"
962 PRINT"aert (to ) zert - the seq files with the word lists in"
964 PRINT"ertalter - prg to check and alter lists if needed"
966 PRINT"as i drive a panasonic daisy wheel printer through the user"
968 PRINT"port there is control symbols in the romanian words to backspace"
970 PRINT"and overprint with squiggles to make it look right in romanian"
972 PRINT"to use the prg with CBM printers software could ignore the"
974 PRINT"symbols and the characters turned back from ascii codes into"
976 PRINT"CBM ones or using ertalter remove them "
977 PRINT"on later disks the lists will be expanded "
980 GOSUB 760
982 PRINT"userportprint"
984 PRINT"this prg drives my panasonic daisywheel printer through the"
986 PRINT"user port - it takes a file created on disk by petpro#2 and"
988 PRINT"reads it turning it into ascii codes to squirt out through"
990 PRINT"the user port "
992 PRINT"this prg may be a trifle slow but it works without error"
994 PRINT"on the panasonic which is extremely second hand!"
996 PRINT"it should work on any centronics fitted printer as far as i"
998 PRINT"can tell - see later file on this disk with 'kaup' in title"
1000 PRINT"for more detail "
1002 PRINT
1004 GOSUB 760
1006 PRINT"an 8096 suite "
1008 PRINT"startm1"
1010 PRINT"m2 - m6 "
1012 PRINT"expanded-basic - the bit that makes it all work"
1014 PRINT"this is the margret suite from kd8 with the user port prg"
1016 PRINT"tacked on "
1018 PRINT"spreadsheet, rita#7 , ,userportprint"
1020 PRINT"spreadsheet is a limited spreadsheet"
1022 PRINT"rita is a database prg"
1024 PRINT" is petpro#2 from another ICPUG disk modified"
1026 PRINT" (mangled ) by me to suit my own needs"
1028 PRINT"userportprint from elsewhere on the disk"
1120 GOSUB 760
1122 PRINT"spreadsheet - prg "
1124 PRINT"a sort of spreadsheet prg funnily enough ! "
1126 PRINT"functions availble on it are limited "
1128 PRINT" < page > - shift the page over by one col"
1130 PRINT" % mod - multiply by a % figure - or + "
1132 PRINT" K eep - save all data to disk , dump screen to disk"
1134 PRINT" for use with petpro#2 ,dumpscreen to printer"
1136 PRINT" M ath - 4 functions + ,- ,* , - , by a figure or by "
1138 PRINT" another col or row"
1140 PRINT" Q uit - save all data to disk and stop "
1142 PRINT" A lter - change entry to something else"
1144 PRINT"if -then - if- then loop for creating numerical data"
1146 PRINT"retitle - change headings "
1148 PRINT"expand - expand sheet by a col or row or both this"
1150 PRINT" saves data to disk then you re-load it to find"
1152 PRINT" a blank row inserted "
1154 PRINT"jump - instead of paging a col at a time this jumps"
1156 PRINT" the wanted col to left of the screen"
1158 PRINT"most of the functions have a 'do it to 1 point or whole"
1160 PRINT"row/col facility'"
1162 GOSUB 760
1164 PRINT"there are times when the row ttl col hangs up and won't give"
1166 PRINT"new figures in display - save to disk and re-load cures this"
1168 PRINT"ssdata1 - 2 are seq files that have been created using it"
1170 PRINT"the size of the sheet is up to 22 rows deep and i've had"
1172 PRINT"it up to 101 cols across in experiments "
1174 PRINT"22 = screen depth as i didn't build in a page up/down facility"
1176 PRINT"across min is 7 for the row ttl to add things up "
1178 PRINT"Since writing it i've found that my letters down screen"
1180 PRINT"numbers across go the opposite from accepted spreadsheet fashion"
1182 PRINT"- so what - it works for me!"
1184 PRINT"if you use it and have any ideas or comments or want help"
1186 PRINT"see page 1 of this prg!"
1188 PRINT
1190 PRINT""
1192 PRINT"a modified version of PETPRO#2 from another ICPUG disk"
1194 PRINT"this is the version i use - all i've done is made it a"
1196 PRINT"bit more idiot proof and with the help of that cat disk"
1198 PRINT"prg and the error message string less likely to hang up"
1200 PRINT"on me "
1202 PRINT
1204 GOSUB 760
1205 PRINT"hbctguide1/95 - a guide to housing benefit & council tax at jan95"
1206 PRINT:PRINT"now we have a bunch of files that i'm in the middle of writing"
1208 PRINT"using petpro#2 "
1210 PRINT"they're going to be sent off to be articles in the ICPUG"
1212 PRINT"journal so you may see them in print sometime !"
1214 PRINT"kadd - ken about disk drives - experiments and mending 3040"
1215 PRINT" drives and odds about them"
1216 PRINT"kaup - ken about user port - the full speil about userportprint"
1218 PRINT" from earlier in this disk"
1219 PRINT"kacc - ken about cables and connections - as it says"
1220 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT"further bits will be put in as i finish but all with the ka"
1222 PRINT"prefix - time flys when you're busy ! "
1223 PRINT"bits with ascii after them are the files changed into ascii for"
1224 PRINT"the journal !"
1230 PRINT"pet2ascii converts petpro#2 files into ascii and saves them"
1232 PRINT"to disk largely a seq reading file from the cat disk"
1233 GOSUB 760
1235 PRINT"kenprg1 , kenprg2 "
1237 PRINT"these are for a database prg i wrote "
1239 PRINT"it requires files ''anames'' to ''znames'' on disk "
1241 PRINT"an example of the entry style is 'xname' on this disk"
1243 PRINT"as it stands it needs to be trimmed down - perhaps"
1245 PRINT"on a later disk "
1247 GOSUB 760
1990 IF p$="y"THEN GOSUB 140
2000 PRINT"thats all folks !"
10 REM
20 REM
25 PRINT"is this a c 64 or a p et ";
26 INPUT m$
27 IF m$="c" THEN GOTO 100
28 IF m$="p" THEN GOTO 30
29 GOTO 25
30 POKE 59468 ,14
100 GOTO 170
110 REM print on sub
120 OPEN 1,4,7: PRINT#1:CLOSE 1:OPEN 1,4 : CMD 1
140 REM print off sub
150 PRINT#1 :CLOSE 1
170 PRINT"KENDISK10 july 95 "
550 PRINT"want hard copy Y/N ";:INPUT p$ :IF p$="y" THEN GOSUB 110
555 GOTO 930
760 REM hit sub
770 IF p$="y" THEN GOTO 840
780 PRINT" "
790 IF y$="y" THEN GOTO 850
810 GET z$:IF z$>"" GOTO 810
820 GET z$: IF z$="" GOTO 820
830 PRINT" ";
860 REM
930 PRINT"LODEX - a prg from U1 can write a seq index"
940 PRINT"file at the start of the tape ,this prg is a sort of menu"
950 PRINT"prg that uses it - i wrote it when sending tapes to a contact"
960 PRINT"without disk drive - tapes can be very 'individualistic!'"
970 PRINT"at times !"
990 PRINT"MENUCOMAL uses COMALV1.02 , its a modified version of an "
1000 PRINT"existing prg from L0 , its a menu prg , S is listed seq"
1010 PRINT"version , P is prg version "
1020 PRINT
1030 PRINT"SHEETCOMAL uses COMALV1.02 , a rewrite of my earlier"
1040 PRINT"spreadsheet prg , S is listed ,P is prg versions"
1050 PRINT"if-then still user hostile ! "
1060 PRINT"SHTCMLNUMS is the data file for above"
1070 PRINT"
1080 PRINT"KA8096 , the text of an article i sent in for the"
1090 PRINT"journal written using PETPRO#2 , same with "
1100 PRINT"KACOMAL - the version with ascii after it is in ascii"
1110 PRINT
1120 GOSUB 760
1130 PRINT"next there is a whole batch of stuff "
1140 PRINT"all the kendisk intro's so far "
1150 PRINT"KDX040SPLITS - how the 8050 disks are split up across"
1160 PRINT"the 4040 format "
1170 PRINT
1180 PRINT"M1 - M6 , expanded-basic - an 8096 suite"
1190 PRINT"from an earlier kd but with tweaks in the display"
1200 PRINT"of spreadsheet and handshake on the user port"
1210 PRINT"to parallel printer , CA1 - ack (centronics)"
1220 PRINT
1230 GOSUB 760
1990 IF p$="y"THEN GOSUB 140
2000 PRINT"thats all folks !"
1 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
2 " ********************************
3 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
4 " *** be sold or published ****
5 " *** for profit. ****
6 " ********************************
7 " * To the best of our knowledge *
8 " * the programs on this disk *
9 " * are in the public domain. *
10 " * *
11 " * Should this not be the case, *
12 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
13 " * *
14 " ********************************
15 "
16 "
17 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
18 :rem to use printer
19 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
20 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
21 "
22 " a collection of ascii art & notes about the subject
23 " downloaded material .
24 "
25 "
26 " 8050 disk one
27 "
28 "*** 0 "ASC ii art1 " 01 2c
29 "*** 627 "xmas" seq
30 "*** 4 "ASC iiart.txt" seq
31 "*** 82 "computer" seq
32 "*** 36 "robots" seq
33 "*** 501 "faces" seq
34 "*** 1 "ASC iitut.txt" seq
35 "*** 144 "bugs" seq
36 "*** 9 "owl&pike" seq
37 "*** 466 "f ON tsets" seq
38 "*** 182 blocks free.
39 "-------
40 " 8050 disk two
41 "***
42 "*** 0 "ASC ii art2 " 02 2c
43 "*** 74 "babie" seq
44 "*** 17 "b OR der" seq
45 "*** 30 "elephant" seq
46 "*** 63 "flowers" seq
47 "*** 203 "pa INT ing" seq
48 "*** 19 "simps ON s" seq
49 "*** 213 "skulls" seq
50 "*** 110 "ASC ii-ar.tte" seq
51 "*** 72 "ASC ii-ar.tti" seq
52 "*** 14 "ASC ii.www" seq
53 "*** 62 "ASC iiart.faq" seq
54 "*** 17 "ASC i IF ON.tin" seq
55 "*** 29 "startas.cii" seq
56 "*** 1128 blocks free.
57 "
58 "
59 " these files are across two 8050 or five 4040's
60 "
61 "
62 " ************************* that's all folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
51 "
101 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
102 :rem to use printer
103 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
104 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
105 " this file gives the major contents of the 'internet disks'
106 " they're all text files
107 " :- ## = library disk identity where the file is
108 " the descriptions are as they were given in book ....
109 "
110 "
111 "*** FILE LIST
114 "*** (Many of these FAQ's can be found in the news.answers newsgroups.
115 "*** Use veronica to search for updates of the rest..)
116 "*** ===========================================================
118 "*** ABUSE1.FAQ Abuse of the Internet Part 1 :- 2b
120 "*** ABUSE2.FAQ Abuse of the Intenet Part 2 :- 2b
122 "*** ALT1.TXT How the ALT newsgroups were born :-2a
124 "*** AMIGA1.FAQ Q&A session about Amiga computers 1 :-1a
126 "*** AMIGA2.FAQ Q&A session about Amiga computers Part 2 :-1a
128 "*** AMIGA3.FAQ Q&A session about Amiga computers Part 3 :-1a
130 "*** ANON.TXT The Help file from an Anonymous mail server :-2a
132 "*** ANONFTP.FAQ Guide to anonymous FTP :-3a
134 "*** ANSWERS.TXT Guide to the Answers Newsgroups :- 2a
136 "*** AT2N2.TXT Athene2 - 'zine for creative writers ( old archive):-6a
138 "*** ATH2N1.TXT Athene1 - 'zine for creative writers ( old archive):-6a
140 "*** ATH2N3.TXT Athene3 - 'zine for creative writers ( old archive):-6b
142 "*** ATHEIST.FAQ All about the aethists groups :-1c
144 "*** AUTOS.FAQ USA based auto race faq :-4b
146 "*** BANNED.TXT How to get at banned newsgroups :-5a
148 "*** BHUDDA.FAQ All about Bhudda, by a Monty Python fan :-1c
150 "*** CATSFAQ.TXT All about Mogs - RSPCA branches have thousands which
151 "*** need re-homing :- 1c
152 "*** CHINSE.TXT Chinese text and other details :-2a
154 "*** CLARIFAQ.TXT Using the ClariNet groups :- 2c
156 "*** COUNTRY.TXT International Internet access details :-2a
158 "*** CREATE.TXT How to create newsgroups :- 2a
160 "*** CUD505F.TXT Archive about USA homebrew bombers :-5b
162 "*** CUD506F.TXT Archive about Nintendo :-5a
164 "*** CUD510G.TXT Archive about cellphone bugging :-5b
166 "*** CUD602.TXT Computer Underground Digest Archive :-5a
168 "*** CUD612.TXT Computer Underground Digest Archive :-5b
170 "*** CUD623.TXT Computer Undergrnd Digest Archive - clipper stories:-5a
172 "*** CYPUNK.TXT What's a cyberpunk, and does anyone care? :-5b
174 "*** DISNEY.FAQ All about EuroDisney (tm) :-4a
176 "*** DOG.FAQ All about dawgs :-1c
178 "*** DUNE.TXT All about Dune Fans :-6b
180 "*** EMAIL.FAQ Setting up email servers on UNIX :-2c
182 "*** ETIKETT.TXT Etikette for IRC, ie none :-3a
184 "*** EURO.TXT Internet registries in Europe :- 3a
186 "*** FAQGUIDE.TXT A FAQ about FAQs :- 3b
188 "*** FAX.FAQ Sending fax from the Internet :-2b
190 "*** HOWUSE.FAQ Become a Usenet site :- 2c
192 "*** MAIL.FAQ Guide to social newsgroups :-2b
194 "*** MAIL.TXT Old Scott Yanoff internetwork guide to mail :-2a
196 "*** PHRAC369.TXT Phrack Magazine archive :-3b
198 "*** PRISONER.TXT I am not a number..... :-4b
200 "*** PUP.FAQ How to have puppies :- 1a
202 "*** SCUBA.FAQ Divers do it in rubber suits :-4b
204 "*** SKYDIVE.FAQ Sky divers - why jump out of airplanes? :-4a
206 "*** TEMPEST.TXT Hacking the unhackable :- 5a
208 "*** TESLA Long range weapons :-6c
210 "*** tesla2??? Long range power :- 6c
212 "*** UNPL-7.TXT Unplastic News Zine Archive :-1b
214 "*** UNPL-8.TXT Unplastic News Zine Archive :- 1b
216 "*** USEGROUP.TXT List of 5400 Usenet Groups :- 3b
218 "*** USENET.FAQ Another Usenet Faq :-2b
220 "*** USEPRIM.FAQ Yet another Usenet faq :-2a
222 "*** WAIS.FAQ All about WAIS archives :- 2b
224 "*** WEB.TXT Cyberspace, by Kevin Hughes :- 2b
226 "*** WEB1.TXT WWW faq 1 :- 3b
228 "*** WEB2.TXT WWW faq 2 :- 3a
230 "*** WEB3.TXT WWW faq 3 :- 3b
232 "*** ZINES.FAQ Old Zines faq. Try a veronica search for zines
233 "*** to update :- 3a
234 "
235 " these files are on 6 * 8050 disks or
236 " 13 * 4040 disks -----
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************
1 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
2 " ********************************
3 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
4 " *** be sold or published ****
5 " *** for profit. ****
6 " ********************************
7 " * To the best of our knowledge *
8 " * the programs on this disk *
9 " * are in the public domain. *
10 " * *
11 " * Should this not be the case, *
12 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
13 " * *
14 " ********************************
15 "
16 "
17 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
18 :rem to use printer
19 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
20 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
21 "
22 "
23 " a random selection of e-zines etc about the mac
24 " ( well i had them to hand by accident !! )
25 "
26 " 0 "mac e-texts " 06 2
27 " 378 "csmpv4.024" seq
28 " 251 "csmpv4.021" seq
29 " 118 "tidbits-.353" seq
30 " 118 "tidbits-.355" seq
31 " 119 "tidbits-.356" seq
32 "
33 " these files are on 1 * 8050 or two * 4040 disks
34 "
35 " ************************* that's all folks ************
1 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
2 " ********************************
3 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
4 " *** be sold or published ****
5 " *** for profit. ****
6 " ********************************
7 " * To the best of our knowledge *
8 " * the programs on this disk *
9 " * are in the public domain. *
10 " * *
11 " * Should this not be the case, *
12 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
13 " * *
14 " ********************************
15 "
16 "
17 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
18 :rem to use printer
19 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
20 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
21 "
22 "
23 "
24 "-----------------------------------
26 "The World Factbook is produced annually by the Central Intelligence
27 "Agency for the use of United States Government officials, and the style,
28 "format, coverage, and content are designed to meet their specific
29 requi REM ents.
30 "information was provided by the Bureau of the Census, Central
31 "intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, Defense Nuclear Agency,
32 "Department of State, Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Maritime
33 "Administration, National Science Foundation (Polar Information Program),
34 "Navy Operational Intelligence Center, Office of Territorial and
35 "International Affairs, United States Board on Geographic Names,
36 "United States Coast Guard, and others.
37 "-----------------------------
38 " CIA intro = Contents , Notes, Definitions, and Abbreviations
39 " ------------ disk lumps -----
40 " 1= afghanistan - bassas da india
41 " 2= belgium - cape verde
42 " 3= cayman isle - dominica
43 " 4= dominican republic - gaza strip
44 " 5= germany - hungary
45 " 6= iceland - kingman reef
46 " 7= kiribati - malta
47 " 8= isle of man - new caledonia
48 " 9= new zealand - philippines
49 "10= pitcairn islands - singapore
50 "11= solomon islands - thailand
51 "12= togo - wake island
52 "13= wallis and futuna - zimbabwe
53 "Ý(which for some reason is followed by ??) taiwan
54 "
55 "------------------------------
56 "
57 " appendix a: the united nations system
58 " appendix b: international organization and group abbreviations
59 " appendix c: international organizations and groups
60 "appendix d: weights and measures
61 "appendix e: cross-reference list of geographic names
62 "--------------
63 " please note these files are across 5 * 8050 disks
64 " & can be put onto 15 * 4040's - which i'd like to be formatted and
65 " numbered 1- 15 to save me a lot of effort as i keep this in the lib as
66 " 8050 disks only !!!!!
67 "------------------------------
68 "
69 " ************************* that's all folks ************
1 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
2 " ********************************
3 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
4 " *** be sold or published ****
5 " *** for profit. ****
6 " ********************************
7 " * To the best of our knowledge *
8 " * the programs on this disk *
9 " * are in the public domain. *
10 " * *
11 " * Should this not be the case, *
12 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
13 " * *
14 " ********************************
15 "
16 " some of the stuff on this disk may be in BASIC 2
17 " and work best on 40 col screens
18 "
19 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
20 :rem to use printer
21 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
22 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
23 "
24 " daniel defoe
25 " journal of plague year 1665
26 "
27 " complete text from project gutenburg
28 "
29 " these are four large seq files to be used in your
30 "favourite WP prg ...
31 "
32 "the file names are
33 "jplag1
34 "jplag2
35 "jplag3
36 "jplag4
37 "plaglegal - legal stuff from project gutenburg
38 "
39 " this is on 2 * 8050 or 4 * 4040
40 "
41 " ************************* that's all folks ************
1 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
2 " ********************************
3 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
4 " *** be sold or published ****
5 " *** for profit. ****
6 " ********************************
7 " * To the best of our knowledge *
8 " * the programs on this disk *
9 " * are in the public domain. *
10 " * *
11 " * Should this not be the case, *
12 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
13 " * *
14 " ********************************
15 "
16 "
17 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
18 :rem to use printer
19 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
20 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
21 "***
22 "*** << another text file from project gutenburg >>
23 "****
24 "*** THE DOOR IN THE WALL And Other Stories
25 "*** BY
26 "*** H. G. WELLS
27 "***
28 "*** CONTENTS
29 "***
30 "*** The Door in the Wall 5
31 "*** The Star 27
32 "*** A Dream of Armageddon 43
33 "*** ---------------------------------------------------------------
34 "*** < split here for 4040 disk 2 >
35 "*** ----------------------------------------------------
36 "*** The Cone 75
37 "*** A Moonlight Fable 91
38 "*** The Diamond Maker 99
39 "*** The Lord of the Dynamos 111
40 "*** The Country of the Blind 125
41 "***
42 "***
44 "***------------------------------------------
45 " *** these stories are on 1* 8050 or 2 * 4040 disks
46 "***--==================================
47 "
48 " ************************* that's all folks ************
1 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
2 " ********************************
3 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
4 " *** be sold or published ****
5 " *** for profit. ****
6 " ********************************
7 " * To the best of our knowledge *
8 " * the programs on this disk *
9 " * are in the public domain. *
10 " * *
11 " * Should this not be the case, *
12 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
13 " * *
14 " ********************************
15 "
16 "
17 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
18 :rem to use printer
19 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
20 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
21 "=============================================================
22 " intro below is from the file itself , file downloaded from
23 " project gutenburg
24 "==============================================================
25 "*** **Note: This Is A Copyrighted Etext, Please See Below**
26 "*** Released now as Alpha Test by popular demand for Email Tutorial
27 "*** July, 1993 [Etext #75]
28 "*** The ***Copyrighted*** Project Gutenberg Etext of:
29 "*** EMAIL 101 by John Goodwin, this is an Alpha test version, your
30 "*** suggestions will be included in the Beta test versions, and in
31 "*** the final editions.
32 "*** ****This file should be named email025.txt or****
33 "*** Copyright (c) 1993 by John E. Goodwin. All Rights Reserved.
34 "*** This file should be called email025.txt
35 "*** Version 0.2.5 (alpha release)
36 "*** 17 July 1993
37 "*** This rough version is missing 8 out of 28 chapters and 1 out of 5
38 "*** appendices.
39 "*** Copyright (c) 1993 by John E. Goodwin. All Rights Reserved.
40 "*** <title> E-MAIL 101
41 "*** Chapters marked with an asterisk are omitted from this edition.
43 " 1 : The Past and the Future of Internetworking
44 " 2 : What Is the Internet?
45 " 3 : How Do I Connect to the Internet?
46 " 4 : Who Pays for the Internet?
47 " 5 : Internet Basics
48 " 6 : Getting on the Internet Step by Step
49 " 7 : Programs and Pictures
50 " 8 : File Compression Methods for Faster Transfer
51 " 9 : What to Do When You Only Have E-mail
52 " 10 : Employee Development: How to Get Your Employees Internetworking
53 " Part II Special Concerns
54 " 11 : Special for Businesses
55 " 12 : Special for Students and their Parents
56 " 13 : Special for Writers, Journalists, Publishers, and Printers
57 " 14 : Special for Elementary and High School Teachers
58 " 15 : Special for Librarians
59 " 16 : Special for Scholars
60 " 17 : Special for Churches, Synagogues, and Mosques
61 " Part III Research, Organization, and Writing
62 " 18 : Research Methods I: Basic Navigation Methods
63 " *19 : Research Methods II: Usenet Newsgroups
64 " 20 : Research Methods III: Advanced Techniques
65 " *21 : Organizing Information
66 " *22 : Information Structures
67 " *23 : Boolean Logic
68 " *24 : Writing for an Internetworked World: Basic Problems
69 " *25 : Writing for an Internetworked World: Getting Through to your
70 " Audience
71 " Part IV Resources
72 " *26 : The Internet Address Book
73 " 27 : Bibliography
74 " *28 : Glossary
75 " Appendix A. Computer Hints for the *Really* Green
76 " Appendix B. Using a Modem
77 " *Appendix C. Technical Details of an Internet Connection
78 " Appendix D. Just Enough UNIX
79 " Appendix E. The Ten Best Things To Get If You Only Have E-Mail
80 "=============================================
81 "
82 " one either format
83 "
84 " ************************* that's all folks ************
1 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
2 " ********************************
3 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
4 " *** be sold or published ****
5 " *** for profit. ****
6 " ********************************
7 " * To the best of our knowledge *
8 " * the programs on this disk *
9 " * are in the public domain. *
10 " * *
11 " * Should this not be the case, *
12 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
13 " * *
14 " ********************************
15 "
16 "
17 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
18 :rem to use printer
19 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
20 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
21 "--------------------------------------------------------
22 "the intro below is the original downloaded text
23 "=======================================================
24 " Note from poster to Kubrick newsgroup:
25 "I found this on a bbs a while ago and I thought I'd pass it along to all
26 "you Kubrick freaks out there.
27 " 02/23/89
28 "transcriber's note:
29 " For all you Clarke/Kubrick/2001 fans,
30 "I found the original paper copy of this screenplay a while back and felt
31 "compelled to transcribe it to disk and upload it to various bulletin
32 "boards for the enjoyment of all.
33 "The final movie deviates from this screenplay in a number of interesting
34 "ways. I've tried to maintain the format of the original document except
35 "the number of lines per page of the original. In order to reduce the
36 "length of this file I've used a bar of ''-----''to delimit the pages as
37 "there was a lot of whitespace per original screenplay page.
38 "---------------------------------------------------------------------
39 " 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY
40 " Screenplay
41 " by
42 " Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke
43 " Hawk Films Ltd.,
44 " c/o. M-G-M Studios,
45 " Boreham Wood,
46 " Herts.
47 "-------------------------------------------------------------------
48 " this is on either 8050 or 2*4040 disks
49 " ************************* that's all folks ************
1 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
2 " ********************************
3 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
4 " *** be sold or published ****
5 " *** for profit. ****
6 " ********************************
7 " * To the best of our knowledge *
8 " * the programs on this disk *
9 " * are in the public domain. *
10 " * *
11 " * Should this not be the case, *
12 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
13 " * *
14 " ********************************
15 "
16 "
17 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
18 :rem to use printer
19 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
20 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
21 "=======================================================
22 "the dawn of amateur radio in the u.k. and greece : a personal view
23 " norman f. joly.
24 " london : joly, 1990. - 151p. - 0-9515628-0-0
25 " c o n t e n t s
26 " 0. prologue.............................
27 " 1. the development of electricity.......
28 " 2. the birth of radio communications....
29 " 3. what is a radio amateur?.............
30 " 4. the 1921 amateur transatlantic tests.
31 " 5. the first greek radio amateurs.......
32 " 6. world war ii and after in greece.....
33 " 7. pioneers in greece...................
34 "----------------- split here for 4040 /2 -----------------------------
35 " 8. personal reminiscences & anecdotes...
36 " 9. miscellany...........................
37 " 10. glossary for non-technical readers..
38 "===================================================
39 " 1*8050 or 2*4040
40 "
41 " ************************* that's all folks ************
1 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
2 " ********************************
3 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
4 " *** be sold or published ****
5 " *** for profit. ****
6 " ********************************
7 " * To the best of our knowledge *
8 " * the programs on this disk *
9 " * are in the public domain. *
10 " * *
11 " * Should this not be the case, *
12 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
13 " * *
14 " ********************************
15 "
16 "
17 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
18 :rem to use printer
19 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
20 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
21 "***------------------------------
22 "*** a selection of cbm files from the internet
23 "*** - the filenames have suffered a bit from being passed
24 "*** a pc - the majority are c64 orientated
25 "***----------------------------------
26 "***
27 "***
28 "*** 0 "cbm net 1 " 32 2c
29 "*** 19 "128vidcb.ltx" seq
30 "*** 5 "" seq
31 "*** 10 "c64-with.12v" seq
32 "*** 30 "cbmbasic.TO k" seq cbm basic tokens
33 "*** 33 "cbmhist.OR y" seq
34 "*** 13 "cbmwww.ser" seq
35 "*** 9 "" seq
36 "*** 5 "" seq
37 "*** 14 "hwfail.txt" seq
38 "*** 5 "jhultn.hom" seq
39 "*** 21 "other.use" seq
40 "*** 5 "pet.gut" seq
41 "*** 5 "pet.key" seq
42 "*** 59 "marko's.cbm" seq
43 "*** 5 "pet.scr" seq
44 "*** 13 "plus4.hom" seq
45 "*** 13 "powersup.ply" seq
46 "*** 13 "signals" seq
47 "*** 29 "TO dd's.64" seq
48 "*** 286 "c64 TO.256" seq -- expand your c64
49 "*** 8 "hatt1" seq - note about c64 to 256
50 "*** 114 "ros-v1.sfx" seq -- c64 prg archive ?
51 "*** 131 "util256.sfx" seq -- c64 prg archive ?
52 "*** 413 "c128 TO.1mb" seq -- expand your c128
53 "
54 " ************************* that's all folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
51 "
101 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
102 :rem to use printer
103 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
104 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
105 "
107 " william shakespeare's
110 " hamlet
112 "hamleta.cti" seq
114 "hamletac.t2" seq
116 "hamletac.t3" seq
118 "hamletac.tiv" seq
120 "hamleta.ctv" seq
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************
1 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
2 " ********************************
3 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
4 " *** be sold or published ****
5 " *** for profit. ****
6 " ********************************
7 " * To the best of our knowledge *
8 " * the programs on this disk *
9 " * are in the public domain. *
10 " * *
11 " * Should this not be the case, *
12 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
13 " * *
14 " ********************************
15 "
16 "
17 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
18 :rem to use printer
19 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
20 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
21 "
22 " assorted files pointing out the bad points of bill gates !
23 "
24 " gates hate disk
25 "
26 " 58 "15qwin95.txt" seq
27 " 2 "csum.bas" seq
28 " 2 "file_id.diz" seq
29 " 39 "gategate" seq
30 " 258 "nogates!.doc" seq
31 " 267 "seabrook.doc" seq
32 " 19 "b OR ggate" seq
33 " 10 "coolwin" seq
34 " 28 "knuth.1" seq
35 " 29 "microirs.txt" seq
36 " 21 "pcm00050.txt" seq
37 " 26 "stacstat.txt" seq
38 " 17 "vatisoft" seq
39 " 10 "win95u" seq
40 "
41 " one 8050 disk or two 4040's
42 " ************************* that's all folks ************
1 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
2 " ********************************
3 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
4 " *** be sold or published ****
5 " *** for profit. ****
6 " ********************************
7 " * To the best of our knowledge *
8 " * the programs on this disk *
9 " * are in the public domain. *
10 " * *
11 " * Should this not be the case, *
12 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
13 " * *
14 " ********************************
15 "
16 "
17 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
18 :rem to use printer
19 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
20 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
21 "======================================================
22 " this file is the text of a book about building a clone p.c.
23 "
24 " the text below is part of the intro of it
25 "=========================================================
26 " how to build a clone computer
27 " the clone building seminar
28 " (the computer bbs downloadable version)
29 " by graeme e. b. gibson, c.d.p.
30 "thanks for downloading this file or the uncompressed version
31 " by graeme e. b. gibson, c.d.p.
32 "thanks for downloading this file or uncompressed version
33 "howbuild.txt. this is the entire text from my book how to build a clone
34 " was completly revised at the end of 1993 & includes coverage
35 "for the Pentium processor. This file is distributed as Shareware. It's our
36 "hope that you will enjoy this information and order the complete course
37 "including the video tape, or attend one of our clone building or repair
38 "seminars. complete information is at the end of the file.
39 "the price of this file is that you upload it to another bbs,in unmodified
40 "form, or send a contribution to the tv show computers today of $10.00 or
41 "more. we kept it resonable please help us out. our address is:
42 " graeme gibson, producer
43 " computers today on television
44 " p. o. box 147, independence, mo 64051
45 "other than that you may give it away, share it or use it as a premium at
46 "computer shows, trade shows or fund rasing events for users groups or
47 "schools.
48 "how to build a clone computer
49 "the first instruction: read the entire document prior to
50 " starting your construction steps.
51 "============================================
52 " one disk either
53 "
54 " ************************* that's all folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
51 "
101 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
102 :rem to use printer
103 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
104 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
105 " from project gutenburg .
110 "***
111 "*** Verses 1889-1896 by Rudyard Kipling
112 "*** [Anglo-Indian writer and poet, 1865-1936]
114 "*** The Writings in Prose and Verse of RUDYARD KIPLING
115 "*** VERSES 1889-1896
116 "*** some of the CONTENTS
117 "*** ( Followed by first lines )
118 "***
120 "*** 1889-1891
121 "***
123 "*** Beyond the path of the outmost sun through utter darkness hurled -
125 "*** To T. A.
126 "*** I have made for you a song,
128 "*** "what are the bugles blowin' FOR PRINT said iles-ON -arade.
129 "*** TOMMY
130 "*** I went into a public-'ouse to get a pint o' beer,
134 "*** soldier, soldier come from the wars,
135 "*** SCREW-GUNS
136 "*** Smokin' my pipe on the mountings, sniffin' the mornin' cool,
137 "*** CELLS
138 "*** I've a head like a concertina: I've a tongue like a button-stick
139 "*** GUNGA DIN
140 "*** You may talk o' gin and beer
141 "*** OONTS
142 "*** Wot makes the soldier's 'eart to penk, wot makes 'im to perspire?
143 "*** LOOT
144 "*** If you've ever stole a pheasant-egg be'ind the keeper's back,
148 "*** 'Ave you 'eard o' the Widow at Windsor?
149 "*** BELTS
150 "*** There was a row in Silver Street that's near to Dublin Quay,
152 "*** When the 'arf-made recruity goes out to the East,
153 "*** MANDALAY
154 "*** By the old Moulmein Pagoda, lookin' eastward to the sea,
155 "*** TROOPIN'
156 "*** Troopin', troopin', troopin' to the sea,
158 "*** where have you been this while away?"m
160 "*** Kabul town's by Kabul river,
162 "*** To the legion of the lost ones, to the cohort of the damned,
164 "*** We're marchin' on relief over Injia's sunny plains,
165 "*** SHILLIN' A DAY
166 "*** My name is O'Kelly, I've heard the Revelly,
167 "***
170 "*** Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
172 "*** Udai Chand lay sick to death,
174 "*** Abdhur Rahman, the Durani Chief, of him is the story told,
176 "*** When spring-time flushes the desert grass,
178 "*** The wreath of banquet overnight lay withered on the neck,
180 "*** This is the ballad of Boh Da Thone,
182 "*** O woe is me for the merry life,
184 "*** . . . At the close of a winter day,
185 "*** the ballad of the clampherdown
186 "*** It was our war-ship >Clampherdown>,
190 "*** Er-Heb beyond the Hills of Ao-Safai,
192 "*** Love and Death once ceased their strife,
194 "*** The dead child lay in the shroud,
196 "*** Read here: This is the story of Evarra -- man --,
198 "*** When the flush of a new-born sun fell first on Eden's green and gold
200 "*** This is the sorrowful story,
202 "*** Winds of the World, give answer! They are whimpering to and fro,
206 "*** Now this is the tale of the Council the German Kaiser decreed,
207 "*** TOMLINSON
208 "*** Now Tomlinson gave up the ghost in his house in Berkeley Square,
211 "*** L'ENVOI
212 "*** There's a whisper down the field where the year has shot her yield,
220 "*** [In India, the swastika is an ancient symbol of good fortune.
221 "*** Kipling frequently used the swastika in this context.]
222 "***
224 "*** 1891-1896
225 "***
227 "*** The Cities are full of pride,
230 "*** Fair is our lot -- O goodly is our heritage!
231 "*** The Coastwise Lights
232 "*** Our brows are bound with spindrift and the weed is on our knees,
233 "*** The Song of the Dead
234 "*** Hear now the Song of the Dead -- in the North by the torn berg-edges
235 "*** The Deep-Sea Cables
236 "*** The wrecks dissolve above us; their dust drops down from afar --,
237 "*** The Song of the Sons
238 "*** One from the ends of the earth -- gifts at an open door --,
239 "*** The Song of the Cities
240 "*** Royal and Dower-royal, I the Queen,
241 "*** England's Answer
242 "*** Truly ye come of The Blood; slower to bless than to ban,
244 "*** Mine was the woman to me, darkling I found her,
246 "*** Thus said The Lord in the Vault above the Cherubim,
248 "*** King Solomon drew merchantmen,
249 "*** M'ANDREW'S HYMN
250 "*** Lord, Thou hast made this world below the shadow of a dream,
252 "*** I sent a message to my dear,
254 "*** We've drunk to the Queen -- God bless her!
258 "*** Away by the lands of the Japanee,
260 "*** I was the staunchest of our fleet,
261 "*** THE ANSWER
262 "*** A Rose, in tatters, on the garden path,
264 "*** You couldn't pack a Broadwood half a mile,
266 "*** The Liner she's a lady, an' she never looks nor 'eeds,
268 "*** The fear was on the cattle, for the gale was on the sea,
269 "*** ANCHOR SONG
270 "*** Heh! Walk her round. Heave, ah heave her short again!
273 "*** There's a Legion that never was 'listed,
274 "*** THE SEA-WIFE
275 "*** There dwells a wife by the Northern Gate,
277 "*** The earth is full of anger,
279 "*** Thy face is far from this our war,
281 "*** THE FLOWERS
282 "*** Buy my English posies!
284 "*** The king has called for priest and cup,
286 "*** In the Neolithic Age savage warfare did I wage,
288 "*** Once, on a glittering ice-field, ages and ages ago,
290 "*** Full thirty foot she towered from waterline to rail,
291 "*** AN AMERICAN
292 "*** If the Led Striker call it a strike,
293 "
294 "
295 " one 8050 or two 4040's
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
49 " some of the stuff on this disk may be in BASIC 2
50 " and work best on 40 col screens
51 "
101 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
102 :rem to use printer
103 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
104 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
105 "
106 " H .G. WELLS
108 "
109 " complete text from project gutenburg
110 "
111 " these are two large seq files to be used in your
112 "favourite WP prg ...
113 "
114 "the file names are
115 "time1
116 "time2
117 "
118 "timelegal - legal stuff from project gutenburg
119 "
120 "
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************
1 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
2 " ********************************
3 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
4 " *** be sold or published ****
5 " *** for profit. ****
6 " ********************************
7 " * To the best of our knowledge *
8 " * the programs on this disk *
9 " * are in the public domain. *
10 " * *
11 " * Should this not be the case, *
12 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
13 " * *
14 " ********************************
15 "
16 "
17 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
18 :rem to use printer
19 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
20 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
21 "======================================
23 " ( isn't that stirling moss ?)
24 "-----------------------------------
25 "*** due to the fact that several people have compiled these
26 "*** files the format wanders
27 "*** but most of them have
28 "*** ==============================
29 "*** episode title
30 "*** u.s.a transmission date
31 "*** star date given in episode
32 "*** cast list
33 "*** full synopsis
34 "*** two line synopsis
35 "*** =============================
36 "*** Episode List
37 "*** ***************************************************
38 "*** Encounter at Farpoint (premiere)
39 "*** The Naked Now
40 "*** Code of Honor
41 "*** The Last Outpost
42 "*** Where No One Has Gone Before
43 "*** Lonely Among Us
44 "*** Justice
45 "*** The Battle
46 "*** Hide and Q
47 "*** Haven
48 "*** The Big Goodbye
49 "*** Datalore
50 "*** Angel One
51 "*** 11001001
52 "*** Too Short a Season
53 "*** When the Bough Breaks
54 "*** Home Soil
55 "*** Coming of Age
56 "*** Heart of Glory
57 "*** The Arsenal of Freedom
58 "*** Symbiosis
59 "*** Skin of Evil
60 "*** We'll Always Have Paris
61 "*** Conspiracy
62 "*** Neutral Zone
63 "*** The Child
64 "*** Where Silence Has Lease
65 "*** Elementary, Dear Data
66 "*** The Outrageous Okana
67 "*** Loud as a Whisper
68 "*** The Schizoid Man
69 "*** Unnatural Selection
70 "*** A Matter of Honor
71 "*** The Measure of a Man
72 "*** The Dauphin
73 "*** Contagion
74 "*** The Royale
75 "*** Time Squared
76 "*** The Icarus Factor
77 "*** Pen Pals
78 "*** Q Who
79 "*** Samaritan Snare
80 "*** Up the Long Ladder
81 "*** Manhunt
82 "*** The Emissary
83 "*** Peak Performance
84 "*** Shades of Gray
85 "*** =========== split 4040/2=======================
86 "*** Evolution
87 "*** The Ensigns of Command
88 "*** The Survivors
89 "*** Who Watches the Watchers
90 "*** The Bonding
91 "*** Booby Trap
92 "*** The Enemy
93 "*** The Price
94 "*** The Vengance Factor
95 "*** The Defector
96 "*** The Hunted
97 "*** The High Ground
98 "*** Deja Q
99 "*** A Matter of Perspective
100 "*** Yesterday's Enterprise
101 "*** The Offspring
102 "*** Sins of the Father
103 "*** Allegiance
104 "*** Captain's Holiday
105 "*** Tin Man
106 "*** Hollow Pursuits
107 "*** The Most Toys
108 "*** Sarek
109 "*** Menage a Troi
110 "*** Transfiguration
111 "*** The Best of Both Worlds (part 1)
112 "*** The Best of Both Worlds (part 2)
113 "*** Family
114 "*** Brothers
115 "*** Suddenly Human
116 "*** Remember Me
117 "*** Legacy
118 "*** Reunion
119 "*** Future Imperfect
120 "*** Final Mission
121 "*** ============== split for 4040 /3 ==========================
122 "*** The Loss
123 "*** Data's Day
124 "*** The Wounded
125 "*** Devil's Due
126 "*** Clues
127 "*** First Contact
128 "*** Galaxy's Child
129 "*** Night Terror
130 "*** Identity Crisis
131 "*** The Nth Degree
132 "*** Qpid
133 "*** The Drumhead
134 "*** Half a Life
135 "*** The Host
136 "*** The Mind's Eye
137 "*** In Theory
138 "*** Redemption (part 1)
139 "*** Redemption (part 2)
140 "*** Darmok
141 "*** Ensign Ro
142 "*** Silicon Avatar
143 "*** Disaster
144 "*** The Game
145 "*** The Unification (part 1)
146 "*** The Unification (part 2)
147 "*** A Matter of Time
148 "*** New Ground
149 "*** Hero Worship
150 "*** ============================= split for 4040 /4 ===============
151 "*** Violations
152 "*** The Masterpiece Society
153 "*** Conundrum
154 "*** Power Play
155 "*** Ethics
156 "*** The Outcast
157 "*** Cause and Effect
158 "*** First Duty
159 "*** Cost of Living
160 "*** The Perfect Mate
161 "*** Imaginary Friend
162 "*** I, Borg
163 "*** The Next Phase
164 "*** Q vs. Q (?)
165 "*** (Season Finale)
166 "*** ==============================
167 "
168 " these files just fit onto one 8040 but need 4*4040 disks
169 "
170 " ************************* that's all folks ************
1 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
2 " ********************************
3 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
4 " *** be sold or published ****
5 " *** for profit. ****
6 " ********************************
7 " * To the best of our knowledge *
8 " * the programs on this disk *
9 " * are in the public domain. *
10 " * *
11 " * Should this not be the case, *
12 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
13 " * *
14 " ********************************
15 "
16 "
17 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
18 :rem to use printer
19 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
20 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
21 "======================================================
22 " assorted small text files
23 "==========================================
24 "
25 " 1trnt10.txt - all about the trinity atomic bomb site
26 "
27 " lionjup.ele - aesop fable concerning the lion , jupiter
28 " ( the god ) and an elephant
29 "
30 " yes.txt - discography of the group
31 "
32 " tangdrm.txt - discography of the group tangerine dream
33 "
34 " cbmlibin.tro - a welcome to the cbm lib file !
35 "
36 " qt.txt - apples own words about quick time 2.5 for macs
37 " ( well i had it to hand !!! )
38 "
39 "tipstrbl.esh"
40 " tips & troubleshooting for macs
41 " an american education file for teachers
42 "
43 "bmug295"
44 " about the berkley mac user group feb 95
45 "
46 "emailgra.ndm"
47 " e-mail your grandma
48 " an american education file for teachers
49 "
50 "uponavi.rus"
51 " once upon a virus - macs & viruses
52 " an american education file for teachers
53 "
54 "chap26"
55 " chapter 26 from a book about macs looking at disks ( floppy/hard)
56 " and other storage devices
57 " an american file
58 "
59 "macsyscr.ash"
60 " mac system crashes for beginners
61 " an american education file for teachers
62 "
63 "supptyrk.ids"
64 " support your kids at school
65 " an american file
66 "
67 "whatinte.rne"
68 "what is the internet ?
69 " an american education file for teachers
70 "
71 "------------------------------------------------
72 " these files 1*8050 or 3* 4040
73 " ************************* that's all folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
49 " some of the stuff on this disk may be in BASIC 2
50 " and work best on 40 col screens
51 "
101 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
102 :rem to use printer
103 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
104 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
105 "
108 "
109 " complete text from project gutenburg
110 "
111 " these are three large seq files to be used in your
112 "favourite WP prg ...
113 "
114 "the file names are
115 "80days1
116 "80days2
117 "80days3
118 "80daylegal - legal stuff from project gutenburg
119 "
120 "
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************
1 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
2 " ********************************
3 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
4 " *** be sold or published ****
5 " *** for profit. ****
6 " ********************************
7 " * To the best of our knowledge *
8 " * the programs on this disk *
9 " * are in the public domain. *
10 " * *
11 " * Should this not be the case, *
12 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
13 " * *
14 " ********************************
15 "
16 "
17 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
18 :rem to use printer
19 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
20 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
21 "================================================
22 "the return of sherlock holmes by arthur conan doyle
23 "
24 "obi/doyle/return]
25 "this text is in the public domain.
26 "======================================================
27 "--------------------- 4040 /1 ---------------------------------
28 "the adventure of the empty house
29 "the adventure of the norwood builder
30 "the adventure of the dancing men
31 "<< rem the heiroglyphs in the original text have been left out
32 "of this plain text version >>>
33 "------------------- split for 4040 /2 ---------------------
34 "the adventure of the solitary cyclist
35 "the adventure of the priory school
36 "the adventure of black peter
37 "the adventure of charles augustus milverton
38 "----------------- split for 4040 /3 --------------------------
39 "the adventure of the six napoleons
40 "the adventure of the three students
41 "the adventure of the golden pince-nez
42 "-------------- split for 4040 /4 ---------------------
43 "the adventure of the missing three-quarter
44 "--------------- split for 4040 /5 ----------------------
45 "the adventure of the abbey grange
46 "the adventure of the second stain
47 "===========================================================
48 "these files are across 2* 8050 or 5* 4040 disks
49 "
50 " ************************* that's all folks ************
1 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
2 " ********************************
3 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
4 " *** be sold or published ****
5 " *** for profit. ****
6 " ********************************
7 " * To the best of our knowledge *
8 " * the programs on this disk *
9 " * are in the public domain. *
10 " * *
11 " * Should this not be the case, *
12 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
13 " * *
14 " ********************************
15 "
16 "
17 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
18 :rem to use printer
19 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
20 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
21 "======================================================
22 "*** the complete text of Conan Doyle's other hero
23 "*** Prof. Challenger !!!
24 "*** << another file from project gutenburg >>>
25 "*** This text is in the PUBLIC DOMAIN.
26 "***---------------------------------------
28 "*** Being an account of another adventure of
29 "*** Prof. George E. Challenger, Lord John Roxton,
30 "*** Prof. Summerlee, and Mr. E. D. Malone,
31 "*** the discoverers of ''the lost world"
32 "*** ---------------------------------------------------------------------
33 "*** in which the earth is about to pass through a poisonous belt
34 "*** of gas in space which will it seems kill
35 "*** all life on earth .... !!!!!!!
36 "***----------------------------------------
37 "*** please note these files are on 1 * 8050
38 "*** or 2 * 4040 disks
39 "***----------------------------------------
40 "
41 " ************************* that's all folks ************
1 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
2 " ********************************
3 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
4 " *** be sold or published ****
5 " *** for profit. ****
6 " ********************************
7 " * To the best of our knowledge *
8 " * the programs on this disk *
9 " * are in the public domain. *
10 " * *
11 " * Should this not be the case, *
12 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
13 " * *
14 " ********************************
15 "
16 "
17 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
18 :rem to use printer
19 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
20 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
21 "------------------------------------------------------
22 "
23 "
24 "*** Moby Dick
25 "*** by Herman Melville (1819-1891)
26 "***
27 "*** Born in New York City, the son of New England merchant.
28 "*** He worked at odd jobs (clerk, farmhand, teacher)
29 "*** before sailing to the South Seas on the whaler Acushnet .
30 "*** He deserted his ship, lived among cannibals, mutinied on
31 "*** an Australian boat, then spent two years on an American
32 "*** boat returning to the U.S. He successfully romanticized
33 "*** these adventures, publishing seven novels in six years,
34 "*** including Moby Dick (1851), one of the masterworks of
35 "*** American fiction. His popularity waned, and by the time
36 "*** he died he was virtually forgotten. Billy Budd was
37 "*** his last great novel. As his writing declined, Melville
38 "*** sailed again, around Cape Horn to San Francisco on a clipper
39 "*** ship commanded by his brother.
40 "
41 " this is in 134 chapters across 3* 8050 or 8*4040 disk
42 "
43 " note chapter 72 isn't here - i don't know why !!!
44 "************************************************
45 " please note this indicates in no way any support in any form
46 " of whale ''hunting'' - ken note aug 97
47 "************************************************
1 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
2 " ********************************
3 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
4 " *** be sold or published ****
5 " *** for profit. ****
6 " ********************************
7 " * To the best of our knowledge *
8 " * the programs on this disk *
9 " * are in the public domain. *
10 " * *
11 " * Should this not be the case, *
12 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
13 " * *
14 " ********************************
15 "
16 "
17 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
18 :rem to use printer
19 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
20 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
21 "======================================================
22 "*** the complete text of Conn Doyle's other hero
23 "*** Prof. Challenger !!!
24 "*** adventuring in south america to find dinosaurs
25 "*** << another file from project gutenburg >>>
26 "***---------------------------------------
27 "***------------------------------------------
28 "*** [pg/etext94/lostw10.txt]
29 "*** The Lost World by Arthur Conan Doyle
30 "*** June, 1994 [Etext #139]
31 "*** This etext was created by Judith Boss, Omaha, Nebraska. The
32 "*** equipment: an IBM-compatible 486/33, a Hewlett-Packard ScanJet
33 "*** IIc flatbed scanner, and a copy of Calera Recognition Systems'
34 "*** TrueScanRisc OCR program donated by Calera.
35 "*** This text is in the PUBLIC DOMAIN.
36 "*** ---------------------------------------------------------------------
38 "*** I have wrought my simple plan
39 "*** If I give one hour of joy
40 "*** To the boy who's half a man,
41 "*** Or the man who's half a boy.
42 "*** ---------------------------------------------------------------------
43 "*** The Lost World
45 "*** COPYRIGHT, 1912
46 "*** Foreword
47 "*** Mr. E. D. Malone desires to state that
48 "*** both the injunction for restraint and the
49 "*** libel action have been withdrawn unreservedly
50 "*** by Professor G. E. Challenger, who, being
51 "*** satisfied that no criticism or comment in
52 "*** this book is meant in an offensive spirit,
53 "*** has guaranteed that he will place no
54 "*** impediment to its publication and circulation.
55 "*** Contents
56 "*** CHAPTER
61 "*** V. QUESTION!"
65 "*** ------------------------------------
66 "*** split here for 4040 disk 2
67 "*** ----------------------------------------
72 "*** -----------------------------------------
73 "*** split here for 4040 disk 3
74 "*** -----------------------------------------
79 "***----------------------------------------
80 "*** please note these files are on 1 * 8050
81 "*** or 3 * 4040 disks
82 "***----------------------------------------
83 "
84 " ************************* that's all folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
51 "
101 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
102 :rem to use printer
103 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
104 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
105 "
107 " william shakespeare's
109 "titus andronicus
110 "titusac.ti-" seq
112 "titusact.ii-" seq
114 "titusact.iii" seq
116 "titusact.iv-" seq
118 "" seq
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
49 " some of the stuff on this disk may be in BASIC 2
50 " and work best on 40 col screens
51 "
101 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
102 :rem to use printer
103 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
104 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
105 "
108 " and its sequel ( splashdown time folks ! )
109 " complete text from project gutenburg
110 "
111 " these are four large seq files ( & 2 smaller ) to be used in your
112 "favourite WP prg ...
113 "
114 "the file names are
115 "moon1
116 "moon2
117 "moon3
118 "moon4
119 "mooninfo :- this contains transcribers notes & where the splits are
120 "moonlegal - legal stuff from project gutenburg
125 "
126 " please note this is on 2 * 8050 or 4*4040 disks !
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
51 "
101 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
102 :rem to use printer
103 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
104 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
105 "
107 " william shakespeare's
110 " midsummer night's dream
112 "mndacti-" seq
114 "mndact.ii-" seq
116 "mndact.iv-" seq
118 "mndact.iii" seq
120 "mndactv-" seq
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
49 " some of the stuff on this disk may be in BASIC 2
50 " and work best on 40 col screens
51 "
101 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
102 :rem to use printer
103 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
104 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
105 "
106 " H .G. WELLS
108 "
109 " complete text from project gutenburg
110 "
111 " these are three large seq files to be used in your
112 "favourite WP prg ...
113 "
114 "the file names are
115 "hgw1
116 "hgw2
117 "hgw3
118 "wowlegal - legal stuff from project gutenburg
119 "
120 "
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
49 " some of the stuff on this disk may be in BASIC 2
50 " and work best on 40 col screens
51 "
101 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
102 :rem to use printer
103 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
104 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
105 "
108 "
109 " complete text from project gutenburg
110 "
111 " this is a large seq file to be used in your
112 "favourite WP prg ...
113 "
119 "please note that this file is 663 blocks long !!!
120 "
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
51 "
101 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
102 :rem to use printer
103 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
104 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
105 "
107 " william shakespeare's
109 " anthony & cleopatra "
110 "antonyac.ti-" seq
112 "" seq
114 "antonyac.t2" seq
116 "antonyac.t3" seq
118 "antonyac.tiv" seq
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
51 "
101 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
102 :rem to use printer
103 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
104 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
105 "
106 "--------------------------------------------------
107 " aesop's fables
108 " all 295 of them
109 "
110 " aesop's biography
111 "
112 "------------------------------------------------
200 " 1* 8050 or 2* 4040
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************
1 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
2 " ********************************
3 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
4 " *** be sold or published ****
5 " *** for profit. ****
6 " ********************************
7 " * To the best of our knowledge *
8 " * the programs on this disk *
9 " * are in the public domain. *
10 " * *
11 " * Should this not be the case, *
12 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
13 " * *
14 " ********************************
15 "
16 "
17 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
18 :rem to use printer
19 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
20 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
21 "
22 "
23 " asstd text files
24 "
25 " 409 "ti TAN ic" seq
26 " this is a text file from project gutenburg but it seems that i've
27 " only got a partial download - but there's still a very big lump here
28 " 43 "ttniclegal" seq
29 "
30 " 199 "southdak.txt" seq
31 " all you ever wanted to know about the state .. ( well i had it to hand!)
32 "
33 " 65 "eavedrop.txt" seq
34 " how to spy on your neighbours - from a random download ...
35 "
36 " 360 "INT glos.txt" seq
37 " internet glossary
38 "
39 " 258 "asoka.txt" seq
40 " the wisdom of king asoka - as recomended by h.g. wells
41 "
42 " 23 "macspeil" seq
43 " an article praising the mac ... ( another thing i had to hand !! )
44 " ( well it was part of a text salvage operation i was trying out ...)
45 "
46 " 154 "bbsbegin.txt" seq
47 " bulletin board systems for beginners
48 "
49 " please note these files are on 1 * 8050 or 3 * 4040 disks
50 "
51 " ************************* that's all folks ************