This is a list of the CBM/PET library as it is at present from the catalouge disks but there are some additional bits that are due to go onto the list at present . There is a seperate page for the 700 series
However - all contributions gratefully received !!
main menu page
page one of PET/CBM library items
page two of this list of PET/CBM library items
page three of this list of PET/CBM library items
page four of this list of PET/CBM library items
page five of this list of PET/CBM library items
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
11 "
12 " davies disk 2
14 "
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
47 " disk from john davies , pontypridd ,wales , jan 96
48 "
49 " some of the stuff on this disk may be in BASIC 2
50 " and work best on 40 col screens
51 "
101 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
102 :rem to use printer
103 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
104 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
105 "DEMO is a sales pitch on a disk that calls up prgs from disk
106 "via a menu , the front end of the prg extols various virtues
107 "of the PET .
108 "DEMOÝ PET , PROFÝ DEMO are also sales pitches , one for the machine
109 "and the other is for software as well .
110 "STARÝ WARSÝ FILM is a very nice demo/cartoon based on the film.
111 "SECTORPRINTÝ is a variety of 'display track & sector'
112 "
113 " blocks: filename : type
114 "*** 4 "80 to 40" prg
115 "*** 35 "demo" prg
116 "*** 14 "hamurabi" prg
117 "*** 30 "market" prg
118 "*** 25 "football" prg
119 "*** 1 "football for 2" prg
120 "*** 16 "baseball" prg
121 "*** 11 "letter" prg
122 "*** 12 "big letter" prg
123 "*** 31 "math quiz" prg
124 "*** 23 "faces" prg
125 "*** 20 "hurkle" prg
126 "*** 14 "tag" prg
127 "*** 9 "deflection" prg
128 "*** 23 "racetrack" prg
129 "*** 13 "breakout" prg
130 "*** 35 "checkers" prg
131 "*** 25 "chase" prg
132 "*** 27 "mad bomber" prg
133 "*** 11 "capture" prg
134 "*** 26 "trek3" prg
135 "*** 27 "swarms" prg
136 "*** 18 "qubic" prg
137 "*** 13 "othello" prg
138 "*** 10 "othello for 2" prg
139 "*** 13 "fox" prg
140 "*** 17 "black box" prg
141 "*** 30 "backgammon" prg
142 "*** 16 "conundrum" prg
143 "*** 27 "obsession" prg
144 "*** 18 "maze" prg
145 "*** 25 "wumpus" prg
146 "*** 20 "racetrack2" prg
147 "*** 21 "math" prg
148 "*** 17 "divide" prg
149 "*** 14 "spell" prg
150 "*** 12 "synonym" prg
151 "*** 10 "hangman" prg
152 "*** 23 "zzzappp!" prg
153 "*** 27 "dictator" prg
154 "*** 17 "checkbook" prg
155 "*** 16 "calendar" prg
156 "*** 14 "mail list" prg
157 "*** 7 "dual density" prg
158 "*** 9 "histogram" prg
159 "*** 8 "bar graph" prg
160 "*** 8 "bible book" prg
161 "*** 16 "bible quiz" prg
162 "*** 25 "eliza" prg
163 "*** 11 "morse code" prg
164 "*** 11 "starbattle" prg
165 "*** 12 "biorhythm" prg
166 "*** 1 "end daley demo" seq
167 "*** 27 "star wars film" prg
168 "*** 22 "demo pet" prg
169 "*** 38 "prof demo" prg
170 "*** 7 "sectorprint" prg
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
11 "
12 " davies disk 3
14 "
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
47 " disk from john davies , pontypridd ,wales , jan 96
48 "
49 " some of the stuff on this disk may be in BASIC 2
50 " and work best on 40 col screens
51 "
101 rem text screen = poke 59468,14
102 rem to use printer
103 rem open1,4,7:print#1:close#1:open1,4:cmd1:list
104 rem when listing finished type in 'close1'
105 "'CURSOR' was the first magazine to be published as a cassette
106 "(rather than as paper ) for microcomputers ; each 'article'
107 "was a program . Some of the programs just displayed info and
108 "news ; others would be games and routines you could use in your
109 "own programs .
110 "This disk has a collection covering most of what was in it from
111 "july 78 to feb 80 , issue 1 'cover' isn't here - sorry .
112 "Somebody saved the tapes to disk sometime in the 80's what's
113 "missing i can't say but the 'cover' prgs have intros listing
114 "what was in each issue . Some covers are missing but most of
115 "the prgs have instructions .
116 "
117 " blocks : filename : type
118 "*** 4 "80 TO 40" prg
119 "*** 12 "w AND er-c#1" prg
120 "*** 23 "shark-c#1" prg
121 "*** 9 "brick-c#1" prg
122 "*** 9 "plot-c#1" prg
123 "*** 8 "typer-c#1" prg
124 "*** 12 "cover2" prg
125 "*** 18 "madlibs-c#2" prg
126 "*** 9 "guess-c#2" prg
127 "*** 12 "est-c#2" prg
128 "*** 14 "race" prg
129 "*** 11 "zap-c#2" prg
130 "*** 20 "bar-c#3" prg
131 "*** 20 "dots-c#3" prg
132 "*** 16 "quik!-c#3" prg
133 "*** 14 "flash-c#3" prg
134 "*** 21 "cards-c#3" prg
135 "*** 19 "cover04" prg
136 "*** 27 "bop-c#4" prg
137 "*** 18 "calc-c#4" prg
138 "*** 25 "clock!-c#4" prg
139 "*** 2 "inp-c#4" prg
140 "*** 27 "ced-c#4" prg
141 "*** 12 "cover5" prg
142 "*** 19 "hanoi-c#5" prg
143 "*** 10 "shoot-c#5" prg
144 "*** 22 "bship-c#5" prg
145 "*** 18 "face-c#5" prg
146 "*** 16 "hman-c#5" prg
147 "*** 11 "cover6" prg
148 "*** 24 "box-c#6" prg
149 "*** 24 "bjack-c#6" prg
150 "*** 8 "pack-c#6" prg
151 "*** 17 "list-c#6" prg
152 "*** 14 "cedpr-c#6" prg
153 "*** 12 "cover7" prg
154 "*** 2 "pricer-c#7" prg
155 "*** 19 "sound!-c#7" prg
156 "*** 26 "mind-c#7" prg
157 "*** 27 "fball-c#7" prg
158 "*** 10 "paper-c#7" prg
159 "*** 12 "cover08" prg
160 "*** 21 "revers!-c#8" prg
161 "*** 22 "dbook-c#8" prg
162 "*** 22 "space!-c#8" prg
163 "*** 20 "maze-c#8" prg
164 "*** 21 "add-c#8" prg
165 "*** 5 "x-c#8" prg
166 "*** 11 "cover9" prg
167 "*** 25 "yahtzee-c#9" prg
168 "*** 25 "slot!-c#9" prg
169 "*** 11 "flip-c#9" prg
170 "*** 26 "circle-c#9" prg
171 "*** 56 "gammon-c#9" prg
172 "*** 17 "cover!10" prg
173 "*** 22 "4032 space!" prg
174 "*** 25 "titrate-c#10" prg
175 "*** 25 "titrate-4032" prg
176 "*** 25 "titrate-8032" prg
177 "*** 26 "finance-c#10" prg
178 "*** 15 "course-c#10" prg
179 "*** 17 "asm-c#10" prg
180 "*** 13 "reader-c#10" prg
181 "*** 20 "demon!-c#11" prg
182 "*** 23 "hi calc-c#11" prg
183 "*** 18 "wipeout-c#11" prg
184 "*** 15 "peg-c#11" prg
185 "*** 21 "states-c#11" prg
186 "*** 14 "cover11" prg
187 "*** 26 "cover12" prg
188 "*** 21 "canyon!-c#12" prg
189 "*** 21 "gauss!-c#12" prg
190 "*** 23 "pickup-c#12" prg
191 "*** 23 "piegram-c#12" prg
192 "*** 26 "flight!-c#12" prg
193 "*** 14 "cover 13" prg
194 "*** 27 "ratrun-c#13" prg
195 "*** 18 "ferry!-c#13" prg
196 "*** 18 "ferry!-4032" prg
197 "*** 18 "ferry!-8032" prg
198 "*** 17 "leap-c#13" prg
199 "*** 25 "tcard-c#13" prg
200 "*** 17 "cover 14" prg
201 "*** 20 "search-c#14" prg
202 "*** 29 "bat!-c#14" prg
203 "*** 23 "morse!-c#14" prg
204 "*** 20 "cops-c#14" prg
205 "*** 4 "coming-c#14" prg
206 "*** 15 "match-c#14" prg
207 "*** 23 "cover15!" prg
208 "*** 19 "dungeon-c#15" prg
209 "*** 19 "dungeon-8032" prg
210 "*** 9 "fifteen-c#15" prg
211 "*** 19 "gomoku-c#15" prg
212 "*** 21 "everest-c#15" prg
213 "*** 26 "hawaii!-c#15" prg
214 "*** 12 "cover 16" prg
215 "*** 20 "nab!-c#16" prg
216 "*** 17 "fire!-c#16" prg
217 "*** 14 "aliens!-c#16" prg
218 "*** 20 "chutes!-c#16" prg
219 "*** 12 "catch!-c#16" prg
220 "*** 14 "cover 17" prg
221 "*** 24 "police!-c#17" prg
222 "*** 16 "spot-c#17" prg
223 "*** 12 "ruler-c#17" prg
224 "*** 22 "letter-c#17" prg
225 "*** 14 "merge-c#17" prg
226 "*** 12 "npack-c#17" prg
227 "*** 11 "cover 18" prg
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
11 "
12 " davies disk 4
14 "
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
47 " disk from john davies , pontypridd ,wales , jan 96
48 "
49 " some of the stuff on this disk may be in BASIC 2
50 " and work best on 40 col screens
51 "
101 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
102 :rem to use printer
103 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
104 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
105 "'CURSOR' was the first magazine to be published as a cassette
106 "(rather than as paper ) for microcomputers ; each 'article'
107 "was a program . Some of the programs just displayed info and
108 "news ; others would be games and routines you could use in your
109 "own programs .
110 "This disk has a collection covering most of what was in it from
111 "march 80 to nov 81 .
112 "Somebody saved the tapes to disk sometime in the 80's what's
113 "missing i can't say but the 'cover' prgs have intros listing
114 "what was in each issue . Some covers are missing but most of
115 "the prgs have instructions .
116 REM
117 " blocks : filename : type
118 "*** 4 "80to40" prg
119 "*** 11 "cover 18" prg
120 "*** 28 "dromeda!-c#18" prg
121 "*** 27 "weather-c#18" prg
122 "*** 27 "hi-res-c#18" prg
123 "*** 27 "sheep-c#18" prg
124 "*** 20 "joust-c#18" prg
125 "*** 19 "cover 19" prg
126 "*** 23 "frog!-c#19" prg
127 "*** 24 "godzilla!-c#19" prg
128 "*** 23 "miner!-c#19" prg
129 "*** 18 "rail-c#19" prg
130 "*** 18 "gbooka-c#19" prg
131 "*** 19 "gbookb-c#19" prg
132 "*** 23 "frog-4032" prg
133 "*** 12 "cover 20" prg
134 "*** 22 "music!-c#20" prg
135 "*** 22 "bets-c#20" prg
136 "*** 18 "checkers!-c#20" prg
137 "*** 15 "curves-c#20" prg
138 "*** 24 "equip-c#20" prg
139 "*** 20 "cover 21!" prg
140 "*** 17 "capture!-c#21" prg
141 "*** 23 "dance!-c#21" prg
142 "*** 27 "boswain-c#21" prg
143 "*** 23 "ouranos!-c#21" prg
144 "*** 16 "drag-c#21" prg
145 "*** 13 "cover 22" prg
146 "*** 24 "kalah-c#22" prg
147 "*** 22 "poker-c#22" prg
148 "*** 17 "match-c#22" prg
149 "*** 25 "thunt!-c#22" prg
150 "*** 15 "compare-c#22" prg
151 "*** 20 "substitute" prg
152 "*** 21 "recipe-c#23" prg
153 "*** 14 "ambush!-c#23" prg
154 "*** 25 "orrery-c#23" prg
155 "*** 14 "enigma-c#23" prg
156 "*** 21 "mwhiz!-c#23" prg
157 "*** 14 "cover 24" prg
158 "*** 16 "defend!-c#24" prg
159 "*** 15 "g-word-c#24" prg
160 "*** 19 "racer!-c#24" prg
161 "*** 19 "re-num-c#24" prg
162 "*** 10 "printsit-c#24" prg
163 "*** 15 "cover 25!" prg
164 "*** 19 "maxit-c#25" prg
165 "*** 37 "mail-c#25" prg
166 "*** 19 "rescue!-c#25" prg
167 "*** 24 "repair-c#25" prg
168 "*** 12 "xref-c#25" prg
169 "*** 16 "cover 26" prg
170 "*** 15 "lawn!-c#26" prg
171 "*** 23 "tank!-c#26" prg
172 "*** 24 "safe!-c#26" prg
173 "*** 23 "ram-c#26" prg
174 "*** 28 "test-c#26" prg
175 "*** 24 "safe!-4032" prg
176 "*** 19 "cover27!" prg
177 "*** 24 "attack!-c#27" prg
178 "*** 18 "emaze!-c#27" prg
179 "*** 22 "duel!-c#27" prg
180 "*** 55 "miser-c#27" prg
181 "*** 14 "prochar-c#27" prg
182 "*** 18 "cover28!" prg
183 "*** 20 "skeet!-c#28" prg
184 "*** 15 "blasto!-c#28" prg
185 "*** 20 "stop!-c#28" prg
186 "*** 17 "voz-c#28" prg
187 "*** 18 "flags-c#28" prg
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
47 " disk from john davies , pontypridd ,wales , jan 96
48 "
49 " These prg require a CBM printer and a great deal
50 " of imagination !!!!
51 "
101 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
102 :rem to use printer
103 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
104 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
105 "These prgs create calender pages - one per month - they require
106 "a CBM printer and lots of imagination
107 "
108 " blocks : filename : type
109 "*** 17 "snoopycal" prg
110 "*** 18 "roadrunnercal" prg
111 "*** 19 "porkycal" prg
112 "*** 23 "samcal" prg
113 "*** 21 "foghorncal" prg
114 "*** 19 "andycal" prg
115 "*** 20 "tweetycal" prg
116 "*** 16 "woodstockcal" prg
117 "*** 19 "sylvestercal" prg
118 "*** 19 "fredcal" prg
119 "*** 21 "schrodercal" prg
120 "*** 16 "calendar" prg
121 "*** 21 "bugscal" prg
122 "*** 22 "nude1" prg
123 "*** 24 "nude2" prg
124 "*** 26 "nude3" prg
125 "*** 20 "nude4" prg
126 "*** 18 "nude5" prg
127 "*** 26 "nude6" prg
128 "*** 24 "nude7" prg
129 "*** 23 "nude8" prg
130 "*** 27 "nude9" prg
131 "*** 20 "nude10" prg
132 "*** 30 "nude11" prg
133 "*** 24 "nude12" prg
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
11 "
12 " davies disk 6
14 "
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
47 " disk from john davies , pontypridd ,wales , jan 96
48 "
49 " some of the stuff on this disk may be in BASIC 2
50 " and work best on 40 col screens
51 "
101 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
102 :rem to use printer
103 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
104 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
105 "This disk contents are a set called 'simply file' with 'sw**'
106 "being 'simply write' . My brief tests of it make me say that
107 "it seems not very user friendly when they're used in a 8000
108 "perhaps they live better in BASIC 2 ? .
109 "SW** is a word pro prg that will accept up to 100 lines but
110 "the exit to printer isn't very clear , SW32 has some instructions
111 "at the beginning of the prg but they aren't very helpfull .
112 "BACKUP SF will copy the 'simply file' prgs from d0 to a formatted
113 "disk in drive 1 , - it seems some prgs are missing if the listing
114 "is studied .
115 "Sorry that i can't be more informative but any new info will
116 "be gratefully received .
117 "
118 " blocks: filename : type
119 "*** 36 "data base" prg
120 "*** 14 "start file" prg
121 "*** 21 "mail labels" prg
122 "*** 31 "report writer" prg
123 "*** 25 "print rep" prg
124 "*** 18 "disk print" prg
125 "*** 11 "create seq" prg
126 "*** 18 "load seq" prg
127 "*** 11 "alfa order" prg
128 "*** 22 "file calcs" prg
129 "*** 15 "make calcs" prg
130 "*** 5 "backup sf" prg
131 "*** 33 "view seq" prg
132 "*** 22 "batch entry" prg
133 "*** 13 "update" prg
134 "*** 18 "do update" prg
135 "*** 9 "copy disk" prg
136 "*** 38 "sw32" prg
137 "*** 35 "sw80" prg
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
11 "
12 " davies disk 7
14 "
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
47 " disk from john davies , pontypridd ,wales , jan 96
48 "
49 " some of the stuff on this disk may be in BASIC 2
50 " and work best on 40 col screens
51 "
101 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
102 :rem to use printer
103 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
104 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
105 "The adventure game is best played with pen and paper to hand
106 "to draw a map as one proceeds otherwise it's possible to spend
107 "ages blundering around in forests getting nowhere!.
108 "Some general rules -
109 "never ignore anything - most objects you'll encounter will probably
110 "only have one role in the game maybe just to annoy and delay
111 "you in solving the puzzle ! .
112 "always draw a map , etc ...
113 "most games have a limited vocabulary , ne = north east ,
114 "go = move , some have help notes on screen .
115 "some games can save your position so you can come back to it
116 "later ( after studying maps ?) .
117 "
118 " blocks : filename : type
119 "*** 4 "80 to 40" prg
120 "*** 49 "datestones prg" prg
121 "*** 6 "ryn" seq
122 "*** 93 "temple of apshai" prg
123 "*** 12 "level 1" seq
124 "*** 12 "level 2" seq
125 "*** 12 "level 3" seq
126 "*** 13 "level 4" seq
127 "*** 75 "castle adv." prg
128 "*** 100 "hellfire" prg
129 "*** 95 "disc apshai" prg
130 "*** 53 "santa paravia" prg
131 "*** 55 "oregon trail" prg
132 "*** 50 "datestones" prg
133 "*** 54 "planet miners" prg
134 "*** 54 "pirate adv." prg
135 "*** 71 "adventureland" prg
136 "*** 2 "char. builder" prg
137 "*** 5 "sample" seq
138 "*** 4 "80to40" prg
139 "*** 1 "challenge" seq
140 "*** 52 "invasion orion" prg
141 "*** 2 "pilgrimage" seq
142 "*** 1 "war god" seq
143 "*** 1 "guantlet" seq
144 "*** 29 "death planet" prg
145 "*** 100 "helldisc" prg
146 "*** 1 "saver" prg
147 "*** 9 "level 5" seq
148 "*** 9 "level 6" seq
149 "*** 9 "level 7" seq
150 "*** 9 "level 8" seq
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
47 " disk from john davies , pontypridd ,wales , jan 96
48 "
49 " some of the stuff on this disk may be in BASIC 2
50 " and work best on 40 col screens
51 "
100 LIST
101 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
102 :rem to use printer
103 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
104 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
105 "some of these games hang up on my 8000 and hence may only work
106 "on older machines , another quirk is that the keys that they
107 "require may be different to instructions ( less keys on older
108 "machines ) . ff = fat fourty . 'intruders' is a space invaders
109 "clone .
110 "
111 " blocks : filename : type
112 "*** 4 "80to40" prg
113 "*** 36 "power" prg
114 "*** 26 "d.o.d" prg
115 "*** 27 "counselor" prg
116 "*** 26 "trek3" prg
117 "*** 29 "trek2!" prg
118 "*** 29 "space invaders!" prg
119 "*** 20 "intruders!" prg
120 "*** 22 "backgammon" prg
121 "*** 26 "microsail" prg
122 "*** 19 "bike" prg
123 "*** 27 "stock" prg
124 "*** 25 "bridge" prg
125 "*** 14 "builder" prg
126 "*** 25 "checkers!" prg
127 "*** 23 "batter up" prg
128 "*** 27 "prospector" prg
129 "*** 14 "basic humor" prg
130 "*** 29 "invaders!-ff" prg
131 "*** 23 "intruders!-8032" prg
132 "*** 25 "afo/sound" prg
133 "*** 10 "airport inst" prg
134 "*** 27 "airport-ff" prg
135 "*** 23 "intruders!-ff" prg
136 "*** 14 "aliens!-ff" prg
137 "*** 20 "seawolf-ff" prg
138 "*** 20 "nab!-ff" prg
139 "*** 16 "tunnel-ff" prg
140 "*** 12 "inst-astro" prg
141 "*** 38 "simon!" prg
142 "*** 12 "intro-munch" prg
143 "*** 27 "munchman" prg
144 "*** 29 "asteroidz" prg
145 "*** 7 "arrow!" prg
146 "*** 18 "blackjack" prg
147 "*** 23 "poker" prg
148 "*** 15 "breakout!" prg
149 "*** 20 "cops" prg
150 "*** 13 "weekday" prg
151 "*** 22 "explora" prg
152 "*** 10 "minefield" prg
153 "*** 20 "skeet" prg
154 "*** 18 "flags" prg
155 "*** 16 "quik" prg
156 "*** 19 "hanoi" prg
157 "*** 26 "m mind" prg
158 "*** 18 "wipeout" prg
159 "*** 16 "spot" prg
160 "*** 21 "wordsearch" prg
161 "*** 18 "mad libs" prg
162 "*** 27 "bop" prg
163 "*** 20 "chutes & ladders" prg
164 "*** 24 "police!" prg
165 "*** 32 "home inventory" prg
166 "*** 23 "election 80" prg
167 "*** 14 "ambush!" prg
168 "*** 25 "orrery" prg
169 "*** 14 "enigma" prg
170 "*** 21 "mwhiz!" prg
171 "*** 24 "pinball" prg
172 "*** 8 "bormuth" prg
173 "*** 24 "galaxy games" prg
174 "*** 14 "target pong" prg
175 "*** 16 "off-the-wall" prg
176 "*** 12 "snake" prg
177 "*** 13 "space talk" prg
178 "*** 13 "space fight" prg
179 "*** 11 "midway!" prg
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
11 "
12 " davies disk 9
14 "
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
47 " disk from john davies , pontypridd ,wales , jan 96
48 "
49 " some of the stuff on this disk may be in BASIC 2
50 " and work best on 40 col screens
51 "
101 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
102 :rem to use printer
103 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
104 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
105 "The prgs on this disk are mostly american english teaching aids
106 "with a few maths prgs
107 "
108 " blocks : filename : type
110 "*** 4 "80 to 40" prg
111 "*** 19 "contractions 1" prg
112 "*** 24 "verbs 1" prg
113 "*** 25 "div. by ross" prg
114 "*** 24 "flashspelling" prg
115 "*** 23 "scrambled letts." prg
116 "*** 25 "homonyms 1-1" prg
117 "*** 27 "homonyms 1-2" prg
118 "*** 26 "homonyms 2-1" prg
119 "*** 26 "homonyms 2-2" prg
120 "*** 17 "pron-dir.objs." prg
121 "*** 19 "pron-possessive" prg
122 "*** 26 "pron-subject" prg
123 "*** 25 "pron-drill" prg
124 "*** 25 "adverbs-modify" prg
125 "*** 24 "adverbs-compare" prg
126 "*** 15 "adverbs-to adjs." prg
127 "*** 19 "adverb drill" prg
128 "*** 20 "dec.add.1-pp" prg
129 "*** 21 "dec.add.2-pp" prg
130 "*** 21 "dec.add.3-pp" prg
131 "*** 25 "dec.add.4-pp" prg
132 "*** 16 "dec.sub.1-pp" prg
133 "*** 20 "dec.sub.2-pp" prg
134 "*** 21 "dec.sub.3-pp" prg
135 "*** 21 "dec.sub.4-pp" prg
136 "*** 21 "dec.mult.1-pp" prg
137 "*** 21 "dec.mult.2-pp" prg
138 "*** 25 "dec.mult.3-pp" prg
139 "*** 25 "dec.mult.4-pp" prg
140 "*** 24 "dec.mult.5-pp" prg
141 "*** 24 "dec.div.1-pp" prg
142 "*** 27 "dec.div.2-pp" prg
143 "*** 14 "trigonometry i" prg
144 "*** 17 "trigonometry ii" prg
145 "*** 19 "bar graph anal." prg
146 "*** 26 "projectile motio" prg
147 "*** 19 "geometrical area" prg
148 "*** 21 "coord. geo. i" prg
149 "*** 20 "types of variatn" prg
150 "*** 22 "synonyms 1" prg
151 "*** 24 "synonyms 2" prg
152 "*** 26 "synonyms 3" prg
153 "*** 25 "antonyms" prg
154 "*** 19 "contr-n't/to be" prg
155 "*** 16 "contr-'d/'ll" prg
156 "*** 18 "contr drl 1" prg
157 "*** 25 "contr drl 2" prg
158 "*** 26 "verbs 2" prg
159 "*** 25 "verbs 3" prg
160 "*** 27 "verbs 4" prg
161 "*** 21 "nouns 1" prg
162 "*** 18 "nouns 2" prg
163 "*** 23 "nouns 3" prg
164 "*** 24 "nouns 4" prg
165 "*** 25 "adjectives 1" prg
166 "*** 26 "adjectives 2" prg
167 "*** 22 "adjectives 3" prg
168 "*** 26 "adjectives 4" prg
169 "*** 11 "sets-algebra" prg
170 "*** 8 "add-algebra" prg
171 "*** 10 "arith-algebra" prg
172 "*** 8 "equations-alg." prg
173 "*** 12 "mult-algebra" prg
174 "*** 11 "factor 1-alg." prg
175 "*** 12 "factor 2-alg." prg
176 "*** 19 "slope" prg
177 "*** 12 "simultaneous eq." prg
178 "*** 11 "quadratic-fact." prg
179 "*** 11 "quadratic-disc." prg
180 "*** 12 "quadratic-cmplx" prg
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
11 "
12 " davies disk 10
14 "
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
47 " disk from john davies , pontypridd ,wales , jan 96
48 "
49 " some of the stuff on this disk may be in BASIC 2
50 " and work best on 40 col screens
51 "
101 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
102 :rem to use printer
103 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
104 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
105 "The prgs on this disk are mostly american english teaching aids
106 "with a few maths prgs
107 "
108 " blocks : filename : type
111 "*** 23 "which" prg
112 "*** 25 "match cap.let" prg
113 "*** 26 "match w/lt pen" prg
114 "*** 17 "its-it's" prg
115 "*** 21 "usage boners 13" prg
116 "*** 18 "i.d.comp.sent." prg
117 "*** 21 "agree sub&verb" prg
118 "*** 16 "haiku" prg
119 "*** 28 "math bid" prg
120 "*** 25 "dir.& dist." prg
121 "*** 22 "story probs +&-" prg
122 "*** 23 "work bas.+ facts" prg
123 "*** 13 "add w/objs" prg
124 "*** 23 "work bas.x facts" prg
125 "*** 9 "count'em" prg
126 "*** 15 "what # missing" prg
127 "*** 16 "antonym machine" prg
128 "*** 17 "to-too-two" prg
129 "*** 19 "synonyms 1" prg
130 "*** 21 "add by ross" prg
131 "*** 23 "pet prof-x 2dig" prg
132 "*** 26 "mil add" prg
133 "*** 26 "mil fract.1" prg
134 "*** 26 "mil laws 1" prg
135 "*** 14 "spelling" prg
136 "*** 23 "books" prg
137 "*** 21 "clock" prg
138 "*** 2 "headline" prg
139 "*** 29 "vmm" prg
140 "*** 24 "treble clef" prg
141 "*** 13 "matching rhythms" prg
142 "*** 20 "high-same-low" prg
143 "*** 17 "piano player" prg
144 "*** 16 "hangman" prg
145 "*** 12 "ruler" prg
146 "*** 38 "test scorer demo" prg
147 "*** 24 "adjectives 1" prg
148 "*** 24 "code breaker 1" prg
149 "*** 22 "wrt to rd 1-10" prg
150 "*** 23 "wrt to rd 11-20" prg
151 "*** 11 "g.m.s. 21-30" prg
152 "*** 10 "g.m.s. 31-40" prg
153 "*** 26 "wrt to rd 41-50" prg
154 "*** 25 "wrt to rd 51-60" prg
155 "*** 21 "wrt to rd 61-66" prg
156 "*** 16 "homonym machine" prg
157 "*** 26 "writing outlines" prg
158 "*** 22 "hat in the ring" prg
159 "*** 24 "subt. sample" prg
160 "*** 23 "ruler-fractions" prg
161 "*** 18 "homonym print" prg
162 "*** 27 "a1 spelling" prg
163 "*** 24 "a4 spelling" prg
164 "*** 23 "a3 spelling" prg
165 "*** 26 "d1 spelling" prg
166 "*** 24 "a2 spelling" prg
167 "*** 24 "a5 spelling" prg
168 "*** 24 "a6 spelling" prg
169 "*** 25 "a7 spelling" prg
170 "*** 27 "b1 spelling" prg
171 "*** 24 "b2 spelling" prg
172 "*** 25 "b3 spelling" prg
173 "*** 25 "b4 spelling" prg
174 "*** 24 "b5 spelling" prg
175 "*** 24 "b6 spelling" prg
176 "*** 25 "b7 spelling" prg
177 "*** 26 "c1 spelling" prg
178 "*** 25 "c2 spelling" prg
179 "*** 25 "c3 spelling" prg
180 "*** 24 "c4 spelling" prg
181 "*** 26 "c5 spelling" prg
182 "*** 26 "c6 spelling" prg
183 "*** 26 "c7 spelling" prg
184 "*** 25 "d2 spelling" prg
185 "*** 25 "d3 spelling" prg
186 "*** 26 "d4 spelling" prg
187 "*** 26 "d5 spelling" prg
188 "*** 28 "d6 spelling" prg
189 "*** 27 "d7 spelling" prg
190 "*** 27 "e1 spelling" prg
191 "*** 25 "e2 spelling" prg
192 "*** 25 "e3 spelling" prg
193 "*** 26 "e4 spelling" prg
194 "*** 26 "e5 spelling" prg
195 "*** 26 "e6 spelling" prg
196 "*** 27 "e7 spelling" prg
197 "*** 4 "80 to 40" prg
198 "*** 18 "maps & caps/d" prg
199 "*** 8 "capitals" seq
200 "*** 24 "nancymath!" prg
201 "*** 24 "the states/d" prg
202 "*** 3 "states" seq
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************
10 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
11 "
12 " davies disk 11
14 "
32 " ********************************
33 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
34 " *** be sold or published ****
35 " *** for profit. ****
37 " ********************************
38 " * To the best of our knowledge *
39 " * the programs on this disk *
40 " * are in the public domain. *
41 " * *
42 " * Should this not be the case, *
43 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
44 " * *
45 " ********************************
46 "
47 " disk from john davies , pontypridd ,wales , jan 96
48 "
49 " some of the stuff on this disk may be in BASIC 2
50 " and work best on 40 col screens
51 "
101 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
102 :rem to use printer
103 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
104 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
105 "The prgs with numbers as filenames are assorted short math routines
106 "covering quite a range .
107 "LIT COMP*-OWWW , CRITÝ RDG*-OWWW , are cassette based teaching
108 "aids for american english , 'our weird and wacky world'
109 "some have 'tempory' screens for the school to put its logo in
110 "before assorted short stories about callifornian monkeys on
111 "roller skates . which word goes where and what do various words
112 "mean ? are what they are .
113 "CBN ***+ are mostly multiple choice math questions .
114 "
115 " blocks: filename : type
116 "*** 4 "80 to 40" prg
117 "*** 2 "1" prg
118 "*** 2 "3" prg
119 "*** 2 "5" prg
120 "*** 2 "7" prg
121 "*** 2 "9" prg
122 "*** 2 "11" prg
123 "*** 2 "13" prg
124 "*** 2 "15" prg
125 "*** 6 "17" prg
126 "*** 2 "22" prg
127 "*** 2 "23" prg
128 "*** 2 "25" prg
129 "*** 2 "27" prg
130 "*** 2 "29" prg
131 "*** 2 "31" prg
132 "*** 2 "33" prg
133 "*** 2 "36" prg
134 "*** 2 "38" prg
135 "*** 3 "41" prg
136 "*** 6 "44" prg
137 "*** 2 "49" prg
138 "*** 2 "51" prg
139 "*** 2 "52" prg
140 "*** 5 "54" prg
141 "*** 4 "58" prg
142 "*** 2 "60" prg
143 "*** 2 "61" prg
144 "*** 2 "63" prg
145 "*** 4 "65" prg
146 "*** 7 "67" prg
147 "*** 8 "72" prg
148 "*** 4 "77" prg
149 "*** 2 "81" prg
150 "*** 2 "83" prg
151 "*** 3 "86" prg
152 "*** 2 "88" prg
153 "*** 3 "90" prg
154 "*** 2 "92" prg
155 "*** 2 "93" prg
156 "*** 4 "95" prg
157 "*** 4 "97" prg
158 "*** 2 "99" prg
159 "*** 3 "101" prg
160 "*** 10 "103" prg
161 "*** 4 "108" prg
162 "*** 3 "111" prg
163 "*** 3 "114" prg
164 "*** 2 "116" prg
165 "*** 5 "118" prg
166 "*** 3 "121" prg
167 "*** 2 "124" prg
168 "*** 2 "125" prg
169 "*** 2 "127" prg
170 "*** 3 "128" prg
171 "*** 2 "130" prg
172 "*** 4 "133" prg
173 "*** 3 "135" prg
174 "*** 4 "137" prg
175 "*** 3 "140" prg
176 "*** 2 "143" prg
177 "*** 3 "145" prg
178 "*** 6 "147" prg
179 "*** 6 "151" prg
180 "*** 3 "154" prg
181 "*** 3 "156" prg
182 "*** 2 "158" prg
183 "*** 3 "160" prg
184 "*** 4 "162" prg
185 "*** 5 "165" prg
186 "*** 7 "169" prg
187 "*** 3 "173" prg
188 "*** 11 "177" prg
189 "*** 3 "184" prg
190 "*** 4 "186" prg
191 "*** 6 "189" prg
192 "*** 2 "192" prg
193 "*** 25 "points" prg
194 "*** 19 "t-spell" prg
195 "*** 12 "s-spell" prg
196 "*** 6 "t-hyphen" prg
197 "*** 12 "s-hyphen" prg
198 "*** 19 "t-punctuation" prg
199 "*** 19 "s-punctuation" prg
200 "*** 24 "lit comp1-owww" prg
201 "*** 25 "lit comp2-owww" prg
202 "*** 25 "lit comp3-oww" prg
203 "*** 27 "lit comp4-owww" prg
204 "*** 27 "lit comp5-owww" prg
205 "*** 27 "lit comp6-owww" prg
206 "*** 26 "lit comp7-owww" prg
207 "*** 24 "lit comp8-owww" prg
208 "*** 28 "crit rdg1-owww" prg
209 "*** 25 "crit rdg2-owww" prg
210 "*** 26 "crit rdg3-owww" prg
211 "*** 26 "crit rdg4-owww" prg
212 "*** 25 "crit rdg5-owww" prg
213 "*** 26 "crit rdg6-owww" prg
214 "*** 25 "crit rdg7-owww" prg
215 "*** 24 "crit rdg8-owww" prg
216 "*** 25 "o'brien rdg test" prg
217 "*** 24 "bookshelf" prg
218 "*** 23 "synonyms" prg
219 "*** 20 "fraction equiv 1" prg
220 "*** 23 "word scrambler" prg
221 "*** 27 "cbn v1+" prg
222 "*** 25 "verbs-being" prg
223 "*** 23 "column add" prg
224 "*** 26 "light bulbs" prg
225 "*** 10 "alphabet" prg
226 "*** 23 "ruler fractions" prg
227 "*** 21 "add facts 0-5" prg
228 "*** 8 "probability mach" prg
229 "*** 26 "careers" prg
230 "*** 29 "cbn v2+" prg
231 "*** 29 "cbn v3+" prg
232 "*** 29 "cbn v4+" prg
233 "*** 30 "cbn v5+" prg
234 "*** 29 "cbn v6+" prg
235 "*** 22 "cbn v7+" prg
236 "*** 39 "cbn wr1+" prg
237 "*** 43 "cbn wr2+" prg
238 "*** 28 "cbn m9+" prg
239 "*** 32 "cbn m10+" prg
240 "*** 24 "cbn m11+" prg
241 "*** 33 "cbn m12+" prg
242 "*** 31 "cbn m13+" prg
243 "*** 43 "cbn sc1+" prg
244 "*** 43 "cbn sc2+" prg
245 "*** 35 "cbn rc+" prg
246 "*** 32 "cbn m1+" prg
247 "*** 46 "cbn m2+" prg
248 "*** 31 "cbn m3+" prg
249 "*** 45 "cbn m4+" prg
250 "*** 41 "cbn m5+" prg
998 "
999 " ************************* that's all folks ************
100 POKE 59468,14:PRINT " ":LIST
110 " ********************************
120 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
130 " *** be sold or published ****
140 " *** for profit. ****
150 " ********************************
160 " * To the best of our knowledge *
170 " * the programs on this disk *
180 " * are in the public domain. *
190 " * *
200 " * Should this not be the case, *
210 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
220 " * *
230 " ********************************
240 " this is a collection of assorted stuff
250 " but most of the stuff is connected with a spread sheet
260 "prg that i've written in BASIC modified to use PROCEP EDITOR
270 " that i've included on this disk for the sake of completeness
280 " ken ross - may 97
290 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
300 :rem to use printer
310 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
320 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
330 "*** 0 "k END isk11 " 56 2c
340 "*** 85 "" prg - spreadsheet speeded up with petspeed
350 "*** 118 "" prg - horoscope
360 "*** 2 "sheet DATA" seq - some data for the sheet to play with
370 "*** 39 "sheetkd11" prg - sheet in basic
380 "*** 15 "car TO ON 4.1" prg - as it says
390 "*** 46 "car TO ON" prg - but faster !
400 "*** 48 "car TO ON#1" prg
410 "*** 9 "car TO ON#3" prg
420 "*** 46 "pana" prg drove printer through user port -petspeeded
430 "*** 71 "car TO" prg
440 "*** 12 "pana PRINT" prg - basic
450 "*** 41 "car TO" prg
460 "*** 3 "8023demo1" prg - to use special features of it
470 "*** 9 "8023demo2" prg - ditto
480 "*** 18 "procep.edi TO r" prg - from ICPUG disk B1
485 "- all these are help screens for the procep sheet prg -
490 "*** 8 "shelp<" prg
500 "*** 8 "shelp>" prg
510 "*** 8 "shelpk" prg
520 "*** 8 "shelpa" prg
530 "*** 8 "shelpq" prg
540 "*** 8 "shelpr" prg
550 "*** 8 "shelpj" prg
560 "*** 8 "shelp^" prg
570 "*** 8 "shelp%" prg
580 "*** 8 "shelpe" prg
590 "*** 8 "shelps" prg
600 "*** 8 "shelpi" prg
610 "*** 8 "shelpm" prg
620 "*** 8 "shelp2" prg
630 "*** 8 "shelpf" prg
640 "*** 8 "shelpd" prg
650 "*** 8 "shelpc" prg
660 "*** 8 "shelpz" prg
670 "*** 8 "shelph" prg
680 "*** 40 "sheetprocep" prg - the sheet prg in procep editor has to
681 " be loaded after P.E. to use new commands & help screens
685 "-------------------------------------
690 "*** 62 "" prg - a tacho log system
700 "*** 24 "ritacho" prg
710 "*** 64 "other blank" rel
720 "*** 9 "" seq
730 "
740 " ************************* that's all folks ************
4294967039 " prg
670 "*** 8 "shelph" prg
680 "*** 40 "sheetprocep" prg - the sheet prg in procep editor has to
681 " be loaded after P.E. to use new commands & help screens
685 "-------------------------------------
690 "*** 62 "" prg - a tacho log system
700 "*** 24 "ritacho" prg
710 "*** 64 "other blank" rel
720 "*** 9 "" seq
730 "
740 " ************************* that's all folks ************
3601 SAVE "*** 8 "shelpz
0 |
64 HEX$p
100 PRINT" ";
110 PRINT" Kens intro to civil eng 3 disk NOV 91 "
121 PRINT" Do you want a hard copy of this intro ? Y/NÝ";
122 INPUT y$ : IF y$="n" THEN GOTO 140
123 PRINT" Is the printer connected ? Y/NÝÝ";
124 INPUT y$
125 IF y$="n" THEN GOTO 123
126 OPEN 1,4,7 :PRINT#1:CLOSE 1:OPEN 1,4:CMD 1
150 s$=" STEELÝÝ ":c$=" CONCRETEÝÝ ":cs$=" CONCÝ&Ý STEELÝ "
170 b$= " BOOKÝÝ ":m$=" MODIFIEDÝÝ "
190 p$=" P.S.B ":i$=" I.C.E. "
200 PRINT" ";
210 PRINT" Kens intro to civil eng 3 disk NOV 91 "
220 PRINT"where these notes about the progs say originated it means i "
230 PRINT"evolved them from my tutors and textbooks - and it shows in"
240 PRINT"places ! "
250 PRINT"where it says book - they were type in progs from books i found"
260 PRINT"available either at the south bank poly in london or at the "
270 PRINT"institute of civil engineers library in westminster"
280 PRINT"i've tried to make them user freindly but my background "
290 PRINT"knowledge may have coloured my pre-conception about what is "
300 PRINT"obvious "
310 PRINT" however some progs were originated on my hand held casio"
320 PRINT"computer and so they best use some of the features on that machine"
330 PRINT"most notably the display of things to the power of ##"
340 PRINT"some are only partially developed due to lack of time followed by"
350 PRINT"lack of need !"
351 PRINT" bs 8110 & bs 5950 rule o.k.? throughout "
360 PRINT"as i write this i still have quite a lot of other progs not on "
370 PRINT"this disk - updates and documentation available from me -"
380 PRINT"Ken Ross ,
390 PRINT" London
400 PRINT" SAE's only please "
405 IF y$="y" THEN GOTO 450
420 GET z$:IF z$>"" GOTO 420
430 GET z$: IF z$="" GOTO 430
440 PRINT" ";
450 PRINT" page 2 ";
470 PRINT" cbm demo disk :- dos support , performance ,copy/all ,"
480 PRINT"change unit add , printer demo ,display trk&sec ,basic cross ref "
490 PRINT" 8250 expand rel "
500 PRINT"when i bought my 8032 second hand i got two disks with it :-"
510 PRINT" the cbm demo disk was one of them "
520 PRINT" the other disk had some games on it "
530 PRINT"eliza , lunar lander are from it "
540 PRINT" bandit :-";o$;" valentine :-";b$
560 PRINT"maxwell :-";b$;p$;i$;sa$;;;"butterworth basic "
570 PRINT"resolving forces at joints "
580 PRINT"stressreinfbeam :-";o$;sa$;c$
590 PRINT"stress in reinforced concrete beam , width, reinforcing bar areas"
600 PRINT"modular ratio ,cover to rebars ,effective depth ,bending moment "
610 PRINT" all go in and the answer is the stress in the beam "
620 PRINT"reinfconcbendmmt :-";o$;sa$;c$
630 PRINT"variation of stressreinfbeam but with stress in and bending mmt out"
640 PRINT"circ to rect :-";o$;sa$
650 PRINT"getting a rectangle from a circle with 2nd mmt of area worked out"
655 IF y$="y" THEN GOTO 700
670 GET z$:IF z$>"" GOTO 670
680 GET z$: IF z$="" GOTO 680
690 PRINT" ";
700 PRINT" page 3 ";
710 PRINT"dam question :-"o$;sa$
720 PRINT"dimensions & weight in , forces & where out "
730 PRINT"pressconv :-";b$;p$;i$;f$;;"butterworth basic series "
740 PRINT"pressure conversion "
750 PRINT"radial sluice des :-";b$;p$;i$;f$;"butterworth basic series"
760 PRINT"radial sluice design "
770 PRINT"venturicalib :-";b$;p$;i$;f$;"butterworth basic series "
780 PRINT"venturi meter calibration "
790 PRINT"full ss beam :-";b$;p$;sa$
800 PRINT"full analysis of simply supported beam , elastic modulus ,size "
810 PRINT" 2nd mmt area go in , answer is deflection ,bm,ra,rb "
820 PRINT"point load ra,rb :-";b$;p$;sa$
830 PRINT"span ,load ,distance go in :answer = ra,rb ,shear , bm "
840 PRINT"ss beam conc :-";b$;sa$;c$
850 PRINT"stress ,span , weight go in :answer almost everything needed "
860 PRINT"beam contin :-";b$;p$
870 PRINT"continuous beam , span ,2nd mmt area ,weight go in "
880 PRINT"gives bending mmt envelope and shear : can be modified to work out"
890 PRINT"the amount of rebars needed needed for a promenade for example "
900 PRINT"contin & col :-";b$;p$
910 PRINT"same as beam contin but with columns in it "
915 IF y$="y" THEN GOTO 960
930 GET z$:IF z$>"" GOTO 930
940 GET z$: IF z$="" GOTO 940
950 PRINT" ";
960 PRINT" page 4 ";
970 PRINT"slab restraind :-";b$;p$;c$;sa$
980 PRINT"analysis of restrained slab ,how many edges supported upon etc"
990 PRINT"stripfound sm :-";b$;p$;i$;sm$;"butterworth basic"
1000 PRINT"analysis of a strip foundation "
1010 PRINT"reinconc des :-";b$;p$;c$
1020 PRINT"reinforced concrete beam design "
1030 PRINT"calc i section :-";b$;p$;sa$;c$
1040 PRINT"calculate the 2nd mmt area from co-ords ,symmetrical "
1050 PRINT"span/depth ratio :-";b$;p$;sa$;c$
1060 PRINT"calculate the span/depth ratio of a concrete beam "
1070 PRINT"size conc beam :-";o$;c$;sa$
1080 PRINT"minimum size of a concrete beam for a given bending moment "
1090 PRINT"answer may need huge amounts of rebars but its a starting point"
1100 PRINT"col rebar des :-";b$;p$;c$;sa$
1110 PRINT"reinforcing bars needed for a column "
1120 PRINT"self wt conc :-";o$;c$;sa$
1130 PRINT"self weight of a concrete beam ,size in weight out "
1140 PRINT"analy conc sect :-";b$;p$;c$;sa$
1150 PRINT"analysis of a concrete beam section "
1160 PRINT"shear link :-";b$;p$;c$;sa$
1170 PRINT"design of shear links for reinforced concrete beam "
1180 PRINT"basic conc/steel :-";o$;c$;sa$
1190 PRINT"simple concrete beam design prog "
1195 IF y$="y" THEN GOTO 1240
1210 GET z$:IF z$>"" GOTO 1210
1220 GET z$: IF z$="" GOTO 1220
1230 PRINT" ";
1240 PRINT" page 5 ";
1250 PRINT"promdepth/steel# :-";o$;c$;sa$
1260 PRINT"as a project i had to design a seaside promenade , so i ended "
1270 PRINT"up writing this prog to ensure i had the right combination of "
1280 PRINT"expensive reinforcing bars & cheap concrete "
1290 PRINT" "
1300 PRINT" lt history project "
1310 PRINT" as part of my final years work i had to do a project on "
1320 PRINT" the history of london's underground , so here i offer my "
1330 PRINT"files on it for anyone that wants them "
1340 PRINT"some are written as prg ,they were written before i "
1350 PRINT"recieved petpro#2 which is what the seq files are written "
1360 PRINT"with , the names of the files are "
1370 PRINT"page4 : geol3 :notes1 : background gener : dates : newlineinfo "
1380 PRINT"northerninfo : early bus notes : geol2 :more background : intro2"
1390 PRINT"page3 :page1 :geol4 :consthist1 :geol1 :intro :tech5 :page1.1"
1400 PRINT"page1.3: tech2 :pagebake2 :circlegeol : tech7 :tech9 "
1410 PRINT"linefuture : tech11 "
1420 PRINT"some pages are missing due to the fact that i forgot to save "
1430 PRINT" after printing !"
1440 PRINT
1450 PRINT" back to c/e progs "
1460 PRINT"consolidation1 :-";o$;sm$
1470 PRINT"consolidation calculation "
1475 IF y$="y" THEN GOTO 1520
1490 GET z$:IF z$>"" GOTO 1490
1500 GET z$: IF z$="" GOTO 1500
1510 PRINT" ";
1520 PRINT" page 6 ";
1530 PRINT"metacentre barge :-";b$;p$;i$;f$;"butterworth basic"
1540 PRINT"i had to do the experiment at ";p$;"then i discovered this prog !"
1550 PRINT"pity it wasn't the other way round !"
1560 PRINT"finds the metacentric height of a small float in the lab "
1570 PRINT"spheredrag :-"b$;p$;i$;f$;"butterworth basic "
1580 PRINT"drag of a sphere in a stream of water ,never used it but the answers"
1590 PRINT"match the ";b$
1600 PRINT"promstripfound :-";o$;c$;sa$
1610 PRINT"promenade project the design of the strip foundations "
1620 PRINT"promstripb :-";o$;c$;sa$
1630 PRINT"variation of the above "
1640 PRINT"to get the right combination of expensive trenches & cheap ";c$
1650 PRINT"v+tstrss:- ";b$;p$;i$;sm$;"butterworth basic"
1660 PRINT"vertical & effective stress calculation "
1670 PRINT"depth sheet pile :-";o$;sm$
1680 PRINT"depth of driving of sheet piling ";o$;"for my casio "
1690 PRINT"hand held so the answer comes out as a cubic eq to solve"
1700 PRINT"which the casio can do ,never got round to writing bit to solve it"
1710 PRINT"proctor :- ";b$;p$;i$;sm$;"butterworth basic"
1720 PRINT"number crunching analysis for the proctor soil sample test "
1730 PRINT"consol&voids :-";o$;sm$
1740 PRINT"consolidation and void ratio calculation "
1745 IF y$="y" THEN GOTO 1790
1760 GET z$:IF z$>"" GOTO 1760
1770 GET z$: IF z$="" GOTO 1770
1780 PRINT" ";
1790 PRINT" page 7 ";
1800 PRINT"const note1 -6 "
1810 PRINT"notes from my construction lectures ,const note1-6 "
1820 PRINT
1830 PRINT"am bar tech :-";o$;sa$
1840 PRINT"am bar technique ,theory of structures -bell&smith godwin study guide"
1850 PRINT"page 72 - "
1860 PRINT"elasticmmtsect :-";m$;b$;sa$;s$
1861 PRINT"calculates 2nd mmt area from co-ords symmetrical then works out "
1863 PRINT"the elastic moment for the section "
1865 PRINT"archsmithmodel :-";o$;sa$
1867 PRINT"three pin arch ,part of the prog needs to be worked on to"
1869 PRINT"get the bending mmt under each load but the rest of it works "
1871 PRINT"just fine "
1873 PRINT"archbellmodel :-";o$;sa$
1875 PRINT"two pin arch ,part of the prog needs to be worked on to"
1877 PRINT"get the bending mmt under each load but the rest of it works "
1879 PRINT"just fine "
1880 PRINT"etchasketch :-";m$;b$
1882 PRINT"found this in a book about the PET in putney public library "
1884 PRINT"based around the 4000 series "
1886 PRINT"h&vportal :-";o$;sa$
1888 PRINT"portal frame with vertical point loads and a force from the left"
1890 PRINT"pushing at the top of the left leg , casio ";o$
1895 IF y$="y" THEN GOTO 1940
1910 GET z$:IF z$>"" GOTO 1910
1920 GET z$: IF z$="" GOTO 1920
1930 PRINT" ";
1940 PRINT" page 8 ";
2000 PRINT"ambaradding :-";o$;sa$
2002 PRINT"am bar technique ,theory of structures -bell&smith godwin study"
2004 PRINT"guide , page 72 -";
2006 PRINT" this adds up the #'s and gives the result in a tabular form "
2008 PRINT"stiffdistfacts :-";o$;sa$
2018 PRINT"stiffness distribution factors "
2028 PRINT"centroids :-";o$;sa$
2038 PRINT"centroids , to find centroid of a shape made up from squares "
2048 PRINT",rectangles & triangles , casio";o$
2058 PRINT"portalframexa :-";o$;sa$
2060 PRINT"portal frame ,to find Xa , the inward/outward push at the bottom "
2070 PRINT"of the legs ,casio";o$
2080 PRINT"virtwrkplasmmt :-";o$;sa$;s$
2090 PRINT"virtual work method of finding the plastic moment "
2100 PRINT"theory of structures ,bell&smith ,godwin study guides "
2110 PRINT"casio ";o$
2115 IF y$="y" THEN GOTO 3040
3010 GET z$:IF z$>"" GOTO 3010
3020 GET z$: IF z$="" GOTO 3020
3030 PRINT" ";
3040 PRINT" page 9 ";
4000 PRINT"beamexcessplate :-";o$;sa$;s$
4010 PRINT"excess plating on a steel beam ,forward mode works out which bit"
4020 PRINT"needs plating , reverse mode works out how thick it should be "
4030 PRINT"casio";o$
4040 PRINT"c/ewordstring :-";o$
4050 PRINT"subroutine containing words that occur a lot in c/e progs"
4060 PRINT"also it declares a-z =0 ,i realised that it would save me a "
4070 PRINT"bit of typing so i start all my progs with it after i wrote it"
4080 PRINT"equilibrium mp :-";o$;sa$;s$
4090 PRINT"equilibrium method of working out plastic moment "
4100 PRINT"casio";o$;"documentation helps a great deal "
4110 PRINT"sinksupptmmt :-";o$;sa$
4120 PRINT"sinking support moment ,casio";o$
4130 PRINT
4140 PRINT
4150 PRINT
5000 IF y$="y" THEN GOTO 6040
6010 GET z$:IF z$>"" GOTO 6010
6020 GET z$: IF z$="" GOTO 6020
6030 PRINT" ";
6040 PRINT" page 10 ";
6050 PRINT" at the present that ends the disk "
6060 IF y$="n" THEN GOTO 7000
6070 PRINT#1:CLOSE 1
6110 STOP
6500 STOP
6510 END
7000 PRINT" ";
7010 GOTO 6090
36000 GOTO 100
100 PRINT" ";
110 PRINT" Kens intro civil eng4 june92 "
121 PRINT" Do you want a hard copy of this intro ? Y/NÝ";
122 INPUT y$ : IF y$="n" THEN GOTO 140
123 PRINT" Is the printer connected ? Y/NÝÝ";
124 INPUT y$
125 IF y$="n" THEN GOTO 123
126 OPEN 1,4,7 :PRINT#1:CLOSE 1:OPEN 1,4:CMD 1
150 s$=" STEELÝÝ ":c$=" CONCRETEÝÝ ":cs$=" CONCÝ&Ý STEELÝ "
170 b$= " BOOKÝÝ ":m$=" MODIFIEDÝÝ "
190 p$=" P.S.B ":i$=" I.C.E. "
200 PRINT" ";
210 PRINT" Kens intro civil eng 4 disk june92 "
220 PRINT"where these notes about the progs say originated it means i "
230 PRINT"evolved them from my tutors and textbooks - and it shows in"
240 PRINT"places ! "
250 PRINT"where it says book - they were type in progs from books i found"
260 PRINT"available either at the south bank poly in london or at the "
270 PRINT"institute of civil engineers library in westminster"
280 PRINT"i've tried to make them user freindly but my background "
290 PRINT"knowledge may have coloured my pre-conception about what is "
300 PRINT"obvious "
340 PRINT"some are only partially developed due to lack of time followed by"
350 PRINT"lack of need !"
351 PRINT" bs 8110 & bs 5950 rule o.k.? throughout "
380 PRINT"Ken Ross
390 PRINT" London
405 IF y$="y" THEN GOTO 450
420 GET z$:IF z$>"" GOTO 420
430 GET z$: IF z$="" GOTO 430
440 PRINT" ";
450 PRINT" page 2 ";
469 GOSUB 3000
472 PRINT"well onto this disk contents :- "
473 PRINT"first off we have maxbmshear ";m$;i$
474 PRINT"maximum bending moment & shear values along a beam "
475 PRINT"as with all my work this uses metres & kn :- kilonewtons "
476 PRINT"KG * 9.81 , cover how many metres it covers across the beam "
477 PRINT"from left to right ,dead=d= bricks& filing cabinets "
478 PRINT"live=l=people &wind "
479 PRINT"steelbeamdes ";m$;i$ ;"auto steel lintel design ??"
480 PRINT"a bit of delay on loading while it reads things :-then "
481 PRINT"input span, loads etc ,then it asks how many sections "
482 PRINT"12 is a good round number till you get the feeling of it "
483 PRINT"then it gives you a selection of RSJ's to choose from "
484 PRINT"and a ratio of how close they are to the limit of design "
485 PRINT"choose one ( usually the oneyou can get the best price on ) "
486 PRINT"enter the number and full analysis out " :GOSUB 594
487 PRINT"sturmey";o$;"bike hub gear ratios "
488 PRINT"at the moment all it lacks is an advice message about suitability"
489 GOSUB 3000
490 PRINT"weavesectjct ";o$;i$
491 PRINT"traffic/road engineering :-early stages of study about it "
492 PRINT"if only to say i've studied it !!!!"
493 PRINT"colsteeldes#3 ";i$;"auto steel column design "
494 PRINT"similar to steelbeamdes in its functions "
495 PRINT"printchardemo ,prntchrspecial , chrprintsubroutine ";o$
496 PRINT"based on ideas in a book this'll work on the 4022 only "
497 PRINT"as the 8023 has a different head "
499 PRINT"handbeamfin ";m$;i$
500 PRINT"this will go onto my hand held casio and with a RSJ section "
501 PRINT"table be a more portable version of the lintel prog earlier on"
502 PRINT"sx#cranebeamcalc ";o$
503 PRINT"calculcates some properties that my tables for crane gantry"
504 PRINT"beams didn't have "
505 GOSUB 3000
506 PRINT" "
507 PRINT" ÝÝ "
508 PRINT" "
509 PRINT" "
510 PRINT" "
511 PRINT" "
512 PRINT" "
513 PRINT" "
514 PRINT" "
515 PRINT" "
516 PRINT" "
517 PRINT" "
519 PRINT"section through a crane gantry beam :- channel section &RSJÝ"
520 PRINT" a bit crude bit i think it gets over what i'm talking about"
521 GOSUB 3000
522 PRINT"roadworkshock ";o$;i$
523 PRINT"road /traffic engineering again "
524 PRINT"autocranedes ";o$
525 PRINT"class one & two cranes only input span , weights involved "
526 PRINT"minimum hook approach to walls , end carriage wheel centres "
527 PRINT"etc it then offers a selection of standard crane gantry beam"
528 PRINT"sections for selection of best price etc "
529 PRINT"lampspace ";o$;i$
530 PRINT"spacing of street lamps :-road/traffic eng "
531 GOSUB 3000
532 PRINT"right need a page to explain seqoutcb2 "
533 PRINT"this will not load via any menu progs only by load etc"
534 PRINT"a fair old mixture "
535 PRINT"part from the c64 section of the ICPUG cat disk "
536 PRINT"part from a book on the VIC 20 "
537 PRINT"part from a book on the PETÝ"
538 PRINT"this'll read a disk's seq files put then into a menu "
539 PRINT"choose a number then it reads the seq file from disk "
540 PRINT"then it converts the incoming seq file to character number"
541 PRINT"e.g. chr$(32) for a space then it takes that converts it "
542 PRINT"to ASCI chr$(##) then it takes that number and then "
543 PRINT"squirts it out of the user ports CB2 line "
544 PRINT"on my 8032 it cheaps away like a demented budgie ! "
545 PRINT"this then could be taken to an rs232 plug and into another"
546 PRINT"machine , like my hand held casio for example "
547 PRINT"except i don't want seq files in my casio :- i want prg "
548 PRINT"and if i convert prg to seq when it hits a ";CHR$(34);" it crashes"
549 PRINT"and my casio dont like long seq files in the first place "
550 PRINT"and goes into a sulk "
551 PRINT"and when the numbers reach the other machine reconverted "
552 PRINT"back into letters and stored away on disk "
553 GOSUB 3000 :GOTO 650
594 PRINT"well i've just remembered something i didn't write down earlier on"
595 PRINT"in the steelbeamdes prog :- auto steel lintel , if the numbers you"
596 PRINT" enter in the " ;
598 PRINT" INPUT stage indicate any instability in the beam then it tells "
599 PRINT"you '' bad subscript in ########## ''Ý this is not a fault in the "
600 PRINT"prog just have to arrange it so the beam can't twist :-restraining"
601 PRINT"but with a lintel this problem wouldn't arise "
650 REM
651 PRINT"listref#2 :- ";o$
653 PRINT"there is more than one dialect of BASIC , this prog cross refs "
655 PRINT"tween some and CBM/PET "
657 PRINT"either by knowing which dialect to choose from a list "
659 PRINT"or by entering an odd word then it offers nearest approximation "
661 PRINT"to it , meaning , dialect "
665 PRINT"hardwarebook :-";b$;o$
667 PRINT"Nick Hampshire's book , The PET revealed has some circuit diags"
669 PRINT"in it dealing with IEEE48 /RS232 interface/adaptor "
671 PRINT" PET -monitor interface "
673 PRINT"this prog describes them ,i've rummaged through the various "
675 PRINT"electronic cats to check out & update the chip no's where needed"
677 PRINT"so this contains IEEE48/RS232 interface "
679 PRINT" PET-(TV/monitor)interface "
681 PRINT"and the user port connections to use seqoutcb2 prog elsewhere "
683 PRINT"on this disk ( user port - RS232 ) "
685 PRINT"if you don't have a copy of Nick's book and you want copies "
687 PRINT"of the original pages :- please write "
689 PRINT"note :- at present moment i've not built the book ones yet "
691 PRINT"due to lack of need at moment , but no forseeable problems "
693 GOSUB 3000
697 PRINT"commbookbatch1"
699 PRINT"commbatch#2 "
701 PRINT"commbookbatch#3"
703 PRINT o$;"these 3 progs are the major part of the "
705 PRINT"User's Reference Manual ,Commodore BASICÝ,Version 4.0 "
707 PRINT"BASIC Commands and Statements "
709 PRINT"the format of each entry is "
711 PRINT"Title "
713 PRINT"Format ";" showing the correct format for the item "
715 PRINT"Versions ( 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ) "
717 PRINT"Purpose " ;" what it does "
719 PRINT"Remarks " ;" these are a mixture of Commodore-speak & Ken-speak "
721 PRINT"Example ";" either demo or prog sample extract "
723 PRINT" items enclosed in (<.......>) angle brackets are to be supplied "
725 PRINT"by user "
727 PRINT"items in square brackets [ ] are optional "
731 PRINT"Commodore BASIC functions are in the tail of batch#2 & all of #3 "
2999 GOTO 5000
3000 PRINT" "
3010 IF y$="y" THEN GOTO 3070
3030 GET z$:IF z$>"" GOTO 3030
3040 GET z$: IF z$="" GOTO 3040
3050 PRINT" ";
3060 PRINT
3080 REM
5000 IF y$="y" THEN GOTO 6040
6010 GET z$:IF z$>"" GOTO 6010
6020 GET z$: IF z$="" GOTO 6020
6030 PRINT" ";
6040 PRINT" page 10 ";
6050 PRINT" at the present that ends the disk "
6060 IF y$="n" THEN GOTO 7000
6070 PRINT#1:CLOSE 1
6110 STOP
6500 STOP
6510 END
7000 PRINT" ";
7010 GOTO 6090
10 REM
20 REM
30 POKE 59468,14
100 GOTO 170
110 REM print on sub
120 OPEN 1,4,7: PRINT#1:CLOSE 1:OPEN 1,4 : CMD 1
140 REM print off sub
150 PRINT#1 :CLOSE 1
170 PRINT"aug 92 intro KENDISK5 input q to stop or do you ";
550 PRINT"want printout Y/N ";:INPUT p$ :IF p$="y" THEN GOSUB 110
555 IF p$="q"THEN STOP
560 GOTO 930
565 REM loop line
570 IF p$="y" THEN GOSUB 140: p$="n"
750 GOTO 170
760 REM hit sub
770 IF p$="y" THEN GOTO 840
780 PRINT" "
790 IF y$="y" THEN GOTO 850
810 GET z$:IF z$>"" GOTO 810
820 GET z$: IF z$="" GOTO 820
830 PRINT" ";
860 REM
930 REM first line
940 PRINT"first on disk is my old favourite startup by 'troy hacker'"
960 PRINT"Then we have CARTOON#1 :- the adventures of gary "
970 PRINT"i'll be the first to admit that its not in the league of"
980 PRINT"Chuck Jones but it was purely written as an experiment to use"
990 PRINT"POKEs & FOR...NEXT loops . Written just after the 1992 AGM"
1000 PRINT"for a more precise date :- who asked if i was POKEing fun"
1010 PRINT"at someone?"
1020 PRINT
1030 PRINT"The BASIC4 Reference manual"
1040 PRINT"This is broken into bits "
1050 PRINT"BATCHINDEX/HELP :- intro & explanations"
1060 PRINT"COMMBATCHZERO :- 1st prog"
1070 PRINT"COMMBOOKBATCH1 :- 2nd '' "
1080 PRINT"COMMBATCH#2 :- 3rd ''Ý"
1090 PRINT"COMMBOOKBATCH#3 :- 4th ''Ý"
1100 PRINT"COMMBOOKBATCH4 :- 5th&last prog"
1110 PRINT"The odd numbering sequence was due to the way i started writing!"
1120 PRINT"1-3 can be found on kendisk4 as i wanted to have something finished"
1130 PRINT"when i attended the 92AGM "
1140 GOSUB 760
1150 PRINT"They are the complete BASIC4 reference manual in chunks"
1160 PRINT"all you need is a printer & time and you've got a copy !"
1170 PRINT"some of the entrys are best demo'd on screen so its best"
1180 PRINT"to go through them on screen first"
1190 PRINT"options are : to look at one item from a numbered list"
1200 PRINT" : walk through the entire prog a screen at a time"
1210 PRINT" : options = printout/screen "
1220 PRINT
1230 PRINT"************************************************************"
1250 PRINT
1260 PRINT"This in sections again"
1270 PRINT"4022INDEX/HELP :- index to the progs"
1280 PRINT"4022BATCH#1 :-1st prog"
1290 PRINT"4022BATCH#2 :-2nd '' "
1300 PRINT"4022BATCH#3 :-3rd&last"
1310 PRINT"These progs cover the 4022p printer and they've got the same"
1320 PRINT"format as the BASIC4 progs ,the printout option was created on"
1330 PRINT"my 4022p so functions such as the special character SA won't"
1340 PRINT"work on 8023's etc as far as i know but on the whole"
1350 PRINT"most of it should work on8023:Fellow 4022p owners can printout"
1360 GOSUB 760
1370 PRINT"an entire section in one go but other machine owners it would be"
1380 PRINT"best to printout a section at a time"
1390 PRINT"::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"
1400 PRINT"Both BATCHINDEX/HELP & 4022INDEX/HELP feature hints &"
1410 PRINT"a short history lesson about CBM/PETs :- whats difference? read it!"
1420 PRINT"What BASIC has my machine got ? "
1430 PRINT
1440 PRINT"HINTS&NOTES1 :- a seq file! :- written using petpro#2"
1450 PRINT"its really a lump from a letter i wrote sort of reflecting"
1460 PRINT"things in the 'help' sections of the above progs"
1470 PRINT
1480 PRINT"UPSPEAK :- a short prog , havn't got the latest machine ?"
1490 PRINT"this'll help you to keep up ,just run it a few times then drop"
1500 PRINT"the phrase into conversation at your local meeting "
1510 PRINT"and remember folks fractals = pretty patterns but personally"
1520 PRINT"i prefer the early work of paul klee oh look isn't that a william"
1530 PRINT"morris ,y'know the wallpaper pattern we saw last week?"
1535 PRINT"(after each bit its hit a letter to loop / 1-9 to stop)"
1540 GOSUB 760
1545 GOSUB 1700
1550 PRINT"Well thats that for this disk folks"
1560 PRINT"if've you've any comments etc about the contents you can"
1570 PRINT"write to me ,upgrades & further manuals will follow on disk"
1580 PRINT"in time "
1590 PRINT"14/aug/92"
1600 PRINT"Ken Ross"
1610 PRINT"
1620 PRINT"
1630 PRINT"
1640 PRINT"London"
1650 PRINT"
1660 PRINT"SAE'S only please "
1670 GOTO 565
1700 PRINT"PETPRO INSTV2 :- just a reworking of the petpro#2 instruction"
1710 PRINT"file into the 'hit any key' format with an observation of"
1720 PRINT"mine at the end , before it was all or nothing rushing past"
1730 PRINT"but this version is a screen at a time to make it easier to"
1740 PRINT"use "
10 REM
20 REM
30 o$=" originated" :m$=" modified":b$=" book"
100 GOTO 170
110 REM print on sub
120 OPEN 1,4,7: PRINT#1:CLOSE 1:OPEN 1,4 : CMD 1
140 REM print off sub
150 PRINT#1 :CLOSE 1
170 PRINT"KEN DISKÝ#6 :- intro pt1 "
550 PRINT"want hard copy Y/N ";:INPUT p$ :IF p$="y" THEN GOSUB 110
555 GOTO 930
760 REM hit sub
770 IF p$="y" THEN GOTO 840
780 PRINT" "
790 IF y$="y" THEN GOTO 850
810 GET z$:IF z$>"" GOTO 810
820 GET z$: IF z$="" GOTO 820
830 PRINT" ";
860 REM
930 REM first line
950 PRINT"1st item is another attempt at getting my 8032 to talk to my"
960 PRINT"casiofx850 - it failed due to limitations on the casio but it"
970 PRINT"may prove usefull to someone else , it wont load with startup"
980 PRINT"only by load etc or DOS / - converted from a prg on the catalogue"
990 PRINT"disk - put a disk of seq files in drive & pick a number - squirted"
1000 PRINT"out of CB2"
1010 PRINT
1030 PRINT"a pair of prg's to produce labels & wrappers for "
1040 PRINT"cartlabeler = wrapper for 8track cartridges "
1050 PRINT"casslabeler = '' '' cassette boxes , a&b labels"
1060 PRINT"used on my 4022 printer"
1070 PRINT
1080 PRINT"PRINTSEQ ";" ";m$
1090 PRINT"that prg from the catalogue disk again its from the c64 section"
1100 PRINT"and wouldn't work with my printer so i modified it so it would"
1110 PRINT"stick a disk of seq files in & choose a number out pours a printout"
1120 PRINT"it'll only printout and not display to screen however"
1121 PRINT"won't work with startup only load";CHR$(34);" etc"
1130 GOSUB 760
1150 PRINT"a seq file (use printseq!) detailing my failure & contains"
1160 PRINT"a listing to enable the userport to have joysticks etc stuck"
1170 PRINT"on to it"
1171 PRINT"it needs someone hotter at machine code than i am !"
1172 PRINT
1180 PRINT
1200 PRINT" ";b$
1210 PRINT"enables you to use one bit of the user port for experiment with"
1220 PRINT"this i did get to work ! :- i bet thats a relief to you all!"
1230 PRINT"see usrporthardware later on for more details"
1240 PRINT
1260 PRINT"a ICPUGÝ member in Norway sent me a listing (c64 based )"
1270 PRINT"and here it is :- calender prg "
1280 PRINT"it sometimes hangs up on my 4022 when printing the header"
1290 PRINT
1300 GOSUB 760
1310 PRINT"C64LITEPEN ";" ";b$
1320 PRINT"build a low cost light pen for your c64 :- large parts"
1330 PRINT"of this SEQ file is actually a letter written using petpro#2"
1340 PRINT"with listing conv'd into seq and concated in afterwards"
1350 PRINT"(I've spelt it that way just to make the c64 owners feel at home)"
1360 PRINT
1380 PRINT"SEQ file written using petpro#2 "
1390 PRINT"build a lightpen for your 8032 (etc) "
1400 PRINT"(spelt this way as we 8032 owners aren't brainwashed by games)"
1410 PRINT
1430 PRINT"how to attach a variable resistor to the user port & get an "
1440 PRINT"input from it :- create your own joysticks etc "
1450 GOSUB 760
1460 PRINT"CARTOON#2 ";o$
1470 PRINT"a small cartoon to play with screen pokes - for/next loops"
1480 PRINT" and to see if an idea would work "
1490 PRINT
1510 PRINT"edge connections at back of the computer and corresponding"
1520 PRINT"ones in the IEEE 488 plug labelled if you have to make"
1530 PRINT"a lead up "
1540 PRINT
1550 PRINT"CARTOON#3 ";o$
1560 PRINT"Escape from Stevenage - i had an 8032 & 3032 on a bike-hod"
1570 PRINT"trailer and a cheap day return , as i've said before chuck jones"
1580 PRINT"i'm not but it captures the feel of the events i feel "
1590 PRINT
1600 PRINT"CARTOON#4.1 ";o$
1610 PRINT"a merry little christmas tale ! "
1620 PRINT
1630 GOSUB 760
1640 PRINT"STEELBEAM#JAN93 ";b$;m$;o$
1650 PRINT"modified version of steelbeamdes from kendisk4 this version"
1660 PRINT"is i hope easier to use - for civil students it follows "
1670 PRINT"stages 4a or 4c from lavan & fletchers student's guide to"
1680 PRINT"structural design "
1690 PRINT"input grade of steel "
1700 PRINT"span , # loads , point/ total udl / total triangle"
1710 PRINT"(unfactored ) , how much span it covers , dead or imposed"
1720 PRINT"it calcs bending moment & shear & where max "
1730 PRINT"lateral supported total or not "
1740 PRINT"any limits on depth of beam , 0= none ,"
1750 PRINT"offers a selection "
1760 PRINT"#, section , (a 2 here indicates if its O.K. for state2)"
1770 PRINT"ratio bending moment/beam capacity, py "
1780 PRINT"then prints out calcs on screen - a paper version will follow"
1790 PRINT"in time but at the moment i use screen dump from BASIC-aid4"
1800 PRINT"contact me if help wanted ! "
1810 GOSUB 760
1820 PRINT"PC4---------- prgs"
1830 PRINT"short progs that i wrote into my smallest casio - just typed in"
1840 PRINT"from the display to save me using its printer & thermal paper"
1850 PRINT"pcpwpcrip - steelwork prg ";b$;m$
1860 PRINT"pbmb - steelworkprg ";b$;m$
1870 PRINT"rcsteel#2 - reinforced concrete beam sizing depth/rebars "
1880 PRINT" if the estimated size is to shallow it loops "
1890 PRINT" to use the min size ";b$;m$
1900 PRINT"pc4proctorgraph s.m ";o$
1910 PRINT"data req = specific gravity ,# samples ,bulk density ,m%"
1920 PRINT"ans=dry density "
1930 PRINT"air voids lines , min m% , max m% , air voids % "
1940 PRINT"= dry density at m% , "
1950 PRINT"loop for next % air voids"
1960 PRINT"pc4effecstress s.m ";o$
1970 PRINT"# layers ,thickness , density "
1980 PRINT"= stress at depth "
1990 PRINT"depth water table"
2000 PRINT"=neutral stress u , effective stress "
2010 PRINT"loop for new w.t"
2011 GOSUB 760
2012 PRINT"asstd variations on proctor progs ";o$
2020 PRINT"pc4proctor#####"
2030 PRINT"wet kg , dry kg / density , volume , specific gravity"
2040 PRINT"= bulk density , dry density , water kg , m% ,degree sat"
2050 PRINT"Vv , sat density , Vw , Av , Va , e , n ,ic "
2060 GOSUB 760
2070 REM intro extra
2090 PRINT"soil mechs prog "
2100 PRINT"# of sieves , weight on retained on each , weight in collector"
2110 PRINT"= total weight , % passing each sieve "
2120 PRINT
2132 PRINT"updated version of the commodore family tree "
2134 PRINT"from kendisk4/5 if you have anything useful to contribute"
2136 PRINT"please do so ! "
2140 IF p$="y"THEN GOSUB 140
2150 PRINT"thats all folks !"
2160 PRINT"Ken Ross London
2170 PRINT"jan 1993 - updates & info , or maybe just chit chat from me"
2180 PRINT"at the above adress !"