Norco Chapter

ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY IN THE LORD JESUS CHRIST The President of our Norco Chapter of Cowboys for Christ is Harry Taylor. We have many Chapters all over the United States. Ted Pressley is the Lords foreman of the whole thing. Shirley is Harrys wife and is a wonderful Christian and is great with kids.There are many members and I will add them later. Right now I want to get this up before Christmas. My name is John Nelson and I am a very minor member of this wonderful Group. There are many of them that could do this so much better than me. My Daughter Ronele Hicks was the one that brought me into this big family. They have many trail rides and camp outs. Harry raises horses and trains them. He has the ShaLor Ranch in GlenAvon Ca. They are very involved in a Prison Ministry. They would love to meet you.

Im so sorry to have to tell every one that Shirly
Taylor Died of canser August 31 2005. She will be laid
To Rest Sept 3, 2005

If you have an interest in the Lord and horses call.

May the Lord bless and keep you.

A Boy Named Matthew

 Hi I am a young boy named Matthew, I am ten years old,
I am with a club called COWBOYS FOR Christ.

 In the COWBOYS FOR Christ, we get together every other Friday
night and after all of our discussion and all our prayers, 
we have some refreshments.

 Anyway, I am in the fifth grade, I have blond hair and am about
four six. As you probably noticed, I am a Christian.

 I am an animal lover, my favorite animal is a horse. I have
four horses of my own, ones a baby black stallion, another
horse is a red and white baby stallion, his mom is a red
and white mare, and last but not least I have a brown gelding 
and he's not a baby either.

    Well that's about all I can tell you about myself, thanks for
reading everybody, god bless you and have a very merry Christmas

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Is the only truly wild horse left in the world. Descended from a prehistoris breed, it is the ancestor of all modern horses but can only be seen in Zoos Height: from about 12 hands, 1 hand=4 inches. Weight: about 800 lb. Sexual maturity: 1-2 years Stallions (Males) about 3 years. Mating season Usually April or May. Gestion: 11-12 months. Lifestyle Lives in small herds. Diet: grass and plants. Lifespan: At least 20 years. Related Species all other horses and asses,Zebras are members of the same Family

My Snazzy List of Links

Fewer flies in the Skies: Product to remove odors so they wont draw flies
Natures Original OdorGone: Product for Odor removal
Adopt an animal Today: Support your Local ZOOS
Animal care starts in the hart: Birds make Wonderful Pets
Save that Tiger: Friends of ZOOS and love animals
Mule Deer of California: Mule deer and their habits
What is the animal Enhancement Fund: Non-Profit Oranization
Joline Marie friend of the animal Enhancement Fund: Nice Lady that loves Tigers
You can have any kind of pet with OdorGone: Microbes and how they can change our lives
I live at the Orange County ZOO.: Adopting and animal at your local ZOO
lovely place: This is where I go when I need to be close to JESUS
CDNOW $10.00 discount on $20.00 purchas now thru end juneAlways a better buy
First Baptist Church of Foley, AL.
First Baptist Church of Foley, AL.

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