picture of fawn

John H. Nelson

1604 Home Terrace Dr
Pomona, CA 91768

Tel. 1-800-750-3714 Fax (909) 629-0594

United States

house fly

Fewer   Flies   in   the   Skies

Our friends at the zoo tell us that by removing the smelly odors with
our product, there are fewer flies. Becauce bad odors attracts flies.

Don’t you agree, any animal that you adopt through a zoo adoption
program would be happier and healthier in a zoo with fewer flies.
So get in touch with your local zoo and tell them that you know a
way to make their zoo odor free by using Nature's Original OdorGone.
This is a probiotic product, using beneficial soil bacteria to
consume urine and fecal matter that has saturated the ground in
animal exhibits. It has been used very successfully at zoos in
Southern California, Florida, Texas and New York.

You could show them your appreciation by buying a gallon or even five
gallons as a gift to them. You will make a friend for life. And you
would be able to take your kids to a zoo that didn’t have offensive
odors. Just a thought, as a donation to a zoo, you could write it off
your taxes. So do your part to change the world. One little step at a
time. Call 1-800-750-3714

My Snazzy List of Links

Animal Enhancement: Products for animal enhancement
OdorGone: Fewer flies through odor removal
Joline Marie friend of the Animal Enhancement Fund: Beautitiful lady that loves animals(tigers)
SAVE THAT TIGER: Animal products that really work.
Lovely Place: A Wonderful person who is the first to help a friend
NetWork Opportunities MagazineThe Best Networking Magazine Going
CDNOW $10.00 discount on $20.00 purchas now thru end juneAlways a better buy
An ISP 96.6% free of Adult sites and foul language: A TRULY CHRISTAIN I.S.P. JOIN TODAY


This Horse Lovers Ring site is owned by John Nelson.
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Proud member of the Pyramad Banner Network

Bird Care | Help your Pets | Product Information | Natural OdorGone | Fish Care | Orange County Zoo | Adopt an Animal | Save that Tiger | Kitro the Giraffe | Friends of Animals | Fewer Flies | Mule Deer | Cowboy's for Christ | Animal Enhancement Fund | Forum on Microbes
John Nelson
1604 Home Terrace Dr
Pomona, CA 91768

Toll free 1-800-750-3714

Tel. (909) 629-0994

Fax. 909-629-0594

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