

Support you local ZOO. Most zoos have programs for people to volunteer their services. This would be a great program for parents to get their children started in the right direction. Most ZOOS have ways for anybody to adopt an animal. SO be a Sport and support your local ZOO. If we dont take action now it may be to late TOMORROW. The Animal Enhancement Fund of Pomona California. (1-800-750-3714) Will be more than Glad to help anyone who is interested. If you want to suport an animal at the Orange County Zoo. I will send you a picture and keep you posted as to how the animal is doing.

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John H. Nelson
1604 Home Terrace Dr.
Pomona, CA 91768
United States


My Snazzy List of Links

Community Service Bulletin: Products to Enhance LIFE.
SAVE THAT TIGER: Friends of the world for a better world
Animal care starts in the hart: Birds make wonderful pets
Fewer Flies in the Skies: Products that remove odors and Flies
Friend of the Animal Enhancement: Lady that loves Tigers
Adopt an animal today. Tomorrow May be to Late: Support Your Local ZOO
Community Service BulletinSupport your local animal rescues
NetWork Opportunities MagazineThe Best Networking Magazine Going
CDNOW $10.00 discount on $20.00 purchas now thru end juneAlways a better buy
An ISP 96.6% free of Adult sites and foul language: A TRULY CHRISTAIN I.S.P. JOIN TODAY
Pyramad Banner NetworkPyramad Banner Network
Proud member of the Pyramad Banner Network

Bird Care | Help your Pets | Product Information | Natural OdorGone | Fish Care | Orange County Zoo | Adopt an Animal | Save that Tiger | Kitro the Giraffe | Friends of Animals | Fewer Flies | Mule Deer | Cowboy's for Christ | Animal Enhancement Fund | Forum on Microbes
John Nelson
1604 Home Terrace Dr
Pomona, CA 91768

Tel. (909) 629-0994

This Humane Society and Animal Welfare Ring site is owned by John Nelson .

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