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Friendships And Fellowships!


Clean Life
admires and
supports the
efforts of
the Animal

Community Service Bulletin
Friends and Fellowships
For better health and lifestyle

Just A Friend and Brother


This site supports the Scam Free Zone!

Please click this banner for information on the noni juice

Dear Friends this is my index page
to a very large site. So Welcome and browse

Dear friends, Brothers and Sisters
Many people think that the only way to get things done on the net
is to work with strangers.
I don’t even want to work with strangers. I want to help you my
friends Brothers and Sisters that I have come to love and trust
so much. We have been internet friends for many years and I know
we can work together to build any thing much better in the long
run than the best of the heavy hitters on the internet.

This is my plan.
I will help you all get into what I know as the best health and
wealth program in the U.S.A.
Please help me help you. I know it will have to be based on trust.
Most of you have some one in your lives that can use the noni
products. What Im asking is that you share this information with
your family and friends. Please keep a record of whom you send
this information to. As your people sign up for the program I
will see that you get the credit. Many of you cannot afford the
35 dollars for the kit to become a distributor. But we will work
together to make it work out for every one. I don’t want to get
rich with the Morinda program! I want to help my friends to get
well and lead a better life. Please Click the friendship banner
above click on all the links and check every thing out. So you
will know just what you are promoting. I will share every bit
of knowledge and information with you. You will find a wealth
of information on the nonileads page and Ill add other links as
they are needed.

Please click this banner for information on the noni juice

When you do call Morinda ask them about the product guarantee.
Morinda is a company that is here to help the world to better
their health and life style. You will never find a more committed
company to helping you. You can call them as often as you want and
always get wonderful support and advice. Call 1-888-588-8244 to win
a trip for two to a pleasure island and talk to a person that truly
cares about you and your problems. Please give them
ID# 1258259

GOD bless you all

Please look around as I know you will find?

Something of interest to you

I have found a product that has truly

  • Changed my life and I would love to share it with you.

    You can also contact us with your questions by using the easy to fill out form below.

the bear is a gift from mat4ney ICQ#15845592

Testimonials and Links to the rest of the stories

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

Please "READ"If you are new to the internet or have Children who acess it
Teach them to "BEWARE" OF what could happen if they do not use their heads

We as Friends Need to Keep Aware of what is going on


This site supports the Scam Free Zone!

  • John Nelson Main office
  • 2803 Indian Creek Rd.
  • Happy Camp Ca. 96039
  • 530-493-2963
  • John Nelson Present
  • 5646 Rockydale Rd.
  • Cave Junction Or.97523
  • 541-592-6533
  • Toll free for odor problems only1-800-750-3714
    be sure and say your friend John sent you

  • illustration from Printmaster

    Use our form to contact me.

    Use our easy form.


    How can we help you?
    I have health problems
    I seem to lack get up and go.
    I am over 50 and feel it.

    Do you have any specific questions?

    Bird Care | Help your Pets |  
    Product Information | Natural OdorGone | 
    Fish Care | Orange County Zoo | 
    Adopt an Animal |  Save that Tiger | 
    Kitro the Giraffe | Friends of Animals | 
    Page of links to make cruising the site easier | 
    Fewer Flies  |  
    Mule Deer  | 
    Cowboy's for Christ | 
    Animal Enhancement Fund  |  Email to John Nelson  |  
     Go here to read our friendship Club News Letter

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