my picture The Picture on the left, was taken Wednesday, December,2,1998. It was taken at JoeVision, at The Joe Louis Arena, located in Detroit, Michigan. “The Joe!”, as it's called, is home to the Redwings, or "Hockey Town", as we know it!
I am the one on the left with my back slightly turned. My nickname on the net is “pr997”! The guy on the right is my best friend from work. His nickname on the net is “HBK”!
We are standing by the 1998 Stanley Cup Banner that was lowered from the rafters for this Event! The Event was to simulate the Banner Raising night. It was Cool!

Hi, my name is Philip and I am a Red Wings FAN!!!!! If all of you are wondering, I was a hockey player. I played at the Goalie position, so I am pro Chris Osgood!
In 1995 I was in my prime, and was learning the position. I wasn't as good as some , but I held my own. I was on the summer Roller Hockey League. We didn't win at all that year, but i had some nice saves that kept it close. The best save of my life came in the winter of 1994. Remember the save Ozzy made on Forsburg in the 1996 playpoffs, were he slid accross the crease to make the big save? That was me ! Really! It happened just like that!!!
I really felt bad for the team in 1997. That was when Sergi Monoticonov, Vladamer Konstenenov, and Slava Fetisov, were injured in the limo crash. I could relate , because I was in a car accident that ended me as a Goalie. I've been there, done that and it sucks! My heart pores out to the injured Redwings, Believe! I've been out for three years,but I've believed . If all goes well with the aid of a knee brace(like Steve Yzerman wore!!) I might get to return to ice hockey as a goalie. We'll see soon!!
I've also returned to another sport that I love to do. I've recently returned to Pheasant Hunting. I bagged my first bird in three years, last week. I was so excited!!! :-) I got a ten point buck in 1988. That was my pride and joy! I had him mounted after winning a Big Buck contest. Wow! I enjoy Fishing too! But I never taken a trophy like that Buck. My Buck is being displayed at my home town Wal~mart. Where I work!:-)

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