*"Anger makes a rich man hated and a poor man scorned"

*"Anger and haste hinder good counsel"

*"Anger punishes itself"

*"Anger ends in cruelty" - Indian Proverb

*"Anger has no eyes" - Hindi Proverb

*"When a man grows angry, his reason rides out"

*"When a man is angry he cannot be in the right" - Chinese Proverb

*"Patience provoked turns to fury"

*"Anger dies quickly with a good man"

*"Anger is a short madness"

*"He who slowly gets angry keeps his anger longer"

*"Anger restrained is windom gained"

*"Let not the sun go down upon your wrath" - Ephesians 4:26

*"Two things a man should never be angry at; what he can help and what he cannot help"

*"He that is angry without a cause, shall be pleased without amends"

Anger| Beauty| Courage| Death|

Envy| Fear| Love| Trust|