*"Faith is the key to fit the door of Hope, but there is no power anywhere like Love for turning it" - Elaine Emans

*"Life is the greatest bargain. We get it for nothing." - Yiddish Proverb

*"Love is blind"

*"If Jack's in love, he's no judge of Jill's beauty"

*"There are three things that last: Faith, Hope and Love and the greatest of these is Love" - 1 Cor. 13:13

*"Love sees no faults"

*"In the eyes of the lover, pock-marks are dimples"

*"No love is foul, nor prison fair"

*"Love is without reason"

*"Love is lawless"

*"Affection blinds reason"

*"No folly to being in love"

*"One cannot love and be wise"

*"Lovers are madmen"

*"To be beloved is above all bargains"

*"A penny-weight of love is worth a pound of law"

*"Faults are thick where love is thin"

*"Labour is light where love doth pay"

*"Love is free"

*"Love locks no cupboards"

*"True love shows itself in times of need"

*"All the world loves a lover"

*"Love is the touchstone of virtue"

*"'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" - Lord Tennyson Alfred

*"Love conquers all"

*"Love rules his kingdom without a sword"

*"Love makes the world go round"

*"Love makes all men equal"

*"Love makes a wit of the fool"

*"Love makes all hard hearts gentle"

*"Love will always find a way"

*"Love will go through stone walls"

*"Love cannot be compelled"

*"A man has choice to begin love, but not to end it"

*"Perfect love casteth out fear" - 1 John 4:18

*"Love is as strong as death" - Song of Solomon 8:6

*"Love and light cannot be hid"

*"Love and leprosy few escape" - Chinese proverb

*"Old love will not be forgotten"

*"Old love does not rust"

*"Sound love is not soon forgotten"

*"True love never grows old"

*"Love without end has no end"

*"The course of true love never did run smooth" - William Shakespeare

*"Never rely of love or the weather"

*"Love is sweet in the beginning but sour in the ending"

*"Love is a sweet torment"

*"Love is full of fear"

*"When love puts in, friendship is gone"

*"The love of the wicked is more dangerous than their hatred"

*"They love too much that die for love"

*"Love speaks, even when the lips are closed"

*"When love is greatest, words are fewest"

*"Whom we love best, to them we can say least"

*"Next to love, quietness"

*"Likeness causes liking"

*"Love is the true reward of love"

*"Love needs no teaching"

*"Time, not the mind, puts an end to love"

*"No herb will cure love"

*"All is fair in love and war"

*"Love is a game where both players always cheat"

*"Lovers' quarrels are soon mended"

*"The quarrel of lovers is the renewal of love"

*"No love like the first love"

*"Many a heart is caught in the rebound"

*"Love without return is like a question without an answer"

*"There is more pleasure in loving than being beloved"

*"A mother's love never ages"

*"Love asks faith and faith asks firmness"

*"Where love is, there is faith"

*"Where there is no trust there is no love"

*"Love is never without jealousy"

*"Love does much, money does everything"

*"When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out of the window"

*"Love lives in cottages as well as in courts"

*"Love is an act of faith, and whoever is of little faith is also of little love" - Erich Fromm

Anger| Beauty| Courage| Death|

Envy| Fear| Love| Trust|