*"Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation"

*"Trust helps many both up and down"

*"Trust makes way for treachery"

*"In trust is treason"

*"Trust is the mother of deceit"

*"Trusting too much to others is the ruin of many"

*"God provides for him that trusts"

*"In trust is truth"

*"Better known than trusted"

*"First try and then trust"

*"When you go to dance, take heed whom you take by the hand"

*"If we are bound to forgive an enemy, we are not bound to trust him"

*"Remember to distrust"

*"Mistrust is an axe at the tree of love"

*"Where there is no trust there is no love"

*"Trust is dead, ill payment killed it"

Anger| Beauty| Courage| Death|

Envy| Fear| Love| Trust|