You know you have the necessary training, knowledge and experience to make it work. The only limitations are the financial restrictions and the available equipment  ....  we want to give you some resources to overcome them !
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                             TBSC - CONSULTING  is a partner of   ...

  A Global Network of Organisations working in Human Rights and Sustainable Development.


A good starting point is the link:   Resources on this site  !


About the Initiator of  TBSC - CONSULTING

E-mail me at:  


Some words from Christopher Michael to start with (more about him later)  ..

"There’s no logical connection between being smart and having money,” he says. “Now, being smart helps if you want to have money, but if you aren’t necessarily focused on getting money in the first place, there’s no reason smarts should make the money roll in.”


Hi everyone,

my name is Joe, I am a qualified Systems Analyst from Europe living for more than 13 years in the Pacific Rim Region and have been involved in IT / computing and business management for more than 30 years. This started in the late sixties with mainframe computing (I was an apprentice at that time) - a lot has happened in the meantime ....

I can truly say that I have gone through many developments in IT during the last three decades. I can also well distinguish between what makes sense and what doesn't for the individual computer user, educational institutions or small businesses.

On this web site we offer - and I hope we will soon become a world wide team - our support esp. to those in disadvantaged regions by helping them to change things for the better in their lives. IT (Information Technology) in general, PC computing, small/medium businesses, education and vocational training are the areas we are focussing on.

                                                                                                    Spanish        French        Portuguese

We are looking for people and future partners to build up voluntarily the Spanish, French and Portuguese versions of this web site (or country specific versions) with equivalent software offers in the respective languages. Mature, computer qualified, native speakers from these regions (Middle- / South America, French speaking African countries) preferred [this could lead to a commercial partnership regarding the distribution of our own products in your region/country]

                                                                             If you are interested please e-mail me at:

The purpose of this project is esp. helping the younger generation in disadvantaged regions to gain at least so much knowledge about practical computing tasks that they have a better start in life (esp. if they want to go into professional fields which are related to business management, office administration etc.).

We often have the situation that an educational institution has some modern computer equipment reserved for teaching staff or it is shared between only a few students.

On the other hand: there is often a lot of older gear available which could be put to good use (or given to students to work at home). Teaching the basics in STATISTICS is a good example. The mathematical foundations are the same - it doesn't matter if the software is running under DOS or in a graphical user environment to get the results - only the presentation might look a little bit different. See our  Spreadsheet / Statistics Page ! for example.

Seeing all the hype around us nowadays - one could assume that the (business)world before 1990 was a kind of  "stone age". Quite the contrary is true: I am proud to say that we have made good use of the available tools in the decades before.

To lay the foundations it is mostly irrelevant if you have an older IBM PC 286, 386 or the latest toy running under MS-Windows XP. Certainly the graphical user interface allows for better presentation (and a lot more ... ) - however: if your business is in the "red" the spreadsheet you use to calculate the losses doesn't matter at all. Whether it is the most recent version or an old DOS spreadsheet from the mid-eighties: at the end of the day the overall (business) results are the same.

If in principle the same results can be achieved then there is also a huge advantage using DOS based software - and this is esp. important for the younger generation who wants to concentrate more on the "learning" itself - they don't have to endure the daily burden and time losses which are part of nearly everyones life when using a graphical interface.

Have you ever wondered why the most sophisticated subjects (science etc.) are dealt with on more or less modest designed web pages. It is true that a picture says more than a thousand words - on the other hand: all these people want to get a message out and they use simple tools. I'm not a web designer myself (and I just don't have the time to become one) - the pages I create are also simple and have one purpose only: to inform you as good as possible about a certain subject.

KISS principle (and I apologize for mistakes as far as grammar and spelling are concerned: English is NOT my native language).

People are asking me: Why are you setting this up ? Don't you have enough to do with the setup of your own business ? How can the world be changed and the "digital divide" overcome - there is just no way to do this with all the old stuff.

Now this reminds me of a motivational video I have once seen. A boy was walking along the beach and throwing back starfish into the sea. When asked why he was doing this, it wouldn't make any sense at all because there are millions of starfish - he replied: for this one it will make a difference and threw back one more into the open sea.

Then we have the words which are allocated to Gandhi: "Give a man a fish   ..."  etc. You could say: "We too try to give people a net to catch the fish!".

What has confirmed me still more is that I have set up once a web site helping people in a quite different area - some people among the visitors has become friends for life.

This web site will be fairly easy to maintain  ...

People sign the guest book, then we transfer their wishes / offers to the allocated pages (probably with some additions, clarifications etc.). The parties can then get in touch (based on the entries in the guest book or from the specific pages on the web site). Sometimes it might take some days until we have updated the relevant pages - so look also at the most recent entries in the guest book.

Sure, some people who receive software etc. will never see this web site, because they have no access to the Internet at all. Their needs are taken care of by someone who knows about their situation, knows about the web site and signs our guestbook - acting as a middleman - and who knows also best what is needed in a specific situation somewhere in the world.

We are acting as facilitators, are adding constantly resources to the pages on this web site which could be useful, we also promote the site internationally etc. as good as possible.

We are just starting to put huge resources onto it. It is not only some software or a "download site" - there is more behind it.

We are also working hard to put vocational resources, tutorials, manuals, hardware testing software, PC repair manuals and tutorials etc. on this site to help those who have equipment which may not be quite up-to-date. Even sitting in the middle of big city I have difficulties to find out what is wrong with an old 5 1/2 " floppy disk drive. How difficult must the situation be for a teacher somewhere in the middle of nowhere ?   Here we want to help too.

PLEASE: Help us to keep the pages up-to-date !

It makes no sense if you have received what you are looking for and we haven't updated the page. We don't expect a big "thank you" but we need to know about it to take you off the list. The same is valid for those who have something to offer - if it is gone, please let us know ...  Thank you.

And please let us know more about yourself. We want to bring (with your permission) your story on this web site under "Teams / Projects".

Also important is - and I am really asking you to do this - :

Make the web site known to friends, colleagues, your boss etc. wherever in the world you are:

We have two URLs which are easy to remember:

Check out your "old" software from the mid-eighties to the mid-nineties which you don't use anymore. If you have something to spare, esp. licensed software, then it might not even be necessary to send the disks physically. Just check the software out if it still works, zip it and send it as an e-mail attachment together with the licence no. to someone who could use it.

Or: just sign our guest book and tell the world that you have something to offer.

Of course - if you can afford it - mailing a package incl. manuals is certainly appreciated by the recipient. You might want to offer this possibility also on our web site.


Now something on a personal note:

I have already been approached and asked if I am interested to work in projects related to the subjects on this web site. The answer is in principle "YES" if it is a longterm appointment for between five years to a decade and if the position offered is at an adequate strategic level with an international orientation.

[ The setup and the running of my own company (which will be mainly Internet based) are not in the way. ]

Based on my involvement over decades in IT and in many industries (manufacturing, military, retail, banking and some others), my knowledge and hands-on experience I am willing to take on a role in a position at a high level for an internationally operating organisation.

With it should come the strategic responsibility for a whole region (one or several countries) to implement programs / projects in the IT field and related areas (incl. business management, educational support etc.).

If your organisation is interested to have talks with me - or if you know someone who might be interested in my services then please

e-mail me at:

You can download the file:


to learn more about me. The file is however encrypted - the .ZIP file contains my profile in .doc, .rtf and .txt format. The password will be sent ONLY to those organisations who are seriously interested in my services (as outlined before).

These files have to be treated strictly confidential - this must be assured in your e-mail to me.

Thank you for your interest and time.

At the end of this page I want to come back to Christopher Michael mentioned at the begin of this page  ....

Please visit the following page dealing with the "knowledge" subject and about Chris Langan, one of the most intelligent and gifted people on earth ...

 Knowledge !

We are supporting them by helping to find sponsors for PCs and related hardware / software for conservation and environmental groups in Africa; also for the setup of a training centre in East Africa. Our longterm know-how and experience in the field of practical computing and electronic data processing will also benefit them by providing support and advice over the Internet in the future - esp. for members of their foundation working on the spot.

See our pages:  Hardware wanted, Software wanted to find out  about what they are looking for.


TBSC - Consulting
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( These pages are permanently under development )       Printer friendly !