You know you have the necessary training, knowledge and experience to make it work. The only limitations are the financial restrictions and the available equipment  ....  we want to give you some resources to overcome them !
TBSC - Consulting
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                             TBSC - CONSULTING  is a partner of   ...

  A Global Network of Organisations working in Human Rights and Sustainable Development.


Resources on this site

 Know-how, knowledge and experience transfer ...
 Software downloads ...
 Our own software (from TBSC - The Blue Software Company) available FREE of charge on a case to case basis
 Hardware and Software matters in general ...
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Know-How, knowledge and experience transfer  ...

         Educational matters       Educational Software
         Vocational matters        Vocational Software ( CAD etc. )

         Computer Tutorials       DOS Tutorials

    Business Plan Development
    Basic Financial Planning
    Applied Spreadsheet Analysis
    Small Business Accounting
    Education and vocational subjects

Software downloads  ...

In this area we will have a huge collection mainly of FREEWARE application for our target group. Most of the software has been tested by ourselves. The software collected is esp. useful for the computer models of the eighties and early nineties to cover the needs of our target groups.

We would welcome to receive FREEWARE applications in other languages, esp. in FRENCH, SPANISH and PORTUGUESE for specific countries - thank you.

    Operating Systems             Operating System Page
    LINUX Page                     Linux Page (under development)
    Spreadsheet Software         Spreadsheet Page
    Database Software            Database page
    Internet related
    Business Software
    Word Processing               Word Processor page ...
    Education / Training
    Test Software                    Test Software page ... (hardware)
    Drivers ( Printers etc. )
    Hardware Repair               PC Repair & Maintenance
    Utilities                              Utilities Page (disk, memory, CPU etc.)

    (to be continued)
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Our own software

TBSC - The Blue Software Company is under setup at this stage.

As said on the home page we will offer our software on a case to case basis to selected recipients TOTALLY FREE (no strings attached). We suggest you visit the following site:   or:

and work then through the information offered, esp. the Products and Services pages for:

"MyNet - Anywhere!" and "MyAddress and Contact Data!"

All our software can be downloaded for evaluation - some is FREE anyway (like the Mailing List application) to get an overview.

Developing curricula for vocational purposes at a school in a disadvantaged area or in a developing country which cannot afford to purchase a licensed copy of "MyNet - Anywhere !" (the estimated introduction price is ~ US $ 40.--) could be such a case.

If you are interested, then please contact us  ....



Some hardware and software matters in general  ....

Regarding the use of older computer hardware/software in schools there are always huge discussions about the "pros" and "cons". These discussions are however fairly useless, because the questions arising are always around the never ending spiral of hardware and software upgrades (esp. depending on the operating system just in flavour).

To clarify this point once and for all: for most subjects taught - esp. in the vocational area - there is enough software available which runs on older DOS based machines.

For our target group the whole discussion is probably as interesting as yesterdays newspaper. The question mostly doesn't arise at all because of the lack of state-of-the-art equipment. But herein lies also a huge chance for them: concentrating on what really counts instead of the computer hardware / software itself and the peripherie (which gets worse day by day).

It is also not so important that each student in the classroom has access to the internet - important is to enable students to deal with the flood of data and information.

There is more "information" available nowadays which we have to process - learning how to "process" information should be one of the priorities at our schools.

Even with a 386 system it is possible to run MS-Windows (16-bit) and perform all real world tasks like: Word Processing, spreadsheet calculations, drawing and construction work etc.

An older computer is better than NO computer at all !

If we have older - but still working - equipment it can be put to good use because it fulfills its purpose (like an old  car bringing us from A to B).

The point of view that always the latest technology is required in our schools is of course nonsense !

Back in 1984 we have written successful correspondence with a DOS wordprocessor, later we have used MS-Write from Windows 3.11 and now MS-Office 97 is used. We have been successful with our correspondence because we have written and formulated our correspondence better than our competitors. The writing style made it a success - NOT the type writer !

Wherever you are in our world ....

If you have surplus commercial software packages ( operating systems, application software etc.- esp. from the eighties and the early nineties ) we would like to hear from you and ask you to send it to an educational institution, small business etc. in developing countries and disadvantaged areas.

We would really like to hear from you. Thanks.

However - please consider the following :

If you really want to help with such a kind of donation the software should be complete (if possible with the manuals), the software should be licensed software and you should be the registered owner of the license (you are transferring the right to the new user of the software who might want to obtain technical support etc. from the software manufacturer). Therefore a copy of the license is required for the 'new' owner you choose. The software medium itself should be in acceptable condition for further use and of course absolutely virus free - you wouldn't help someone else if there is a virus on one of the installation disks or the medium is damaged otherwise.

[ In English speaking countries you can use the Antivirus Software from:  for FREE, also updates are absolutely free. ]

Esp. if you have not used the software for years - PLEASE perform a trial installation and check it again for computer viruses.
If you have older disks (not used for more than five years) the chances are great that the floppy disks are defect. But they can be fixed - see our page:   Test software

We would like to publish your details on our web site and prospective interests can then get in touch with you.

Thank you !
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                              TBSC - CONSULTING  is a partner of   ...

  A Global Network of Organisations working in Human Rights and Sustainable Development.

We are supporting them by helping to find sponsors for PCs and related hardware / software for conservation and environmental groups in Africa; also for the setup of a training centre in East Africa. Our longterm know-how and experience in the field of practical computing and electronic data processing will also benefit them by providing support and advice over the Internet in the future - esp. for members of their foundation working on the spot.

See our pages:  Hardware wanted, Software wanted to find out  about what they are looking for.


[ to be continued ]
TBSC - Consulting
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( These pages are permanently under development )                                                                    Printer friendly !