What I have in mind is simple: Provide the fans of College Hockey with an organized, easy to use source of media e-mail addresses, web sites, postal addresses, ect. so that they are able to become lobbyists for the sport that they love. And who knows College Hockey better than the fans? Who can describe how great this sport is better than the fans? The answer is nobody. This is where you come in....
During this upcoming season, I will be organizing a series of "media awareness crusades" to gain more attention (and eventually, coverage) of College Hockey. This will help maximize the affect of each e-mail, letter, phone call, ect. There is strength in numbers. One letter or e-mail won't have much impact, but a hundred will. A hundred will make some impact, but a thousand will make a much bigger impact. Get the idea? If we complain long enough and loud enough, someone will listen. In other words, The Squeaky Wheel gets the grease. If we keep plugging away, something will happen. We just have to have patience.