July 2000 Results

Monday, July 31, 2000 RAW IS WAR
**Hardcore Tag Team Match**
X-Pac and Road Dogg d. Steve Blackman and Al Snow via X-Factor
Blackman and Snow sneak up from behind X-Pac and Road Dogg and nail them with cookie sheets for an earlier nearfall. Snow continues to use the cookie sheet and Blackman goes under the ring for a steel chain and a garbage can. Snow and Blackman try to hit a double suplex on Road Dogg on the can, but X-pac gets out the powder and throws it in their eyes. X-Pac knocks Al Snow down in the corner and Road Dogg nails him with a No Parking Sign. X-Pac picks up the chain and Road Dogg throws Snow into him. Blackman comes back with the garbage can lids and takes out both Road Dogg and X-Pac. Drop kick by X-Pac on Blackman. Snow picks up the lid and takes Road Dogg out on the outside then he nails X-Pac who's leaning over the ropes. Road Dogg gets in a few shots of his own before getting suplexed on the outside. In the ring, Blackman continues on X-Pac, but X-Pac fights back with a right. Road Dogg goes over the barricade. X-Pac climbs the turnbuckle and jumps to Snow on the floor. Blackman goes out and brings X-Pac back in the ring. Road Dogg tries to attack from behind, but Blackman hits an armdrag takedown. Blackman gets the numchucks, but X-Pac takes them out of play. X-Pac takes out Snow on the outside while Road Dogg uses the lid on Blackmna's throat. Blackman with a low blow on Road Dogg and Blackman picks up the can. Blackman takes out both guys. Snow brigns the chucks in the ring and uses them on the head of X-Pac. Snow gets out his bowling ball and nails Road Dogg between the legs. Snow charges X-Pac, but X-Pac grabs a trash can and takes out both Snow and Blackman. X-Pac gets a kendo stick and starts showing off, but it slips out of his hand. Blackman gets his sticks and waits for Jim Dotson to get sticks back for X-Pac. Blackman and X-Pac duel it out until Blackman gets his eight shots in. He uses one of the sticks for the pumphandle and gets a two count. Snow takes out Road Dogg and grabs a trash can lid. Snow swings, but Road Dogg ducks and Snow nails Blackman. X-Pac hits the X-Factor on the chair for the win

Thursday, July 27, 2000 SMACKDOWN
**Hardcore Title Match**
Steve Blackman d. X-Pac via kendo stick to the head
The Road Dogg came out with X-Pac and joined The King and Cole for commentary. X-Pac took control early with punches, kicks, and leather belt shots. Steve Blackman came back with a belt shot, but X-Pac took him down again. X-Pac brought in a garbage can lid and hit Steve Blackman with it a few times. Blackman kicked the lid into X-Pac’s face. Steve Blackman nailed X-Pac with the lid several times all over X-Pac’s body. Steve Blackman brought out his nun chucks and gave them to X-Pac. Blackman nailed X-Pac with his Kendo sticks. Blackman then suplexed X-Pac for a long two count. X-Pac grabbed a fire extinguisher and sprayed Blackman in the face with it. X-Pac then sent Steve Blackman into the announce table and chopped him several times. Back in the ring, X-Pac nailed Blackman with a garbage can several times and went for the Bronco Buster, but Steve Blackman put the garbage can in the way and drove it into X-Pac’s balls. Steve Blackman then hit X-Pac in the head with a Kendo stick for the win. After the match, The Road Dogg and X-Pac beat Steve Blackman’s ass with several weapons.

Monday, July 17, 2000 RAW IS WAR
X-Pac/Road Dogg d. Too Cool via X-Factor
Road Dogg attacks Sexay from behind then drives him in the corner. Xesay whipped, but he gets his boot up on Road Dogg then hits a missle drop kick. Vertical suplex by Sexay then he tags in Scotty for the dancing routine followed by a double elbow drop then a double drop toe hold on X-pac that tratigically places X-Pac on the lower half on Road Dogg. Clothesline by Road Dogg on Scotty followed by a front face lock. Scotty fights out with rights, but ends up recieving the juke and jive followed by the shake rattle and roll for a two. X-Pac in and he puts Scotty in a front face lock ,but again, right hands by Scotty to get out. Spinning heel kick by X-pac and he draws Sexay in. Road Dogg and X-Pac double team behind the ref's back. Scotty ducks the double clothesline then hits one of his own on both guys. Sexay tagged in and knocks down both members of DX. Power slam by Sexay. Road Dogg goes to break the count, but hits X-Pac instead. They split to corners and X-Pac sends out. Scotty hits the bulldog on X-pac, but Road Dogg hits the pumphandle. Ref is busy with X-pac so Sexay hits the hip hop jam. Two count by Scotty. Road Dogg gets rolled up by Sexay, but he's not legal. X-Pac in with the X-Factor

Sunday, July 16, 2000 HOUSE SHOW
Hardy Boyz d. X-Pac/Road Dogg via Swanton Bomb
Best Match of night. Hardys had some great moves. They won the match on a signature finishing move. After the match......X-Pac on Road Dogg beat on Lita pretty good. X-Pac gave the bronco buster to Lita.

Saturday, July 15, 2000 HOUSE SHOW
Hardy Boyz d. X-Pac/Road Dogg

Thursday, July 13, 2000 SMACKDOWN
X-Pac/Road Dogg d. Hardy Boyz via X-Factor
The match was even during most of the match with the advantage going both ways. There were lots of high flying moves. towards the end it seemed that the Hardyz took control but as Jeff Hardy was covering X-Pac Road Dogg pulled him off. Then Jeff Hardy was on the top rope and Road Dogg pushed him into a X-Factor for the win.

Monday, July 10, 2000 RAW IS WAR
HHH vs. X-Pac
Neither guy is their actual wrestling gear and X-pac comes down to his old theme. They stare each other down and tell each other to bring it. They jaw jack for a second and HHH shoves X-pac down. X-pac gets up fighting with right hands. Clothesline by X-pac. HHH gets up and hits a clothesline on X-Pac then tosses him outside. X-Pac bounces HHH's head off the announce table. Back in the ring, HHH hits a facebuster while San Jose chants STEPHANIE SWALLOWS. HHH puts X-Pac in the corner and beats him down. Boots to the midsection by HHH. X-Pac fights back with right hands. X-pac whipped and HHH hits the knee to the face. Spinning heel kick by X-Pac and HHH retreats to the corner. X-Pac beats him down and X-Pac goes for the bronco buster, but HHH moves. The crowd was semi-popping for it. X-Pac throws HHH over the top rope to the floor and Chris Jericho comes down and takes advantage of the situation. X-Pac points back up the ramp and Road Dogg comes down with a sledge hammer. THIS WAS A SET-UP. They lured Jericho out here. DX throws Jericho in the ring and beat on him. X-Factor by X-Pac. Pedigree by HHH. HHH picks up the sledge hammer. X-Pac and Road Dogg hold up Jericho

Sunday, July 9, 2000 HOUSE SHOW
X-Pac/Road Dogg d. Dudley Boyz via Pumphandle Slam

Saturday, July 8, 2000 HOUSE SHOW
X-Pac/Road Dogg d. Dudley Boyz via Pumphandle Slam
Crowd all the way for Dudleys. Much to the crowds dismay, Road Dogg put the pumphandle on D-Von for the victory. After the match Road Dogg got a 3-D and a powerbomb through a table.

Monday, July 3, 2000 RAW IS WAR
Acolytes and Chris Jericho d. X-Pac and Road Dogg via Lionsault
DX gets on Jericho before the Acolytes can get to the ring. The Acolytes get down there and Farooq takes X-Pac outside and Bradshaw is quick to follow with Road Dogg. Road Dogg thrown back into Jericho and Jericho sends him to the mat. X-Pac thrown back in and Jericho knocks him down with a spinning heel kick. Stiff chop by Jericho and Jericho tags in Bradshaw. X-Pac sent to the mat with a clothesline adn then he sends X-Pac to the corner. X-Pac gets the boot up then goes for a crossbody, but Bradshaw catches him and hits a fallaway slam. Road Dogg in now and Brdshaw tags Farooq. Farooq goers for the dominator, but Road Dogg falls out. X-Pac gets in and hits a kick to knock Farooq down. Road Dogg puts Farooq in the corner and DX double teams him. X-Pac tagged in and Farooq hits a powerslam and goes to tag Bradshaw, but Jericho tags himself in. Road Dogg tries to hold Jericho, but Jericho moves and X-pac takes out Road Dogg. Jericho hits the bulldog on X-Pac and gets a two. Knife edge chops on X-Pac in the corner. X-Pac goes for the X-Factor, but Jericho puts on the Walls of Jericho. Road Dogg breaks it up and Bradshaw hits the Clothesline from hell on him. Farooq comes in and hits a spinebuster on X-Pac as he looks for the Bronco Buster. Jericho hits the lionsault for the win.

Sunday, July 2, 2000 HOUSE SHOW
X-Pac d. D-Von Dudley
D-von kicks ass all the way through. Lameass ending with X-pac somehow winning

June 2000 Results
May 2000 Results
April 2000 Results
March 2000 Results
February 2000 Results
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