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Why support a team like man utd?

Although Manchester United as a team is a good reason to hate them, it is their "supporters" who make us despise this sorry excuse for a European-class side.  Never has anyone been so arrogant, so violent and so intellectually challenged than a man utd supporter.  I recall a recent incident I had with a supposed "fan" who in a pathetic attempt to out-wit me, mistakenly responded to my question (He had said he had been a supporter since 1986-so I decided to ask him who preceded Alex Ferguson as Manager) with the name Ruud Gullit.  Is that enough for you?  Manchester United supporters also seem to think that since they have the most money, they will always be the dominant force in European football.  To further support their team, they rally around paedophiles, degenerates, terrorists, egotists, xenophobes, octogenarians and other assorted "freaks" to help them win championships.  Also they think that any other team no matter how good (even if the team has defeated man utd. more times than they have lost) is no match for the "Red-Devils".

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