Sara's Website of Ultimate Destruction and Doom
About Me
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Funky Cars
The Lord Of The Rings
LXG: League of Extraordinairy Gentlemen
My AC/DC Obsession
My Friends
My Poetry
The Passion of the Christ
Pirates of the Caribbean
Thoughts On Stuff And...Stuff
Message Forum
About Me

Hey guys. My name is Sara. I'm also known occasionally as Sare, Fabio Pudge the Silver Blob Garden Gnome who is also a Lesbian Porn Star, and various other nicknames that my parents have for me. (Btw, the first two nicknames---not from my parents.)
I was born in eastern Canada and am currently being raised in western Canada. I have one younger sister, and my parents are divorced, if you  must know. I have two cats (Sylvie and Willy). I also have three dogs (yes, three): Marley, a golden retriever; Freddie, a poodle; and Jimmy, a Burnese Mountain dog.
Some of my hobbies are reading (I like fantasy books...LotR is my fave), writing (check out my poetry page), playing my bass, attempting to play guitar/drums/piano, listening to music, watching TV, and hanging out with my friends.
My favourite TV shows are The Simpsons, South Park, King of the Hill, Futurama, and basically anything on the Comedy Channel. I also like anime and I'm proud to say that Digimon is still my favourite.
My favourite movies are Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Passion of the Christ, Xmen, Star Wars, and South Park. There are many others but those are my top ones.
I have an odd sense of humour, you might notice some of it throughout the site. Sometimes I can get very hyper, and I'm known to be very eccentric. I like to stand out.
My favourite bands are AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, and Queen. If you have another three days, I'll tell you all the rest of my favourite bands too.
I'm extremely political and also very stubborn. Those two things don't mix well. But I will fight for what I believe in.
And I'm told I do a really good East Indian accent.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Lauridsen,
I am writing in regards to your daughter, Sara. I have had frequent complaints from teachers and fellow students that she has been disruptive, used offensive language in class, and has currently been involved in violent behaviour. Her teachers have also commented on her rather annoying habit of humming in class. When she does put pen to paper, it turns out she is writing poetry of some vile sort. As well, she often comes into the classroom with bloody knees, dirty hands, and her uniform filthy. She is certainly old enough to know that her reckless and dangerous behaviour will land her in serious trouble. Please, have a talk with your daughter before she becomes a delinquent.

Headmistress Williamson
PS: Please come in to my office on Monday as we need to discuss the incident of Sara breaking a pair of drumsticks over a young boy's head.

