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This is just random stuff I feel like putting on here. Enjoy.

Albuminurophobia- Fear of kidney disease.
Allodoxaphobia- Fear of opinions.

Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.

Aulophobia- Fear of flutes.

Caligynephobia- Fear of beautiful women.

Cathisophobia- Fear of sitting.

Decidophobia- Fear of making decisions.

Deipnophobia- Fear of dining or dinner conversations.

Dextrophobia- Fear of objects at the right side of the body.

Doxophobia- Fear of expressing opinions or of receiving praise.

Ephebiphobia- Fear of teenagers.

Geniophobia- Fear of chins.

Genuphobia- Fear of knees.

Geumaphobia or Geumophobia- Fear of taste.

Ithyphallophobia- Fear of seeing, thinking about or having an erect penis.

Levophobia- Fear of things to the left side of the body.

Linonophobia- Fear of string.

Medomalacuphobia- Fear of losing an erection.

Medorthophobia- Fear of an erect penis.

Neophobia- Fear of anything new.

Nomatophobia- Fear of names.

Novercaphobia- Fear of your step-mother.

Octophobia - Fear of the figure 8.

Oneirogmophobia- Fear of wet dreams.

Parthenophobia- Fear of virgins or young girls.

Peladophobia- Fear of bald people.

Phobophobia- Fear of phobias.

Phronemophobia- Fear of thinking.

Pogonophobia- Fear of beards.

Sinistrophobia- Fear of things to the left or left-handed.

Soceraphobia- Fear of parents-in-law.

Urophobia- Fear of urine or urinating.

Vitricophobia- Fear of step-father.

Fry: 'Uh Bender, where is your bathroom?'
Bender: 'Bath what?'
Fry: 'Bathroom'
Bender: 'What room?'
Fry: 'Bathroom!'
Bender: 'What what?'
Homer: "Being eaten by crocodile is just like going to a giant blender."
Homer: "You tried and you failed miserably, so the lesson is 'never try'."
Lionel Hutz: "Oh no, we've drawn Judge Snyder."
Marge: "Is that bad?"
Lionel Hutz: "Well, he's kinda had it in for me ever since I accidently ran over his dog."
Marge: "You did?"
Lionel Hutz: "Actually, replace the word 'accidently' with the word 'repeatedly', and the word 'dog' with 'son'."
Burns: Look at that pig. Stuffing his face with donuts on my time! That's right, keep eating...Little do you know you're drawing ever closer to the poison donut! [cackles evilly, then stops abruptly] There is a poison one, isn't there Smithers?
Smithers:, sir. I discussed this with our lawyers and they consider it murder.
Homer: Moe, I need your advice.
Moe: Yeah?
Homer: See, I got this friend named... Joey Jo Jo... Junior... Shabadoo.
Moe: That's the worst name I ever heard. 
*random man runs out of bar, sobbing*
Barney: Hey! Joey Jo Jo!
FRY: That's the saltiest thing I ever tasted, and I once ate a big heaping bowl of salt!