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Thoughts On Stuff And...Stuff

My Thoughts On...Society
OMG society seriously bugs the blood outta me. Really. I am actually ashamed to live the way we do. Everyone is so frickin focused on money and everything about themselves that they don't have time to stop and look at what's going on around them. Take unions for example. The workers ask for more money. To give the workers more money, the prices have to go up. Because the prices have gone up, the workers need more money to pay for the things they buy. So to give them more money, prices once again go up. WHAT THE HELL. Does anyone else notice a pattern here? We are so obsessed with material things and how much we own that we don't realize we're bringing the downfall of our civilization. Look what happened to Rome. They were the most powerful empire in the world at one point. But then with all their power they imploded and...bye bye Rome. Nobody seems to notice the fact that there are still people in Canada living on the streets. Honestly, in this day and age there should be none of that. We live in such a great nation. No one should have a million-dollar house or three cars until everyone has a roof over their head, clothes on their back, and food in their stomach. It's disgusting. You walk down the streets of Toronto and you can't walk in a straight line because you're constantly stepping over and around homeless people. TORONTO. One of the wealthiest and most important provinces in Canada has homeless people filling the streets of downtown. IT'S RIDICULOUS. If everyone would just back off and say, "You know what? I've got what I need for now. Let's make sure that guy on the corner has a place to live in", the world would be such a great place. But unfortunately, my one little (loud though it may be) voice is not enough to change the world. Pity.

My Thoughts On...Egos
Frick, this bugs me so much. I realize it's good to have pride but, good god, don't go shoving it in our faces! HONESTLY! I can't stand people who think they're all high and mighty when they're really no more special than the rest of us. I have a prime example of this. Alrighty, there's this kid in our school named Mitch. He pushes Kyle around for no apparent reason that I can find. But Mitch isn't a big tough bully. He's probably even scrawnier than Kyle! But he thinks he's so freakin' great because he's friends with Matt (you know...the big one) and because of this, he thinks he owns the world. Well here's a wake-up call, Mitch: If you weren't friends with Matt, I could flick you and you'd fall over. Now that I think about it, that's not the best example I could have thought of, but whatever. My point is, there's pride, and then there's having a fat head. Unfortunately, most people have a fat head. Hopefully one day someone will just stick in a pin, deflate them a little bit, and the world will be a happier place.