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Cate Cavanagh Quantum Spirituality, The Science of Change

Press Kit


My first book, Gifts Of The Spirit, received rave reviews. In a rare act of support, Native American Ceremonial Chief Frank WhiteEagle, contributed the introduction to this book. You may contact Ceremonial Chief Frank WhiteEagle at: quantumspirituality@yahoo.com I am a featured columnist for: Lightsource, Manifest Reality, Self Growth, E Spirit, Witchvox and todays-woman.net I have also been a New York columnist and radio commentator for WJFF also in New York. My latest book, QUANTUM SPIRITUALITY, THE SCIENCE OF CHANGE forays into the ground breaking discipline of healing wounds dating back as far as childhood, healing the inner child and replacing it with an empowered adult. Foremost metaphysical authority, Myriam Maytorena, has not only endorsed Quantum Spirituality, The Science of Change but wrote the forward to the book. manifestreality.com HER GODMOTHER is a novel about healing through discovering the everyday magic that surrounds us and best selling author Janet Elaine Smith loved the book so much, she asked to write the forward. janetelainesmith.com GRIEF DANCE is a book of poetry that shares a personal journey of grief and healing. Soul retriever and Shamanka, (Sherrie) Mountain Hawk Woman can help you heal from grief: mthawk2@yahoo.com The release dates for the above books have not as yet been determined.

My Article and interview on the splintering of the soul due to personal loss and hardship:

This article, DOES YOUR SOUL NEED RETREIVAL was published on todays-woman.net:

Are you feeling out of place in your world? Is there a void within you you seek to fill but cannot? Have you had difficulty in moving forward after a life changing challenge? You might need a soul retrieval.

Whereas I often write of giving one's spirit power away because we often choose not to champion ourselves and leave self definition in the hands of other, soul retrieval is another thing altogether.

Before discussing what soul retrieval is, I think we can better understand circumstances in which we lose part or all of our souls. Firstly, to lose one's soul altogether is what Shamans call The Walking Death. This is where the soul leaves or is caused to leave the body but not far enough to bring about death. The physical body is "working" but is vacant of purpose, vitality and practical routine. This usually happens via a spell or other unethical work, a suicide attempt or horrible trauma that causes the soul to so truly weary of life it attempts to depart. This is an extreme case. But most of us who will need soul retrieval suffer what I call a fracturing of the soul; a knowingness that one is not whole while not being able to explain it.

In my particular case my soul was fractured into pieces because I had experienced the trauma of multiple deaths in a brief period of time, most recently the death of my mother. I was unable to adjust to loss because the deaths closely followed each other. Unknown to me, each death compounded upon death too much for my soul to carry so, it fractured off. Other causes of this condition are childhood abuses, rape, war time horrors and other victimization through violent crime. In all of these situations, the life experience becomes so overwhelming the soul wishes to literally depart in an attempt to "go home" to the spiritual terrain plane from which we all spring.

The whole soul does not get lost, but rather the parts wait for all of its components to aggregate in order to cross over. Whereas there are instances in which the soul breaks up and attaches itself to actual people the most common form of soul loss is where the desire to go home causes soul fracturing.

This can happen to the most enlightened of us for although I too am an eclectic witch and Shaman, trauma takes us all by surprise. I recently underwent soul retrieval and until one investigates this as part of healing the undercurrents a growing sense of incompletion, one cannot begin to appreciate how much of our feeling sad and lost can be attributed to the loss of the soul. While my background enabled me to know I was not whole anymore the cause of this emptiness continued to elude me. Then Sherrie Atkins Mountain Hawk Woman helped me. An experienced Shamanka and soul retriever, Sherrie Atkins not only reintegrates the souls of the living, she travels to spirit realm and to the shadowy death dimensions locating souls of the deceased that are unable to cross over to death . Causes for this can be unexpected and sudden death by violence, death of children whose souls cannot yet realize they have died and souls that, fearing what is on the other side, are unable to cross over.

It is in this realm that she found my soul fractured in three parts, waiting for the "rest of me" to reintegrate in order to cross over. In my case, this fracturing was caused by the ongoing deaths of loved ones. After working with Sherrie Atkins, I understood why I felt incomplete and when my soul was reintegrated into one within me I felt different: I felt whole.

Sherrie Atkins Mountain Hawk woman is a well know shamanic figure whose soul retrievals and rescues are widely know. She is an author of innumerable enlightening and educational articles on all things spiritual and an inspiration to all that know her.

Although I am glad to share my experiences here in order to help those of you who might now recognize causes for your own possible inner conflict, the best person to further elucidate on this process is Ms. Atkins Mountain Hawk Woman herself. She will graciously accept all message for help! mthawk2@yahoogroups.com

Published in todays-woman.net -Gifts of the Spirit:

Many people belief being spiritual begins with meditation, prayer, petition, spells or runes. All of these are interesting tools to learn but before these, before what we wish to do is what we need to do ...

Many people believe being spiritual begins with meditation, prayer, petition, spells or runes. All of these are interesting tools to learn but before these, before what we wish to do is what we need to do if we are truely seeking our own individual, spiritual path. I will begin with just one premise.

We need to remember careless, thoughtless speech can create havoc for us as much as any anyone's direct effort to do so. If nothing else, not speaking truth can be confusing when we try to remember who we told what.

If I, as a witch/shamaness who knows of the power of energy transformation, keeps saying something like, "It figures", "Things like this always happen to me!"(and the list is all negative), don't you think those things will just keep happening (especially if I mastered some degree of being an adept)? We could not begin to imagine how many times we caused our own problems by the number of times we hexed ourselves with thoughtless speech. Think "energy conversion" when we added the force of our anger and upset to whatever we were saying! Basic physics is not just for scientists. Negative speech, especially when we belittle ourselves, also reinforces whatever poor esteem and attitude issues we may each be fighting. Working on change is difficult as it is but would any one us have thought change would begin with the mouth?

So speak the truth. This means no lies, especially to yourself. But, let's look at the little ways in which we evade our own truth. As long as we are evading our truth, we can never think it, speak it or even know it. How many times have we called out sick because for whatever the reason, we did not want to go to work? We weren't sick though, were we? Would we really tell our boss "I'm not coming in today because I don't want to? It is easier to call out sick. We can also avoid the confrontation with the truth that we do not want to experience the disappointment and anger of our boss. So, in order to avoid the truth of criticism and discomfort, we call out sick instead. Someone who likes to talk on and on calls us at a time when we don't feel like being on the phone for hours. We all know someone like this. This is the type of person that won't even get off the phone no matter how many clues you drop. You tell the person that something's burning on the stove and you will call them back but you know you won't. You lie to get the person so you can get off the phone so you won't have to listen to them. You tell this lie because the truth is you just can't find the way to tell them that you don't have the time to talk or don't feel like talking. What you might want is to will call them in a couple of days when things settle down. It took me a while to learn to be comfortable in expressing my needs in a situation like this. I too would drop hints and HOPE the other person would understand. The other truth is a lot of people don't get the hint. Is it their fault that we do not make them understand (nicely, of course)? Another truth is maybe we do not want to be labeled rude. What do all of these truths we avoid add up to? We are afraid of what people will think of us and we are not creative enough to find truthful solutions to our dilemmas. That requires knowing what our truth really is.

And the truth often does hurt, especially when it comes to ourselves. That instance with the boss? One truth is that we do not want to lose our job or have a boss who will not trust us. Another truth is simply we are not brave enough to tell the truth regardless of the consequences. This is not a choice situation. Both of truths coexist don't they? Of the two, the second truth is the more important because it will require a lot of work to find the inner spirit that will enable us to be truthful at all times. Do we have to tell that boss the truth about why we did not come in? No, because it would be far better to plan for a day off with company policies, or to simply ask you boss when would be a convenient time for you to take a personal day or two. This may seem overly simplistic but change cannot and does not begin with grand overtures that cannot be maintained. All change must begin with small steps that can lead to other steps.

Along with self comfort one will achieve by eliminating deceit, the calm of spiritual growth can and does begin to grow as an offshoot of simple attempts to change.

In beginning with self change, begin by changing your speech into truth because the only thing that ever comes from truth is more truth. Somewhere along the line you will discover your true self. Then you are ready to begin.

Her Godmother

About The Book

Young Allie is in the chaos of a dysfunctional family. We first encounter Allie going upstate New York with her mother, Darla who has left Allie's alcoholic father. He has become reckless and Darla decides to relocate to help Allie make a transition. It is here that Allie stays for a while with her godmother, Brigid, who has opened her heart and her home. What Allie is about to discover is that Brigid is rather "colorful" or should we say...

Witches are among us and, just like Brigid, live quietly in every community. Brigid teaches Allie about wildlife and respect for all living things and Allie begins to heal from the pain of her parents' separation. Part of this healing is not feeling responsible for not being able to help her father to stop drinking. Allie discovers the wonder of the wildlife on the property. Adding to the fun mix of delightful events is Jasper, the squirrel that taps on Brigid's window for peanuts and Sally, the huge, fat bellied cat who is really a helpful and magical spirit (or familiar) that chose Brigid many years ago. There is also Jupiter the non-magical mischievous, huge mutt and the family of skunks that live under the house. Allie is having a wonderful time until one night when, awakened by a thunderstorm, she peeks out of her window to see her godmother dancing on the lawn in the rain. Allie begins to wonder who is this person her mother left her to stay with?

Her Godmother although mystical, does not change anyone into cats nor does anyone fly on a broomstick. Readers venture with Allie on her path to healing and also see how ordinary life is really a series of enchantments.

Her Godmother is a coming of age book of the magical/fantasy genre that tells the story of young Allie and the godmother that teaches her the everyday beauty of life.  It is also a metaphor for anyone, of any age, to look beyond obstacles for the magic that is the healing beauty in everyday life.  Her Godmother is the next feel good surprise novel of this category.

About The author: Cate Cavanagh grew up Ocean-Hill Brownsville Brooklyn, New York. It was as the ethnically diverse as her own mixed racial heritage.

Although she was a social worker for most of her life from the time she was a little girl, she wanted to be a writer. She is now a published poet, columnist and author.

As an adult child of an alcoholic she knows the pain of this disease. She grew up never knowing when this disease would flare up and change the man she loved, her father. When a child has a parent that suffers from alcoholism, that child often feels guilty and helpless. No matter how much a child wants that parent back, the only one who can control the disease is the parent. This is always unfair but somehow, Cate, as she grew up found dreams and held onto them.

Cate never gave up on believing in faries, other wonderous beings and the magic that is all around us.

Her Godmother is as much a book of healing as it is of magic.

Her first book, Gifts Of The Spirit, continues to receive rave reviews and her third book of original poetry, Grief Dance, will also be released later this year.

Cate lives her childhood dream of country life in upstate New York with her husband, Ralph, and a menagerie of animals. Every now and then she leaves cream and cookies for the faeries.



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