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HALLUCINOGES are drugs that can produce changes in mood and behavior. They can produce delusions and hallucinations. They induce a state of excitation of the central nervous system, shown by changes in mood. Hallucinogens disorient the sense of direction, distance and time of a person. A user may speak of "hearing" colors, and "seeing" sounds.


  1. Mescaline - derive from the fleshy par of payote cactus. Mescaline can be produced synthetically and is taken orally. A dose of 350 to 500 mg. of mescaline produce illusions and hallucinations lasting from 5 to 12 hours.
  2. Psilocybin - a drug derived from the Psilocybe mushrooms grown by indians for centuries. When this mushrooms are eaten they produce an effect of similar to mescaline and LSD.
  3. LSD - "Lysergic acid diethylamide". It produced from lysergic acid, a substance derived from ergots fungus which grows on rye. LSD is now use as a tool of research to study the mechanism of mental illness. It is sold in the form of a tablets, thin squares of gelatine or impregnated paper.
  4. Phencyclidine (PCP) - commonly known as PCP. It is solid under different names, suh as: Angel dust, Crystal, Supergrass, Killer weed, Rockwt fuel, Embalding fluid, and many others. The drug is sold in tablets and capsules, as well as in powder and liquid form. It is applied to a leaf like marijuana or oregano, and smoked. PCP cause greater risk to the user than any other drug of abuse, within the exception of "shabu".


The effects of hallucinogens vary but the general effect are:

  • Increase heart rate and pulse rate
  • Elavated or increase activity of the body due to the effect on the brain
  • Enlarged or dilated pupils of the eyes
  • Increaed body temperature
  • Paleness of the face and skin of the body

The psychological effects of the hallucinogen include the fallowing:

  • Strong emtional feeling
  • Recalling previously suppressed ideas and thoughts
  • A feeling of great creative and imagination
  • Very licid and astonishingly clear thought
  • Intensification sensory impressions
  • Changes in sensation
  • A mood of joy and strong feeling of religious awareness
  • A feeling of oneness with the universe

For a "bad trip" the following experience are "seen" simple thing appear

  • Hallucinations, such as nightmarish visions and terrifying ideas
  • Tension and anxiety
  • Paranoid delusion to the point of commiting suicide
  • Complete loss of emotional control
  • Very deep and profound depression
  • Social behavior becomes unruly and uncontrllable
  • Feeling that one is immune to harm and perhaps able to "fly"
  • Occassional "flashback" (sensory replay of the previous "trip") occurs
  • Feeling of dizziness or temporary unconsciousness


Abuse of hallucinogens is commonly done through oral intake (through the mouth). the drug is usually taken as often as several times a week. And develops into a phsycal drive causing the user to repeat the use of drug, but phsycal dependence is unlikely.


Illegal possesion of hallucinogens imposes a penalty of 12 years and one day im-prisonment and fine of 12,000 to 20,000.


  • A person on a "trip" using hallucinogens requires careful attention. He needs to be re assured and protected from bodily harm because these may trigger violent reactions against those attending him
  • Talk to the person and convince him to calm down by getting him inside a quiet and safe surrounding
  • Take the victim to the nearest doctor or hospital as soon as possible. At least 2 male individuals must accompany the patient

Drug Abuse and Prevention. Best viewed using Internet X-plore in 800x600 monitor resolution.     Developed by: MARK ANTHONY O. ZAIDE