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Red Hill Cemetery
Cemetery Book about Red Hill Cemetery
Chavies, Perry Co., KY
I'm doing a book about Red Hill Cemetery and of the people who are buried there! {aka: Duff Cemetery} located in Chavies, Perry Co., KY!  Highway 15 to Highway 28 onto Combs Branch Road.
(Cemetery is above an airstrip !)

I'm trying to get a complete list (if possible, pics of all the tombstones) of this cemetery..

While researching this cemetery I'm going to compare the relationships to each one buried there. 

In my book, I want to make this a very unique and different cemetery book that anyone has ever seen. I'm wanting to do the history of the land and the cemetery, about the church that's across the street and the Old School house that was once there (and hopefully find a pic of both) and a bio on each person there and a pic of their tombstone!
I'm still in the need of help in finding someone to help in mapping the cemetery for me.... I would like to include the map of the cemetery in the book so that the reader can see just where their ancestor lies in respect to others around them... 

I'm keeping a list of everyone that has contributed in helping me with this book and upon their approval, I will be acknowledging them in the book!!

So any help, thoughts, suggestions and/or stories about Red Hill Cemetery is greatly appreciated!!

Well I finally graduated from medical college in June 2006.  But still job hunting... :o(
I will place updates on this board to how I'm doing.
** I'm currently working with a great lady that is taking pictures of the tombstones and from this I should be able to get a complete and accurate count of how many are buried in Red Hill and begin researching their history. **    (10/01/2006)
** Have a great collection of tombstone pics and have been trying to tie them together with 1 generation of their line. This is a long process and between having the time to work on it, work and just recently moved to North Carolina; I;m only a 1/3 done with what I want to do with this book.  **  (05/16/2011)

Any clip art that has RHIO, R, (r)  in the pic are from:
"Rhio's Sampler" graphics
Copyright © 1998 - 2005  Rhio Gillis; Genealogy: A Reunion With the Past  as of 04/23/05

Her email is:
This site belongs to Bobbie Asche, do not link this site to your site without permission. Please do not take any art graphics and put on your site without getting permission from the original owner. 
In other words, get permission before doing anything!