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Toronto, Ontario, Canada



A slavish submission




James Bredin


They lived in a ghetto housing project in the sky,

A huge square block welfare building a mile high,

Where single mothers and half brothers were the norm,

Where several savage gangs were known to swarm.


Goody-two-shoes analysed this dilemma all the way,

Wrote reports with statistics that faded into grey,

Of political correctness gone completely mad,

Couldn’t point out that multiculturalism was bad.


Forbidden to mention this menace, if or when,

The Human Rights Tribunal might call you in,

Or when arrested with guns their names not published,

This is what holier-than-thou youth laws accomplished.


While we the people tolerated totalitarianism,

In slavish submission to equalitarianism,

In this status quo system where nothing can change,

Subserviently lie low and stay out of gun range.


 Friday, January 6, 2006


Toronto Dead Guys Can’t Do No Wrong




James Bredin


Nightly reports of death by gun in public places,

Blatant gang guys doing it openly in our faces,

And even when they’re caught, they’re back out on bail,

With the free soft legal aid system; they just can’t fail.


It’s the welfare environment, we’re so well aware,

Jungle housing project, counter culture of despair,

Single mothers making many more fatherless boys,

Bouncing babies, bigger cheque, more toys, louder noise.


Multiculturalism gone mad but so correct,

Where no one would dare point out a gun suspect,

He’s just a fatherless friend who carries a gun,

Who would dare do that to some single mother’s son?


Blame the Americans, the cops and gun makers,

And its such good business for the undertakers,

Why do we need answers that are politically correct,

So lawyers and politicians still make the connect.


We met the enemy while looking in the mirror,

He’s here, he’s now and couldn’t get any nearer,

While our politicians are off traveling the globe,

Are we blind or missing parts of our frontal lobe?


Tuesday, January 10, 2006



Fatherless Boys and Unwed Mothers




James Bredin


Canada does not have patriots but once had loyalists,

Just before multicultural left wing journalists,

Before the Trudeau-Chretien Charter of Rights,

Before lenient appointed judges turned out the lights.


Before adscam politicians joined Kyoto parade,

Where Americans and Australians don’t feel betrayed,

Where we are the ones locked in their UN agenda,

Pushed on by their pompous pumped up propaganda.


Before Quebec and Alberta talked break away,

Before GST, anarchy where they tax both night and day,

Before same sex marriage with managed majority,

Obedient party discipline and authority.


Before corruption and envelopes full of money,

Before they thought these antics were quite funny,

Where referendums and recall are not allowed,

Before hoods shooting guns began to overcrowd.


Where gun shots are the multicultural illusion,

More worried about rights than death and confusion,

Blame the cops, poverty, the Americans or others,

Not the fatherless boys or their unwed mothers.


Monday, January 2, 2006



Young Girl shot on Toronto Streets




James Bredin


More money for the programs – midnight basketball,

No need for video cameras on the streets as they stall,

The cops are at fault and maybe the Americans too,

Gang guys need more welfare and it’s long overdue.


What does it take to change our politicians around?

Bullets and gangs on the street and gun shot sounds,

And those who should be in jail are all out on bail,

And the few in jail get early release without fail.


This pattern of conduct has become the norm,

We’re forbidden to change anything or reform,

Politically correct tranquility they declare,

But the guys with guns from the ghetto don’t care.


The people care but not their politicians,

Can’t change or rearrange political conditions,

The god of political correctness can’t be disturbed,

Like the adscam guys, they all nodded and concurred.


As they continue to appoint lenient judges,

No questions about special interests or grudges,

The mayor was in Spain when the shootings occurred,

He called by phone but his travels may have been disturbed.


Friday, December 30, 2005



Is Toronto Hong Kong or Bombay?




James Bredin


Is Toronto Hong Kong, Bombay or Jamaica, man?

Various places and faces and shades of tan,

And they’re all in Toronto and all doing their thing,

Multicultural madness flying on one wing.


It’s enough to make an ordinary person wonder,

How to survive and thrive amid multinational thunder,

The old time Loyalists must be turning in their graves,

And no one tends to care much for those who make waves.


But we’re stuck with mediocre politicians,

Trying to hold onto their power and traditions,

Send our garbage a day away to the States,

Out of sight, out of mind and little or no debates.


As they double their wages now and then,

Look around and then they do it all again,

Tax and spend and travel to the verge of madness,

The few who ponder politics are deep into sadness.


They pretend that they really have an agenda,

As they pump out their daily propaganda,

Not a trustworthy politician since Mike Harris time,

Listen to the gun shots and claim everything is fine.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005


The Liberal Party of Canada


Shots Fired




James Bredin


Repeatedly shot in the head in his car outside a church,

Bullets blew all the windows out, then the steering wheel lurch,

One politician blamed another while others blamed the cops,

No one blamed the shooters or even suggested they should stop.


They lost count of the shootings so they don’t bother any more,

Bad publicity for their positions so it’s better to ignore,

These elected politicians seem so reluctant to change,

Plus no attendance records for their meetings and isn’t that strange?


Some blamed the American gun laws just across the border,

We have no capital punishment they say so we should have order,

Acute anti Americanism by loud mouth left wing snobs,

Blame anyone, say anything but don’t insult the mobs.


Some blamed the lax justice system that allows shooters to walk,

With legal aid lawyers who repeal to High Court and talk the talk,

Where lifetime appointees make decisions from their lofty heights.

And civil libertarians claim terrorists have Charter rights.


Some blame the area, the single mothers and the gangs,

Some blame the absent fathers who are more likely to harangue,

Did some political magician maneuver all the masses into sheep?

Where they don’t rock the boat or show leadership when we’re all asleep.


Thursday, August 04, 2005

GW Bush and Paul Martin



Guns, Roses and Multiculturalism




James Bredin



This summer of the gun will soon be long gone – not much to inspire,

Amid reams of women’s screams within range of fire,

As we spasm into and through another resolution phase,

To be repeated nightly in another bullet blaze.  


They say it’s not the shooters fault because they were deprived,

Growing up fatherless on welfare; they’re lucky to have survived,

Release the prisoners because our justice system is at fault,

If not us or our system, then it’s the Americans by default.


Culture of poor people in and near the welfare housing,

Single mothers in an atmosphere near all those carousing,

Defiant though reliant and in an environment of fear,

Where sheer survival is reality though sometimes severe.


Untrained unproductive in invisible welfare chains,

Subject to social propaganda and political campaigns,

Where fathers come and go but are mostly out of sight,

Could lower a welfare cheque and that would not be right.


Not politically correct to point out these social flaws,

Where gang guys seem shoot each other nightly just because,

Pitiful preparation to function within a workforce,

Theirs is a social world of vengeance and very little remorse.



 Friday, August 26, 2005




Culture of the Grim




James Bredin


Don’t ask him ‘bout his daddy because he doesn’t know,

Lives with his mommy in their hi rise welfare ghetto,

But lots of half brothers and half sisters and friends,

That and rap music with guns and money to spend.


More than a few of his friends have already been shot,

No big deal on the dance floor or some back parking lot,

They had lots of money without an education,

But wouldn’t move from their drug-dealer location.


Being shot doesn’t bother him because he is brave,

Two girlfriends pregnant but this is how heroes behave,

He and his friends pass the time in and out of jail,

The lenient system -- on parole or making bail.


It’s the cops, the system and Americans at fault,

Heard it on the radio and this is what he’s been taught,

And no one dare complain because this is his culture,

Politically correct government multiculture.


His cell phone tells him where his enemies are,

Better they get shot first at some night club or bar,

The cops know nothing though they pretend that they do,

Being interviewed on TV but they don’t have a clue.


Five of his ghetto friends were shot last year,

He knows the shooters so they have lots to fear,

He is going to get them before they get him,

It’s an eye for an eye in the culture of the grim.


Thursday, January 5, 2006

Last updated on 1/17/2006, 10:58:55 PM