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Why are you so discontented? By Our politicians are not crooks -- they are brothers, Why do you have to be so discontented? Why do you behave like someone tormented? The adscam guys say they were legally selected, And now they want to continue and be re-elected, Although they pretend to be holier than thou, They appoint friends as judges because we allow. The difference between reality and perception, Honest upstanding Liberals without exception, Options How could they remember, millions in missing dough? And they are, as you know, politically correct, They care about the multiculturalism effect, They accept responsibility because they care, And no one will point a finger – we wouldn’t dare. We’ve met the enemy looking back from the looking glass, We have to believe, they wouldn’t steal; they’re high class, Activists agitating for their tax and spend friends, Pravda broadsheet newspapers socialist trends. Election
number one of 2006 By Between Adscam, The Liberals now behave as if everything’s alright, It’s the Americans or the cops who are at fault, Not envelopes filled with money hidden in a vault. No loyalty, no patriotism – just sleazy stuff, They want to stay in power and never give up, Tied to multiculturalism and every strange group, Canadian culture doesn’t count except in pea soup. The gun registry boondoggle will stay and stay, Illegal immigrants may never be sent away, Nothing will happen that could influence a vote, Prison pedophiles can vote and every Tory turncoat. These pompous politicians from way out on left wing, Bail, parole or same sex stuff for those who swing, Or any other group they can find underneath a rock, As they point the finger at Conservatives and mock. Go find The Pompous politicians who lie and lie some more, And then they lie again about the lies they told before. You can’t vote for your prime minister By As a mere observer, I can tell you what’s wrong, And I’ll do it for nothing -- not even a song, When was the last time you voted for your prime minister? You’re a nobody who can’t think of this as sinister. The person running for election couldn’t care less, He/She doesn’t represent you but will never confess, It’s the prime minister he/she obeys – not you, You’re a nobody just standing there in a queue. Your MP will vote exactly as he/she is told, There are no free votes so no one is so bold, It’s not what you or your constituency wants, You are a nobody – not even affluent. And the notwithstanding clause has never been used, As terrorists with rights arrive and no one is accused, Because they have rights all the way to the Supreme Court, And you’re a nobody with little or no support. No questions were asked when he appointed those judges, About hidden vested interests or even grudges, About feminism or even the same sex crowd, You’re a nobody and can’t think these thoughts aloud. It’s their adscam policies and Envelopes full of money that they use on a whim, Oh yes, they say that they have now changed their ways, Just remember you’re a nobody on Election Day.
Mania By Managed multiculturalism without fear, Where Liberal prime ministers and premiers adhere, And Canadian melting pot will not be allowed, Because they have cornered the vote and feel so proud. You are only xenophobic and archaic, Preaching paranoia about multicult mosaic, You don’t understand adscam and their friends, Want to stay in office to continue corrupt trends. They want to tax and spend and lie a whole lot more Even lie again about the lies they told before, Sanctimonious slobs but in power so long, And if you’re not with them you just don’t belong Love the UN the G7, G8 and Not fussy about Americans as I recall, As they import more voters from far and wide, Pampered programs and health cards along for the ride. Propaganda in their papers all night and day, Editors long ago bought but they never say, Twisted truth, bent bombast, socialist stripe, Everything that The two Liberals on the Internet are disturbed, Hiding their adscam shame but pompously perturbed, Unfortunately the others have locked in their vote, Don’t have to think while their brains are on remote. Committed born again in their Liberal faith, Adscam meant nothing and no need for debate, No need for referendums, all the Liberals say, Point finger at Conservatives and good old Will
the Country Fall Asunder? By I’m worried that the country could fall asunder, Because adscam politicians were into plunder, Envelopes of cash as they taxed and spent at the trough, Bold as brass as they bought their way and never backed off. Then denied knowledge of the remaining missing stash, Millions or billions and maybe all in cash, But constant callous propaganda pumped day and night, In their newspapers coast to coast to show they’re alright. Multicultural mosaic melting pot madness, Mixed feminists, ethnics, gays, boldness and sadness, Incoming millions of immigrants with Charter Rights, Appointees, same-sex stuff, abortions that could incite. They’ll bend over backwards just to keep the status quo, Just to stay in office with that missing adscam dough, Odious orthodoxies of the far out left, Missing Mafia millions; was it outright theft? Non confidence vote in parliament came and went, With Liberal clapping and cheering like they’re not bent, Though they deny and say they’re the best guys in town, Gomery Inquiry showed how they fooled around. The Quebecois of course are involved up to their necks, Reason for their next referendum – not too complex, They may declare sovereignty right after that, Or will Chretien’s Clarity Act come up to bat?
Adscam Completely Finished? By The papers now tell us all that adscam is finished, And their agenda in But being soft on adscam criminals is in, Criminals allowed out on bail is always win win. As all adscam appointees make major decisions, The same-sex marriage laws of the land need revisions, And then these adscam appointees just walk away, Superior and isolated with nothing to say. Who told the adscam appointees to be soft on crime? Have the wheels fallen off or do they do it all the time? When did they give the vote to criminals in jail? Or give gun guys parole or allow them out on bail? Who cares except the relatives of the dead? Certainly not adscam appointees who are well fed, What can we do to change this system around? As they claim human rights to the gun shot sounds. Why the isolation and why the soft on crime? Why does it continue to happen all the time? Why are we so helpless and no if, ands or buts? Did adscam socialist Liberals put us in this rut? http://conservativepoetry.blogstream.com/ Liberal Irregularities By Irregularities and improprieties, Peculiar circumstances in vast varieties, Add a million here, a billion there and it’s all gone, But it’s not their fault they insist again, once more, If you’re a constituent, you just have to ignore, Partisan party politics is the name of their game, Corrupt adscam politicians are not all the same. Please ignore the dishonesty at the election, And don’t think there might be a corruption connection, Consider various factors and hold your nose, Please vote Liberal because no one else knows, Overlook the level of PMO manipulation, Consider their fragile adscam desperation, They would like to stay in No more adscam investigations whatsoever. By I’m almost afraid to wake you up from your deep sleep, English-speaking sentiments run long and run deep, ‘Cause all that love and laughter could be in for a shock, Canadian status quo is not as steady as a rock. Though Lord Durham’s report is no longer enforced, And the two nations warring never did get divorced, Though Those separatists seem to have captured their souls. Multicultural bilingualism imposed, Therefore separatism should have been deposed, Except History back to haunt us as part of this plot. Quebec refused to sign Trudeau’s Charter of Rights, Though the Queen signed it to English speaking delights, Centralized federation called confederation, Apparently Near-victory referendum was a wake-up call, Though Got involved with adscam and thought they could buy their case, The Gomery Inquiry showed that was a disgrace. They seem to want a republic which is forbidden, Therefore their referendum will be overridden, By Chretien’s Clarity Act for He who started adscam -- and the next mistake. We need a new constitution and we need it soon, Preferably by tomorrow in the afternoon, Real democracy – not imposed – could save the day, And we should do it now or soon without delay.
Corrupt Adscam Politicians By “Forget adscam,” the Liberals always say, It’s the economic record that should hold sway, Not the taxing and spending and traveling here and there, Forget Shawinigate or HRDC despair. Politically correct refugees wall to wall, An army of welfare workers always on call, Forced by an That high immigrant vote is nothing to laugh at. The Liberal flags, film festivals and flim flam, Want to stay in power forever and don’t give a damn, They apparently have absolutely no shame, Pompously point the finger and try to lay the blame. Names not released because of publication ban, Of course they wrote the Youth Criminal Justice Act, Guess who the criminals vote for and that’s a fact. With racist attitude so politically correct, Can’t hire white guys or programs might be wrecked, Have we gone completely utterly mentally ill? As we line up for their election and go through the drill. Things can’t be improved because we’re perfect they say, In their bilingual multicultural racist way, Change will not be allowed – not without permission, As we’re tormented by adscam corrupt politicians.
Election Bribery Now By The Liberals want to bribe us just to stay in power, They don’t care about corruption and never cower, They’ll use our own money to bribe us when we vote, They could teach the Mafia how to stay afloat. Activist doublespeak to multicultural mass, Silky socialist jargon should get them a pass, Going to give us a cheque to ensure we forget, Gomery adscam stuff and we’ll never regret. Or maybe we will at the next Liberal vandal, In a Shawinigate or HRDC type scandal, But that’s all water now washed under the bridge, Though adscam still lingers on the next election ridge. Democracy for five minutes every five years, Voters boldly bought or bribed without cheers or tears, And they pick the election date because they are allowed, No set-election dates and they are so proud. They call it good government or didn’t you know? Propaganda pumped out and backed up with our dough, No referendums or recalls for submissive crowd, We vote how we’re told when they tell us out loud.
Doublespeak Discussions By Their doublespeak discussions of misinformation, Taxpayers’ money sent to twelve secret foundations, Activists jargon about sex trade and drug culture, Traditions and customs gobbled up like a vulture. Political propaganda where anything goes, Envelopes full of money and the king has no clothes, Where truth is an illusion lost in a photo op, Shawinigate plus HRDC and then add adscam plop. Dishonest, onward and upward organized shock troops, Liberal left wing socialist their scandal they sell, And we’ll all enjoy it when they take us to hell. They just want a majority and they want to rule, Not a minority which to them is downright cruel, Gave the vote to prisoners because they already knew, Their lenient soft justice system they’ll never review.
Government Forever By It’s not just the adscam politicians we should change, It’s their status quo system we should rearrange, They’ve got us locked in with their constant propaganda, And we don’t know where to go to get off their agenda. We don’t have an alternative so we can’t think, Their propaganda tells us not to notice adscam stink, And when we get their tax cut we can rejoice, But we’re already taxed to they eyes so what a choice! Binding referendums and triple E Senate wont do, Forget recall, term limits or system review, Forget property rights in the Charter of Rights, Nothing will change at their adscam Canadian site. And no appointee will ever be asked a question, Not to the High Court, the RCMP -- not even a suggestion, As immigrants who vote Liberal come by the millions, In this their vaunted vanity so vaudevillian, The election call and the tax cut, the same night, Nothing blatant about this – it’s on track and alright, Voters bought and herded like cattle at a fair, No proportional representation but who cares? They wonder why Liberals hate referendums or serious debate, They want a majority and just hate this minority, Return to tax and spend with pompous authority.
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the Adscam Guys stay Forever? By If we re-elect them we’ll get more of the same, More adscam corruption under a different name, And we deserve what we get if we go down that road, As they continue in their crooked tax and spend mode. But they’ll announce a tax break just you wait and see, As they declare more political appointees, To the Senate or Supreme Court or some other spot, One of their appointee quit when he got caught. Spending taxpayers’ money as if it was their right, Don’t have to justify when receipts out of sight, Hidden in the Access Act where no one can see, Can you remember the missing billion at HRDC? Can you remember Shawinigate and Chretien’s Where the ethics guy and RCMP said it wasn’t a sin, And those friendly foundations where more is stashed, So secret, no one even knows if the cheques were cashed. What
Happened to the Gomery Report? By Can they turn the report into yesterday’s news? Christmas, a New Year and maybe time to confuse, Can we forget their corruption as we vote? Or has their propaganda put us all on remote? Minority government seems to work well, Because majorities tend to send us all to hell, By taxing and spending and corruption and more, Not counting those who might walk cross the floor. They don’t like minority governments one little bit, Do anything to avoid them; refuse to submit, They’ll call another election and soon or more, Envelopes full of money in the bottom drawer. Accountable to no one except themselves, Programs they don’t like they put up on high shelves, Pump out their propaganda so people are trained, That HRDC missing billion never explained. We wait for Referendum Three; we remain without knowing And what will happen if they vote to separate? Is it status quo, debate or accommodate? |
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Last updated on 1/17/2006, 10:58:55 PM |