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Read cool facts about Jell-o and a review from our new story which will be on sale soon/someday.

We really don't know anything about jell-o. We could research this topic, but we are to lazy.

This is what Angie had to say in our story:
"I enjoy jell-o, even though it has animal tissue in it. I find it enjoyable. I hate people who are hypocrites. It really (beeps) me off. Jamie is a hypocrite. I don't know why, but he didn't want his name in here. Sux to be him, eh? I am embarrassed to be with LeAnne in public. I'm just kidding. I find her company to be enjoyable. Dale just made me draw a line. I think peeps are okay. I like them more than I used to. I used to puke when I even looked at them. Whoo! This is really stupid. I really like the grandma part in this story."

If you are one of those people who say "What's the Grandma Part?", just to let you know it may be posted on here someday so keep checking back with us. OKAY?

For more information visit : www.jello.com We don't really know if it has information about Jell-o. Maybe you should try it!!??