"Darkness beyond darkest pitch, Deeper to the deepest night, King of Darkness, shining like gold upon the Sea of Chaos, I call upon thee! Swear myself to thee! Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed... by the power you and I posses! GIGA SLAVE!!!"

Giga Slave, the most powerful spell in the Slayers series. Lina Inverse, the 16 years old sorceress able to cast this deadful spell. If you don't want to end up Dragon Slaved never call her "Dora-Mata" (Dragon Spooker), bandit killer, enemy of all living things, that flat-chested, brainless, breastless sorceress.

Gourry Gabriev, a swordsman with not much intelligence , Amelia Wil Tesla Saillune Daughter of the Crown Prince of Saillune and ally of Justice (only in her own mind), Zelgadiss Graywords the chimera, are her best friends.

I've started my first Slayer fanfic. I mean, it's irresistible. I can't watch this anime and don't write my own story.

If you aren't a Lina and Xelloss fan, then you won't like my story. Yeap, I adore Xelloss. He is just so damnly cute when he says "Sore wa himitsu" (That is a secret) and when he opens his eyes he is so fascinating!

Here is a short "entr'acte featuring my favorite couple, Lina/Xelloss. Hope you like it.

"Trickster Priest at the Fantasy Castle."

Anyways, here is my prologue. I haven't decided yet what title I'll give it. I'm watching Slayers Try right now so my fanfic will be done after I've finished watching it. Hope you like what I have till now. If you have any comments please e-mail to


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It's been sometime since I've updated this page. I think just some weeks so please don't kill me! I wanted to keep chapters 5 to 12 and the Bonus to major check. But since I've received emails asking for them, I had no other option than to oblige. This are in TEXT format since I have no time for HTML thingy cause I'm studying for exams. So, any complains, comments, you know my email! *points up* Yeah that one. Weird name huh? By the way, don't kill me for the bonus please! I wrote it at 4:00 am and was almost asleep. Anyways, hope you like the ending of my first Lina/Xel story. AHHHH...before you shoot at me, I have no title for this fanfic. Any ideas? Email them please.

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