
Union Woes/Cheers

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Hospital Employees Union

*Hey I guess it's a step in a different direction for me as some of you may have noticed I have changed the title of this page from Union Woes to Union Woes/Cheers*
*I guess it would be good if I dated these articles so that people would know how current the events that I am commenting on are - I'll try to do that"



TCS Certification Amalgamation ie Dove Tailing of Seniority
Dateline: April 2008
DEADLINE: MAY 15, 2008!!!!!!
Do Not Forget - Choose your "Home Base Worksite"
If you want all of your seniority from all facilities consolidated into one site on May 31, 2008 you must notify IHA by May 15, 2008.
Please indicate your selection, in writing, to Lisa Jensen at Royal Inland Hospital, Human Resources, 311 Columbia Street, Kamloops V2C 6T1 either by email: or fax:  250-314-2796.







Have you seen it?
If you haven't then go to and click on "National Nursing Week"
If this gets out to the general public we are doomed for support.
If you would like a depiction of how the movies of the "Golden Era" viewed, presented and embarassed the Nurse well, here you have it.
The following is a copy of my email in response to this to the HEU:

Where did you get the model for this one – Friday the Thirteenth Meets Nurse Nancy?

She looks as if you entered the patient’s room she would take a machete out and lop off your head!!!


Another example of your poor representation

From: HEU LPNs []
Sent: May-07-09 7:44 PM
Subject: HEU marks National Nursing Week May 11 - 17


New LPN Classification for TCS Region of IHA
Dateline: April  2008
Here we go again - more cuts but this time just to the minority group - the LPNs
In a move by IHA to again decrease their budget they have said that they have discovered a discrepency in payroll which saw LPNs who were not supervisors receive pay as such since the previous contract.
This group - LPNs working in TCS in Residential care facilities run by the IHA - received Nursing Assistant III-Supervisor pay when they are not entitled to it.
The reason for this has been voiced as a "clerical error" by the payroll department of the TCS Region.
Their response has been to inform Heu and the LPNs of this region that as of April 1st 2008 all LPNs that have previously been getting the above wage classification will be redcircled for any further pay increases in the current contract until all other LPNs in the province have pay equity with them.
The reason, IHA says, they should not be getting this raise is by their definition a "Supervisor" is one who is involved in hiring/firing, budget, assignment of workload, approving overtime and discipline. The LPN is part of a "Nursing Team" which should work together which is "Supervised" by the "Management Team."

There are many times when I have asked for help from shop stewards in regards to helping me gain access to the process of grievances and I have been put off or ignored.  
I have in some cases ignored them and went directly to management with good results (see Raise Our Flag).
I feel that nursing receives little representation in our union due to the fact that we have less than 5% of the vote.
We are a minority within a minority within a minority - no wonder they don't pay attention.

Well, what did all of you think of the new contract?Let us know.
Here are my thoughts - After 7 years in 2010 we will have back what our government took back from us 3 years ago and then we were asking for a 20 - 30% increase in our benchmark.
The Care Aids, although they are getting more than us at the start will be about 5% behind us when this contract ends and the RN's will be another 15% above all of us by then because they didn't get the roll back 3 years ago. The government is justifying this by saying that the R.N.'s have 3 more years training than us. Lets crunch the numbers on that one - (I will be more specific when I get the time) a) how many 4 yr BSN RN's are there out there? b) How many actual hours of training does the Diploma RN's have compared to the LPN as that's what the majority of RN's are? c) of the 4 year BSN students that are presently working would you be comfortable with working as part of your team when they haven't done any direct nursing care in 2 years?  The other thing mentioned in a letter from the bargaining committee was the statement from the gov. "What do you want to do? Price yourself out of a job again?(this letter will also be here in it's entirity when I have the time)
When voting numbers were in the show was 90% in favour and 10% against. I, as a practicing LPN (which compromises about 2% of the HEU) would like to thank those of you who are not LPN's, that obviously voted the way in which most of the LPN's did, for seeing what to us was obvious - THIS WAS A BAD CONTRACT
Please HEU executive DO YOUR JOB. You were elected to negotiate contracts for the betterment of ALL of your members!


As mentioned above about a year ago TCS dovetailed the seniority list, on further thought about this long awaited policy change I am not so sure this was the best idea and it is more significant as the union is now in talks to make this a province wide policy.
I personally did everything I could to ensure my casual status was intact at a number of facilities as I thought bringing my over 2000 hours of seniority to my present place of employment was a good thing - there are a few things that I had not consiered.
1) this did not change my seniority at my place of work as those above and below me also brought some more or were so far ahead of me it didn't matter so my pick for vacation  time didn't change.
2) now when I apply for a newly posted position instead of being 9th on the seniority list for competition I am about 50th.
3) as I approach retirement and want to decrease my hours those positions are scooped up by younger people with more seniority than I who just take a position which gives them benefits in a city they want to move to and then have to wait for the position they really want which they can have when I retire
?Did that make sense?
Let me know your thoughts.

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