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Directories for both web sites (opens in a separate window).
Coats of Arms of the Popes: pages dealing with the coats of arms of the popes in their historical context.
The Exhibitions: pages dealing with the heraldry of a specific pope.
Giuseppe Vasi Inc.(ise): pages dealing with the etchings of Giuseppe Vasi.
Complement to the pages of Giuseppe Vasi (opens in a separate window).
Rioni di Roma: pages dealing with the rioni, the historical quarters of Rome (opens in a separate window).
Baroque Sculpture (opens in a separate window) The Maps: maps and views of Rome.
Gregorovius' Walks: pages dealing with towns of the Roman countryside (opens in a separate window).
Days of Peace: how to spend a peaceful day in Rome (opens in a separate window).
Abridged History of Rome: visit Rome following a historical approach (opens in a separate window).
Vienna, city of the last Roman Emperors (opens in a separate window).
Marginalia: travel notes in Italy and abroad (Venetian
Fortresses, Constantinople, archaeological sites in Greece and Turkey, Dead Cities in Syria etc.)
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Main Entrance to the section
Historical overview of the papal coats of arms
The Middle Ages
The long decadence of the Papal State
Chronological catalogue of the coats of arms of the popes
Alphabetical catalogue of the coats of arms of the popes
Exhibition Hall - Main Entrance
Exhibitions covering a specific pope:
A Pope and a Humanist (Pius II 1458-64)
His moons shone for 26 days (Pius III 1503)
Gregoriopolis and the Castle of Julius II (1503-13)
The Happy Days of Julius III (1550-55)
The Dragon and the Calendar (Gregory XIII 1572-85)
Lions and Pears (Sixtus V 1585-90)
Stars and Stripes (Clement VIII 1592-1605)
Dragons and Eagles (Paul V 1605-21)
The Sun of the Barberini (Urban VIII 1623-44)
A Laborious Delivery - the puzzling coats of arms of Urban VIII (1623-44) by Bernini in St Peter's
Where the Dove flies (Innocent X 1644-55)
Six Mountains and a Star (Alexander VII 1655-67)
Scala Regia - the entrance to the Vatican (Alexander VII 1655-67)
Petra in Ascoli (Clement XI 1700-21)
A Pope from Urbino (Clement XI 1700-21)
A Great Maecenas (Clement XII 1730-40)
The Wind was too Strong (Pius VI 1775-99)
Other exhibitions:
Fortresses of the Popes
The Castle of Spoleto
In the Granduchy of Tuscany
The coats of arms spared by the Revolution
The Last Baroque Tomb
Small Columns and Globes
Gates of the Popes
It wasn't done in a day (A clue to the decoration of St Peter's)
De Gloria Olivae (Change and Tradition in the papal transition)
Filippo Juvarra - Introduction and the following plates
Plate 1: Michelangelo Buonarroti - Porta Pia - Coat of arms of Pius IV
Plate 2: Michelangelo Buonarroti - Statue of Marco Aurelio - Coat of arms of Rome
Plate 3: Donato Bramante - Palazzo della Cancelleria - Coat of arms of Leo X (lost)
Plate 4: Michelangelo Buonarroti - Palazzo Farnese - Coat of arms of Paul III
Plate 5: Domenico Fontana - Mostra dell'Acqua Felice - Coat of arms of Sixtus V
Plate 7: Gian Lorenzo Bernini - St Peter's - Coat of arms of Alexander VII in the Chair of St Peter
Plate 8: Francesco Borromini - Palazzo Barberini - Coat of arms of Urban VIII
Plate 9: Gian Lorenzo Bernini - Propaganda Fide College - Coat of arms of Urban VIII
Plates 10 and 26: Gian Lorenzo Bernini - Colonnade of St Peter's Square - Coats of arms of Alexander VII
Plate 13: Gian Lorenzo Bernini - S. Andrea al Quirinale - Coat of arms of Innocent X
Plates 15 and 18: Gian Lorenzo Bernini - Fountain of the Four Rivers - Coats of arms of Innocent X
Plate 16: Gian Lorenzo Bernini - Statue of the Veronica in St Peter's - Coat of arms of Urban VIII
Plate 17: Gian Lorenzo Bernini - St Peter's - Coat of arms of Alexander VII
Plate 20: Gian Lorenzo Bernini - Canopy of St Peter's - Coat of arms of Urban VIII
Plate 24: Gian Lorenzo Bernini - Fountain at the Spanish Steps - Coat of arms of Urban VIII
Plates 27, 30 and 31: Francesco Borromini - St. John in Lateran - Coat of arms of Innocent X
Plate 28: Francesco Borromini - Church in the Propaganda Fide Palace - Coat of arms of Alexander VII
Plate 32: Pietro da Cortona - St. Luca - Coat of arms of Urban VIII
Plate 33: Alessandro Algardi - St Peter's - Coat of arms of Leo XI
Plate 34: Alessandro Algardi - St. Nicola da Tolentino - Coat of arms of Innocent X (family coat of arms)
Plate 36: Carlo Fontana - Piazza di S. Maria in Trastevere - Coat of arms of Innocent XII
Plate 37: Francesco Fontana - Cortile della Pigna - Coat of arms of Clement XI
Plate 39: Francesco Fontana - Chiesa de' SS. Apostoli - Coat of arms of Clement XI
Plate 43: Carlo Maratti - St Peter's - Coat of arms of Innocent XI
Plate 44: Martino Lunghi - Borghese Palace - Coat of arms of Paul V
Plate 46: Carlo Rainaldi - St Peter's - Coat of arms of Innocent X
Plate 48: Angelo Rossi - St Peter's - Coat of arms of Alexander VIII
Juvarra's masterpiece: Basilica di Superga
The portrait of Alexander VII
GIUSEPPE VASI Inc. Vasi's books of etchings ("Delle Magnificenze di Roma Antica e Moderna"):
Book I - Le Porte e le Mura di Roma - 1747 (The Gates and the Walls of Rome)
Book II - Le Piazze principali con obelischi, colonne ed altri ornamenti - 1752 (The main Squares with obelisks, columns and other embellishments)
Book III - Le Basiliche e Chiese antiche - 1753 (The Basilicas and the Old Churches)
Book IV - I Palazzi e le vie più celebri - 1754 (The Palaces and the most famous Streets)
Book V - I Ponti e gli edifici sul Tevere - 1754 (The Bridges and the buildings on the Tiber)
Book VI - Le Chiese parrocchiali - 1756 (The Parish Churches)
Book VII - I Conventi e case dei chierici regolari - 1756 (The Friaries)
Book VIII - I Monasterj e conservatori di donne - 1758 (The Nunneries)
Book IX - I Collegi, Spedali e luoghi pii - 1759 (Colleges, Hospitals and other pious buildings)
Book X - Le Ville e giardini più rimarchevoli - 1761 (The most remarkable Villas and Gardens)
Vasi's Roman itineraries: Day 1
From Ponte Molle (Milvio) to S.
Croce in Gerusalemme
Day 2
From Porta
Maggiore to Villa
Day 3
From Via del Babbuino to the S. Lorenzo fuori le Mura
Day 4
From Via di
Ripetta to Palazzo Massimi
Day 5
From S. Andrea della Valle to Isola
Day 6
Day 7
From Ponte Sisto to Ponte
Day 8
The Vatican
A Short and Delicious Digression
The Environs of Rome: From Ponte Salario to Porto
Other etchings by Giuseppe Vasi
An introduction to the 1765 Grand View of Rome
A table leading to the various sections of the Grand View of Rome
1781 map of Rome
1765 Grand View of Campo Vaccino.
1765 Grand View of Vatican City.
1771 Grand View of the Aventine Hill.
1771 Grand View of the Tribune of S. Maria Maggiore.
Leisure in the etchings of Giuseppe Vasi
Trade in the etchings of Giuseppe Vasi
Traffic in the etchings of Giuseppe Vasi
Introduction to the 1852 map of Rome
Clickable Map with links to the monuments of Rome
Small clickable maps with links to the monuments with coats of arms listed in the catalogue:
Quadrant 1 - NW - St. Peter's
Quadrant 2 - NE - Spanish Steps
Quadrant 3 - SW - Trastevere
Quadrant 4 - SE - St. John Lateran
The View from the Gianicolo Hill
(additional views and maps are available in the Vasi
Introduction to Marginalia
Roman pages
A Stroll in St Saba
The Fortune of Borromini in the tourist guides
Fountains in the Courtyards of Rome
Flats for Rent in XVIIIth century Rome
The Silent Streets of Rome
A Family of Painters
A Roman journey on the Circle Line
Two Roman Wars
A Roman Triumph
Roman Feet and Sandals
Garibaldi's Defence of the Roman Republic
Italian wanderings
Windows of Italy
Extravagant Capitals
Florentine Recollections
A Fortress With a View
An Italian Piazza
8:14 from Termini: A Medieval Town (Narni)
8:14 from Termini: A Steel Town (Terni)
8:14 from Termini: A Rugged Town (Spoleto)
8:14 from Termini: A Town on a Hill (Trevi)
8:14 from Termini: A Junction Town (Foligno and Montefalco)
8:14 from Termini: A Roman Town (Spello and Bevagna)
8:14 from Termini: A Holy Town (Assisi)
8:14 from Termini: A Rebellious Town (Perugia)
8:14 from Termini: Land of the Cesi (Cesi, San Gemini and Acquasparta)
8:14 from Termini: A Lonely Town (Todi)
Venice and the Levant
Frigidus Divine Wind (Aquileia, Ravenna and other towns in north-eastern Italy)
Roman funerary rites
Around the world travel notes
In Europe:
Two Fountains in Paris
The Saints' Bridge (in Prague)
An Italian Street in Prague
Prague Dominoes (a dominoes set with images of Prague)
Little Venice (in London)
London's Roman Flavour
City of the last Roman Emperors (Vienna)
The Pro Fide Knights (Malta)
Diocletian's Dalmatia
In the Levant (including Greece):
The Walls of Nova Roma (Byzantium or Constantinople or Istanbul)
Venetian Fortresses in Greece
A City of the Ancient World (Antioch)
Coast of the Pirates (Castles between Panfilia and Cilicia)
Caterina's Bequest (Frankish and Venetian monuments in Cyprus)
The Walls of Nikopolis
Hadrian's Athens
A Genoese Trade Route
The Last Roman Empire
Roman Ankara
The Walls of Nicaea
Cosmopolitan Alexandria
The Walls of Babilonia (Cairo)
A Company Owned Island
Roman Pergamum
The Capital of Asia (Ephesus)
Where Money was born (Sardis)
Aphrodite's City (Afrodisias)
Fortresses of the Sultans
A Forgotten Roman Town (Aizani)
In Search of Oil (Metellino)
A Roman Spa (Hierapolis)
Roman Smyrna (Izmir)
A Wealthy Doctor (the Asclepeion of Kos)
Fortresses of the Knights of Rhodes
Where the Leaves Spoke (the Shrine of Dodoni)
A Cruel Lord (Ali Pacha's Ioanina)
Where the Pythoness Spoke (the Oracle of Delphi)
City of Twin Domes (Bursa)
They Went to the Theatre (archaeological sites in south-western Turkey)
Where the End Began (Edirne/Adrianopolis)
On the Long Road (Seljuk Towns in Turkey)
Towns in the Valleys of the Blue, Red and Green Rivers in Turkey
Basic Istanbul
Disputed Lands (Cilicia and Upper Mesopotamia)
The Shrine of Mysteries at Eleusis
Roman Corinth
A Mile Long Colonnade (Apamea)
Shrine of Obscure Gods (Baetocece/Hosn Suleiman)
Hama's Chanting Wheels
Byzantine Dead Towns in Syria
Castles of the Crusaders
They Stand in the Air (Meteora Monasteries)
In Sight of the Gods (Mount Olympus: Dion and Platamonas)
Thou shalt see me at Philippi (A Macedonian Journey: Philippi, Kavala, Thessalonica, Veria and Kastoria)
Basic Damascus
A Palace in the Desert (Qasr al-Hayr al-Sharqi)
The Breath of God (Qara, Maaloula and Ezra)
Capital of Roman Arabia (Bosra, Philippopolis, Qanawat and Shaqqa)
Bride of the Desert (Palmyra)
Greece's Heart (Delos)
In Honour of Zeus (Olympia)
Hercules' Land (Mycenae, Tiryns, Argos)
The Unsurpassed Healer (Epidaurus)
Reliving the Myth (Sounion)
The Bull's Kingdom (Knossos, Phaistos, Gortyn)
On Venus' Island (Ancient Towns on Cyprus)
Turner and Twain's Holy Land
Ancient Towns in Israel
J. L. Burckhardt's Jordan
Sing, Muse, Achilles' Wrath (Troy)
Sarcophagus Stone Town (Assos)
Towns in the Clouds (Sagalassos, Isparta, Afyonkarahisar and Kutahya)
Future Sultans' Town (Manisa)
Other Countries:
Signs of Ancient Past (rock-art in the Libyan Desert)
Roman Tripolis (Tripoli, Sabratha and Leptis Magna)
Roman Africa (Tunisia)
Some Tunisian Medinas
Postcards from Myanmar (Burma)
Postcards from Vietnam
Central Iran Gems
Silk Road Terminals (Xian and Beijing)
Angkor in 3 Days
Legs of the Silk Road (in Central Asia)
Special topics
A 1754 History of Venice
A 1692 description of the Venetian Fortresses in Morea
Holy Vestments by GiuliaCarla Cecchi