Hermes Large Munsterlanders
Please, please bear with me while I finally update the whole site. Some pages may be unavailable for a day at a time.
Thanking you
Abi Lister - Hermes. 10 December 2007.
Flick, Java & Heidi - Xmas Day 1999
Hermes Large Munsterlanders were registered as a kennel in 1992. Since then we have been constantly striving to uphold the marvellous qualities and lovely natures of these great HPR Gundogs
We have two bitches in the very special NZCH Raycris Lexi's Special (Imp UK) and her daughter from NZCH Kapp vom Hessenland (Imp Germany) the little stunner Hermes Chilipepper Kiedis.
We also have a Java vs Kapp son in CH Hermes Kitewing Slate.
We sadly lost our foundation bitch in CH Penmouth Heidi in December 2001 at age 11, her daughter CH Flique Flaque of Hermes ADX in Nov 2005 aged 13 and Flick's daughter CH Hermes Java Golightly ADX in 2006. Needless to say we still miss them daily.
We are also half owners of the German Import "NZCH Kapp Vom Hessenland" in conjunction with Mark & Kay Day of Ranui Large Munsterlanders - and we wish to pass on grateful thanks to Herr Ingo Schild for allowing Kapp to become a Kiwi!
At this point in time, I would like to apologise for the page being very out of date at this time, time committments have made it difficult - but with the new digi-cam, hopefully it will make things a lot easier.
As of Nov 2007 we have mated Hermes German Graffiti (Sire: Ferdi vom Marienbrink bei Raycris - Imp Germany to UK / Dam: CH Flique Flaque of Hermes ADX) to Lexi (NZCH Raycris Lexi's Special AD - Imp UK) - with pups due 6th January 2008.
Enquiries welcome.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Munsterlander breeders around the World for their support and knowledge that have helped us in gaining the reputation we have today. It is pleasing to be told by people both here in New Zealand, and overseas, that when they think "Munsters Down Under", Hermes are the kennels they recommend.
What Hermes is all about - loving them always!
Check out our other Munsterlanders pages
Latest News & Results from Hermes As at 27 July 2001.
Latest Pix from Hermes As at 21 Feb 2000.
Result Archive As at 13 Feb 2001
Family Picture Archive 1997/1998/1999 As at 8 May 2000
Working Munsterlanders
Munsters in Agility Updated 10 Dec 2007
NZ Picture Gallery Updated 8 May 2000
Overseas PicsAs at 13 Feb 2001
Munsterlander Marketplace Updated 7 August 2001
Links Updated 16 Sept 2003
Breed Information
Awards & Feedback Updated 13 Feb 2001
Apply for One of our 5 Awards4 New Awards 17 Dec 1999
Hermes Award Winners Updated 16 Feb 2001
Webrings we belong to Updated 16 Sep 2003
Large Munsterlander Rescue Updated as the need requires