Mirnen's Useless Page on the Net

Mirnen's Completely and Utterly Useless Page on the Net.

Ohh hell...there are...people...coming...
*throws all the laundry in the basket, cleans off the desk with a sweep of her hand*
Arg. Um, welcome.

Hell, it's been a really long time since I updated this page. Sorry about that. Just way too busy lately. Welcome to my crappy little page which, if I had more time, would definitely begin to look less like 1998...but I don't. Maybe later?

Please enjoy your stay at my humble rest stop on the Information Superhighway. Sorry all the damned vending machines are broken.

Last Updated with Care on Friday 07 February 2003 at 11:31 AM.

Sign My Guestbook ||View My Guestbook
See my old guestbook here...
Most of the stuff in my guestbook is scores from the band purity test and the guard purity test. Take your test. Do it. Do it.

The Marching Band Purity Test -- The only reason that people come to my page, I think.

The Colorguard Purity Test -- Another purity test, except this one is for the colorguard.

If I Were an Evil Overlord -- The top 100 things I would do if I were, in fact, an Evil Overlord.

What Is a Purity Test? -- Some people don't understand what it is that this "purity test thing" is. That's perfectly acceptable as long as they're willing to educate themselves...

The Armory -- This is the place that has the scoring system I use for the purity tests. Many more purity tests on many different topics are there.

Things That Piss Me Off. -- Look, I'm tired of the shit, all right? Some people are so damned stupid as to harass me over my beliefs. What a bunch of assholes. So in order to keep with the general merry spirit of the page, I'm just taking this page, a list of things that indeed do piss me off, down. It's not even worth the junk e-mail I get anymore.

Links -- My links page

One quick note -- I've gotten quite a few people asking me to help them prepare a purity test (most people gawk out when they see that there's work involved, though). It's really not too bad, but if you find yourself not the technical whiz, I'll be more than happy to help you code it so long as you provide the questions. I will either explain how to do it or I will code it entirely for you, take your pick. I won't (normally) host them on my site(I could, under certain conditions and circumstances), but I can recommend a place to do so, and I will submit your test to the Armory for you, and with your permission, I'll link to you too. My one stipulation? Don't rip off my tests. Your theme can be similar, like something having to do with one aspect of band or whatever, but I will not help you plagiarize me. But anything else I'd love to help.

Trust in my self-righteous suicide

I cry when angels deserve to die.

There. Tell me what that's from.

This page is black for the man in black.
Dale Earnhardt 1951-2001

Mirnen's various identities:
on ICQ -- 2405555
on the Two Towers MUD -- Mirnen, little tin goddess, though this part of my life has faded...now existing only in storybooks, begging to be published someday.
in real life -- Jasmine Elizabeth Wahlberg, chemistry major and trumpet player at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

Mail me...Please?