St. Edward's Youth Group Goals & Objectives

  • Goal 1: We, the youth of St. Edward church, want to become disciples of Jesus Christ. We will develop to our fullest potential our ability to let the Lord live within us and around us so that we can better influence our community.

    Objectives: As disciples of Jesus, we will:

    • live as an example of God's messenger with self-determination and motivation and no hypocrisy by spreading the Word of the Lord and informing others of the Gospel
    • Love our neighbor
    • Speak for those not spoken for and teach them how to express their ideas for themselves
    • We will 'Just Do It.'

  • Goal 2: We will participate in the life, mission and work of the Church, by sharing our different experiences and encouraging others to join us in our mission of spreading the Word of God.


    • We will create an environment for community involvement through self-help seminars, motivational speakers and interest groups.
    • We will increase family activities to create possibilities for better family communication.
    • We will provide information to the community on how we are all responsible for the care of others, especially those most in need.
    • We will participate in ongoing service activities such as:
      1. Harvest of Hope: Canning project
      2. Southwest Virginia Mission Trip
      3. Habitat for Humanity
      4. Women's Emergency Shelter
      5. ...and other new projects.

  • Goal 3: We will foster the total person and one's spiritual life through an environment where young people can achieve their fullest potential. We will provide a safe place to gather that is comfortable and open. We will accept others for who they are and their opinions. We will strive to have a diverse program to meet the many needs of young people.

    Objectives: We will:

    • provide a place for youth to speak
    • provide opportunities for middle school and high school youth to mix
    • offer our services to the parish as assistants in child care, hospitality, Children's Liturgy of the Word and Religious Education, and wherever needed.

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