There have been people visit my pages...All of which probably made fun of me.

I don't have kids...but if I did, I'd be this guy!
This is what I did my first winter in Pennsylvania...Built retarded looking snowmen!

**Pages are under construction. Pages last updated on 21 December 2003**

Newest updates: 1- Avaiation Page. Look for the airsickies (barf) and follow it to the bottom of the page with the other wonderfully useful links!

2- I've finally updated the "Real Job" page with current photos! woohoo!

3- The "My Cars" Page has been updated with my most recent gas guzzlers! (Screw the environmentalists! I'm a republican!)

4- And for your overall viewing pleasure, I've wiped off your monitor when you weren't looking!

In case you're looking at this page...before you even ask...yeppers, I'm bored. So, in honor of my boredom, I thought I would create a little place on the WWW to post my face, little tid bits of info about moi and other garbage, so that I can scare children from the safety of my own home.

Feel free to look around, drop me some email, and generally realize that, after seeing how dull my life is, you've got it made. (joke)

Depending on how bored I stay, and for how long (I've been working on this page on and off since 1998), I may create additional pages covering different aspects of my life. (Woo-Hoo! Aren't ya just dying to see what I do?) Check out the list of links below (commonly referred to as "Esapes from reality") to see different pages that may spring into being.

Some pages that you may want to avoid will include my:

Bio Page (This is to give those guys at A&E a place to start for when they decide to do a Biography on if.)

Gulf War/Army Page. (Photos taken while I was either in the Persian Gulf (the first go-around) or some other part of my military years.)

Radio Page (A page full of photos from my current, and past radio career days.)

Cars Page (I can't help it...I'm addicted to British sports cars...But I'm even more addicted to Mercedes! Especially my own.)

Work Page (Yes, I actually have a "real" job to go along with my radio job. Various photos taken from around the "office".)

Ex-Girlfriends Page (Don't tell any of them I did this...They'd probably be ticked off.)

General Bits of Garbage Page (No explanation needed, just various photos of different garbage.)

Puhlease mail me a check for $10.00 to view these pages, and click away. (Remember, we're on the honor system here...Don't forget to mail me $10.00! )

Other totally useless and semi-retarded pages for you to visit:

My Army/Gulf War Page
The Famous Radio Page
My "Real" Job Page
My Cars Page
My Ex-Girlfriends' Page
Various Garbage
My Personal Bio Page
Whoopie! Forget about those sleeping pills...This will do the trick!
Aviation Page
My Aviation/Plane page (of MY plane and flying stuff...silly)
My NEW "Bert & Ernie Are Evil" Page!
It's a combo of graphics I ripped off, and a lot of originals!