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This site is last modified on 09/01/2003 |
[needs] [food] [health] [looking after] Birds are animals with feathers and most of them can fly except some like the ostrich and penguin. They give birth to babies through eggs. Some of the pet birds are the canary, finch, parakeet, cockatiel, budgerigar and the Indian hill mynah. Birds have a good sense of sight and this helps them fly, look for food and escape from predators. Birds like to have company. Some can sing beautifully while some can make irritating noises. They can be scared of people so you need to spend time to gain trust from them. Some birds moult at certain times of the year and it would make them look very messy. But soon, a new set of feathers would emerge. Birds groom themselves by combing their feathers with their beaks. They enjoy taking baths in shallow puddles too. Birds are curious animals which can be easily amused by simple toys such as balls and mirrors. Tricks could be taught to them but birds like the parrot and mynah learn to talk more easily. Some birds can live only a few years while some can live 60 to 70 years, so make sure you are able to take care of them for that period of time and please DO NOT abandon them halfway. [behaviour] [food] [health] [looking after]
[behaviour] [needs] [health] [looking after] Different breeds of birds eat different food. You can find out what your birds eat by reading up books or asking bird experts. Most birds are omnivores that eat both meat and plant matters but do not feed them too much vegetables or fruit, or they might get a diarrhoea. Birds, like us humans, need to maintain a balanced diet, so do not feed them only one kind of food.
[behaviour] [needs] [food] [looking after] It may be difficult to tell weather your bird is sick. Watch them carefully to see if it's eating properly. They would also not take a bath when they are sick. If your bird is sick, you need to take them to an animal doctor, known as a veterinarian. A veterinarian would be able to answer all your questions about your bird. [behaviour] [needs] [food] [looking after] Clean your bird's aviary everyday and disinfect it weekly. Feed your bird at the same time everyday as they like to have a fixed timetable. Some birds will take off the husks of seeds and eat only the inside, so you have to empty the husks in their food dish daily. Give her a bowl of shallow water for her to bathe in. Birds like things to remain the same in their aviary. They might be afraid of strangers they never seen before, but try talking to your bird patiently to let them get used to you. Birds can be trained to perch on your finger by holding out food to it on your hand, so it gets used to it. Sudden movements may scare them. Trim their claws if they grow to long.