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This site is last modified on 09/01/2003 |
[needs] [food] [groom] [health] [looking after] [babies]
[behaviour] [food] [groom] [health] [looking after] [babies]
[behaviour] [needs] [groom] [health] [looking after] [babies] Cats, like us
humans, need to maintain a balanced diet, so do not feed them only
[behaviour] [needs] [food] [health] [looking after] [babies] Cats don't really need baths, because they know how to clean themselves, unless they get ditry or have fleas. Long-haired cats need you to groom or brush their fur. [behaviour] [needs] [food] [groom] [looking after] [babies] Cats will usually have enough exercise. If your cat is sick, you need to take them to an animal doctor, known as a veterinarian. They may need injections or medicine to get rid of worms. A veterinarian will also be able to answer all your questions about your cat. [behaviour] [needs] [food] [groom] [health] [babies] Outdoors is not a very good place for your cat, so keep your cats indoors to prevent them from getting sick or get into an accident. They may also disturb your neighbours or get involved in fights with other cats. But if they are kept in cages for a long time, allow your cats to come out to play. You may also give them toys like a ball of wool or any moving object that catches their attention. [behaviour] [needs] [food] [groom] [health] [looking after] Kittens are difinitely cute but please DO NOT let your cats breed. There are too many stray cats around and not enough good owners. When cats breed, they experience stress too, so you should get your cats neutered or spayed. This means getting your cat sterilised, which is an operation done to prevent your cat from having babies. Morever, it makes your cat healthier and happier.