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This site is last modified on 09/01/2003 |
[breed] [needs] [food] [health] [looking after] Fish spend their whole life in water [oceans, lakes, rivers and streams]. Fish take in oxygen from the water through their gills. They cannot breathe in air, so bear in mind not to take them out for more than a few seconds. They cannot play with you but some people find them interesting and entertaining to look at. Fish do not have eyelids, so they sleep with their eyes open, and some can even move while asleep! [needs] [food] [health] [looking after] Plan properly before getting your fish as you might not have enough space for them when they grow real big. Some can get along with others while some prefer to be alone. Marine fishes [those that live in saltwater] are more expensive and difficult to keep unlike freshwater fishes [examples: goldfish, guppies, siamese fighting fish, tetras, corydoras, swordtails, platies, etc] [behaviour] [breed] [food] [health] [looking after]
[behaviour] [breed] [needs] [health] [looking after] MOST of the fishes are omnivores which eat any food containing meat or plant matter. But food still vary for different species, so read up to find out exactly what your fish eats.
[behaviour] [breed] [needs] [food] [looking after] If your fish is sick, you need to take them to an animal doctor, known as a veterinarian. A veterinarian will be able to answer all your questions about your fish. [behaviour] [breed] [needs] [food] [health] Keeping the water clean is important, so you may need to change it ever week, depending on the fish and equipment you h sides pf the tank to remove algae. DO NOT change ALL the water at one time and leave at least half or more in the tank. A filter would help keep the tank clean. Some of them get rid of dirt while others remove harmful chemicals or substances. Test for pH, nitrates, ammonia and hardness of water could be done to make sure you have the right amount of chemicals in the water. Feed your fishes daily but do not overfeed as excess food might dirty the water. Some fishes need warm water while other need cool water, so be sure to read up more about your fish.