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This site is last modified on 09/01/2003 |
[breed] [amount] [needs] [food] [health] [holding] [looking after] [babies] Rabbits belong to a group of animals called lagomorphs. They have teeth that grow throughout their lives and this tends to make them like to chew on things. Rabbits have good sense of smell and hearing which help them find food and escape from predators. There are different types of rabbits with long or short furs and long or short ears. They can get as big as a medium sized dog or as small as a guinea pig. Rabbtis can live up to 8 years, so make sure you are able to take care of them for that period of time and please DO NOT abandon them halfway. Rabbits get up at dawn and sleep when dusk comes. They clean themselves with paws and saliva. rabbits are curious creatures and like to look around. However, loud noises or sudden movements can scare them. Rabbits prefer to play on the floor and do not like to be picked up. They bite or kick when scared. But most rabbits are friendly if you play with them when they young. They need a patient and gentle owner who spends quiet time stroking them. Sometimes rabbits like to be alone to rest and play by themselves. [behaviour] [amount] [needs] [food] [health] [holding] [looking after] [babies] All types require almost the same love and care from their owners. Bigger rabbits require more room and food and those with long fur would require you to comb and brush their fur frequently. Some rabbits like to be with people while some prefer to be alone. [behaviour] [breed] [needs] [food] [health] [holding] [looking after] [babies] Rabbits like to have company but 2 male rabbits would result in fighting so it is best to get 2 female rabbits. 1 male and 1 female would give birth to offsprings, which is not very ideal. [behaviour] [breed] [amount] [food] [health] [holding] [looking after] [babies] Hamsters spend their entire lives in cages so make sure to make them as comfortable and as fun as possible. Newspaper, sawdust and sand are not good beddings while wood shavings and aspen are the best.
[behaviour] [breed] [amount] [needs] [health] [holding] [looking after] [babies] Rabbits, like us humans, need to maintain a balanced diet, so do not feed them only one kind of food. They are herbivores which eat ONLY plant matter, but do not feed them too much vegetables, or they might get a tummy ache. Remember not to feed them too much or they will get fat and unhealthy.
[behaviour] [breed] [amount] [needs] [food] [holding] [looking after] [babies] If your rabbit is sick, you need to take them to an animal doctor, known as a veterinarian. A veterinarian will also be able to answer all your questions about your rabbit.
[behaviour] [breed] [amount] [needs] [food] [health] [looking after] [babies] Support the rabbits bottom as you pick them up or they will be very scared. Put one hand around the body and the other one below the bottom and cuddle them close to you. If they start to kick, put them down gently to let them calm down first and try again. Remember NeVeR hold a rabbit by its ears [it would hurt]~!
[behaviour] [breed] [amount] [needs] [food] [health] [holding] [babies] Keep your rabbit in a cool place or it might get ill if it is too hot. Make sure the cage has a solid floor as your rabbit will feel uncomfortable on the bars. If not, an old rug or board could be placed at the bottom for substitution. Toilet train your rabbit so they would not do their "business" everywhere when they come out their cage. Change their bedding and litter paper [under the cage] everyday. Rabbits clean their fur themselves so they do not really need a bath unless they are very dirty. Rabbits can come when their name is called, but it may take some time. So you have to be patient with them and spend time playing with them. [behaviour] [breed] [amount] [needs] [food] [health] [holding] [looking after] You should not let your rabbits breed as they can have up to 10 babies at a time. It is difficult to find good new homes for all baby rabbits. You should get your rabbits neutered or spayed. This means getting your rabbit sterilised, which is an operation done to prevent your rabbit from having babies. Morever, it makes your rabbit healthier and happier.