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This site is last modified on 09/01/2003 |
[needs] [food] [health] [looking after] Chincillas belong to a group of animals called rodents which include guinea pigs, mice, gerbils, hamsters, porcupines and rats. They have teeth that grow throughout their lives. In the wild, they live in mountains of South America, where it is VeRY cold. But the chinchillas do not mind as they got a thick coat of fur. They are now endangered creatures and it is illegal to hunt for them. However, some people are still doing it because of their wonderful fur. Pet chinchillas need cool surroundings because of their thick coat. But the weather in Singapore is too hot for them, and this may cause them to faint or die. So at home, it is most advisable to switch on the air conditioner or fan to lower the temperature and humidity. Chinchillas are fast moving animals and can jump quite high. They sleep in day and are active during night. Chinchillas are friendly but they also like quiet times alone and do not like to be cuddled or hugged too much. They get stressed easily and you need to be patient and gentle with them or they will get sick. Chinchillas can live up to 15 years, so make sure you are able to take care of them for that period of time and please DO NOT abandon them halfway. [behaviour] [food] [health] [looking after]
[behaviour] [needs] [health] [looking after] Chinchillas, like us humans, need to maintain a balanced diet, so do not feed them only one kind of food. They are herbivores which eat ONLY plant matter, but do not feed them too much vegetables, or they might get a tummy ache. Too many dried fruits would also result in indigestion, constipation or diarrhoea. Remember not to feed them too much or they will get fat and unhealthy.
[behaviour] [needs] [food] [looking after] If your chinchilla is sick, you need to take them to an animal doctor, known as a veterinarian. A veterinarian SHOULD Be able to answer all your questions about your chinchilla. However, chinchilla is a new pet in Singapore, and not all veterinarians would be familiar with them. [behaviour] [needs] [food] [looking after] When they are out of their cage, you need to take extra care of them as they jump very high and might injure themselves. If they get excited it is very difficult to get back their cage and if you try to catch them, they might be scared and run away further. It is also difficult to toilet train your chinchilla, so you have to pick their droppings every time they come out to play. Chinchillas like to chew on things, so make sure the don't bite your books, wires or your table~! The bedding or litter needs to be changed daily, or it would get very smelly. The cage should be tall enough for it to jump and play in or they would feel very bored and uncomfortable. Feed your chinchilla twice a day at a fixed time or they will get upset. Change the water in their water bottle everyday. Leave a bowl of bathing sand for it to roll in to get themselves clean. DO NOT let them bathe in water or they might fall ill.