Gul Ocett

Gul Ocett

Gul Ocett

Gul Ocett was the first Cardassian female we saw. She was the Gul in command of a Galor Class Warship in the Star Trek, The Next Generation episode "The Chase". Females are not common in the Cardassian military but Ocett proved that she was more than a match for her male counterparts. She wore the same uniform as the males but her hair was kept long and braided.

Cool, cunning, typically Cardassian, Gul Ocett managed to leave Picard and the Klingon Commander Nu'Daq far behind in her quest to gain a possible powerful new energy source for her home world. Unfortunately it didn't turn out to be of much use to resource poor Cardassia. In fact the great prize was just a message that proved, to her horror, that the xenophobic Cardassians were actually distantly related to humans, Romulans and even Klingons!

Gul Ocett was skillfully played by Linda Thorson.

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