The man on the island
I'm sure you all have heard
How is he saved ?
Has he heard 'the Word' ?
And just where is this island
That seems of such concern?
I don't think it's to hard to find
For those who will discern
This island is next door my friend
or maybe miles away
It's made up of those
who have heard the Word
But still they turn away
They look for reasons to not believe
What creation proves is true
They question this poor old soul
Lost somewhere on the ocean blue
Do they really think that God would leave
Even one soul to be lost?
Have they forgotten the price He paid
Have they forgotten the Cost ?
So are their thoughts truly
for this man on the island,
are they grieving?
Or are they looking for a reason
To convince their not believing ?
So when this question arises
And it surely will
Tell them not to fret or worry
Our Jesus has paid the bill.
(Brian Doerkson)
Come, now is the time to worship
Come now is the time to give your heart
Come just as you are to worship
Come just as you are before your God
One day every tongue will confess You are God
One day every knee will bow
Still the greatest treasure remains for those
Who gladly choose you now.