Douglas Adams
The Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy


Lloyd Alexander
The Prydian Chronicals

Hans Christian Anderson

Peter Beagle
The Last Unicorn

Marion Zimmer Bradley
MZB Fantasy Magazine
The Mists of Avalon
The Fall of Atlantis
Sword and Sorceress Anthologies

Terry Brooks
The Sword of Shannara
The Scions of Shannara

Orson Scott Card
Ender's Game
Speaker for the Dead
Children of the Mind

Lewis Carroll
Alice in Wonderland and
Alice through the Looking Glass

Lin Carter
Imaginary Worlds

Susan Cooper
The Dark is Rising Sequence

David Eddings
The Belgariad
The Malloreon
Belgarath the Sorcerer
The Elenium and Tamuli

Teresa Edgerton
The Green Lion Trilogy
The Silver Wheel Trilogy
The Goblin Moon Duology

Kate Elliott
The Crown of Stars Quatrology

William Goldman
The Princess Bride

Terry Goodkind

The Grimms Brothers

Brian Jaques
The Redwall Chronicals

J. V. Jones
The Baker's Boy

Robert Jordan
The Eye of the World

Guy Gavriel Kay
The Fionavar Tapestry
A Song for Arbonne
The Lions of Al-Rassan
The Sarantine Mosaic

M. M. Kaye
The Ordinary Princess

Ellen Kushner

Mercedes Lackey
Fairy Tales
Sword and Sorcery

Ursula K. LeGuin
The Language of the Night

Gail Carson Levine
Ella Enchanted

C. S. Lewis
The Chronicals of Narnia

George MacDonald
The Complete Fairy Tales
The Princess and the Goblin
The Princess and Curdie

Anne McCaffrey

Patricia McKillip
The Book of Atrix Wolfe

Robin McKinley
The Door in the Hedge
The Knot in the Grain
Spindle's End
The Damar Chronicals

Donna Jo Napoli

Andre Norton & Rosemary Edgehill
The Shadow of Albion

Michael O'Brien
A Landscape with Dragons

Charles Perrault

J. K. Rowling
The Harry Potter Series

Caroline Stevermer
A College of Magics
(With Patricia Wrede)
Sorcery and Cecelia

J.R.R. Tolkein
The Hobbit
The Lord of the Rings
The Simarillion
A Tolkein Reader

Paula Volsky
The Curse of the Witch-Queen
The Fal Ghrizni Trilogy
The Luck of Relian Kru
The Wolf of Winter
The Gates of Twilight
The White Tribunal

Connie Willis
To Say Nothing of the Dog

Patricia Wrede
Alternate Reality
Mairelon the Magician
Magician's Ward
(With Caroline Stevermer)
Sorcery and Cecelia
Young Adult
The Enchanted Forest Chronicals
Sword and Sorceress
Daughter of Witches

1001 Arabian Nights
Kissing the Witch
Roads Not Taken
Sword and Sorceress Anthologies
Twice Upon a Time

The Definition,
and Defense
of Political Fantasy
The Christian Guide to Fantasy

Contents/Political Fiction/Links

Titular Chart/Literature Chart/Branching Literature Chart/Branching Subgenre Chart/Links

Hierarchy of the Arts Charts

The following charts are not meant to be comprehensive, but to show the basic line from general to specific artistic titles.

The first chart shows the titular relation any artform may take.

The second follows the direct line from Literature to Political Fantasy.

And the final chart shows a more complete diagram for all of literature.

It is my sincere hope to one day have something more like a comprehensive map, applicable to all the arts - any suggestions, esp. in specificities, are more than welcome!

Top/Literature Chart/Branching Literature Chart/Branching Subgenre Chart/Links

Titlular Chart












Top/Titular Chart/Branching
Literature Chart
/Branching Subgenre Chart

Literature Chart







Fantastic Fiction




Political Fantasy

Top/Titular Chart/Literature Chart/Branching Subgenre Chart/Links

Branching Literature

Top/Titular Chart/Literature Chart/Branching Literature Chart/Links

Branching Subgenre Chart

Home Complete Links


Back to Introduction to Political Fantasy

Back to Definition of Political Fantasy

Back to Development of Political Fantasy

Back to Defense of Political Fantasy



Fantasy Links

The Symposium ~ A Web Forum for the Literally Inclined The Christian Guide to Fantasy Mirror of Glory

(c) 3 May, 1999; 5 May, 2000
Updated 6 October, 2000
All Rights Held by the Author.
No part of this document may be used or copied without express permission of the author.