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Hullo and Happy Jubilee!

"Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I say rejoice!" Phil. 4:4

May the Lord bless you and keep you ever in His Sacred Heart during this glorious celebration of His Merciful Incarnation!

For unto us a Child is born!

"Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign. Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and His Name shall be called Emmanuel."

Isaiah 7:14

Praise the Lord!...and stand in line.

Who am I? Why am I here? Where are the cookies?

Welcome to the home page of the few, the strange and the perpetually late! Otherwise known as 'that little corner of the web where the party of the first part (that's me) gets to subject the party of the second part (you) to whatever ditherings I may decide to post.'

After about a month of this, I've begun to realise more fully what I'd like to subject you to. And the theme of these wildly diverse web-o-pages is...(drumroll, please)...

Catholicism and the Arts

I'll give you a moment while you clean up the mess that was once your coffee.

What, you say, one cannot be Catholic and be into the Arts! Catholicism is Orthodox! The Arts are...well, they're not. To which I respond, There is no Art without Orthodoxy.

Let me shock you a minute more - this page is dedicated not only to bringing the arts back to where they rightfully belong, which is to say, to the Creator who created the creative, so that our humble works may bring Him greater glory, but these pages will also explore how the genre of Fantasy - that genre which has recently become the domain of those who deny Christ - is dependent upon believing in Christ.

Of course, I'll throw in a few fun things too, although you may have to search around for the likes of Darcy's Personal Ad and the Anathan Song, and pulling this theme off may take a while - but what the heck, I'm young yet.

So sit back, mouse at the ready, clicking over every picture you come across, and enjoy! As Chesterton said, it's the Romance of Orthodoxy, the Search for Truth, and it's one exciting ride.

May God bless you and keep you ever in His Sacred Heart,

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam ~ All for the Greater Glory of God!

(December 2000) WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE'RE MOVING!...eventually.

christianfantasy.net has just been bought, and is in the process of being updated. Keep an eye on that page for not only updates to the Christian Guide to Fantasy, but also to the life of yours truly!

(September 2000) Aaaah - and she's home.

Well, I'll be updating furiously later - my bio in particular - since my last update didn't include an amazing month in England and beginning teaching at St. Bernadette Catholic School. So, more coming later. In the nonce, you can see my friend, Lauryl's view of Theatre in England or you can view my preliminary page for school.

Or you can check out the latest review at the Christian Guide to Fantasy, Robin McKinley's Spindle's End at Twice Upon a Timers; as well as updates to the Science Fiction and Alternate History page. And don't forget to sign the Guestbook!.

It's Here!! (7/14) Review of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Year 4)!

Want to discuss Harry Potter? Join us at Phantasmagoric Miscellanea - a web based bulletin board for the discussion of the Christian Guide to Fantasy!

The Symposium ~ A Web Forum for the Literally Inclined The Christian Guide to Fantasy Mirror of Glory

Where Did All the Linkage Go?

Gone to teenyquicks, everyone.

Seriously, though, folks, in an attempt to better organise this silly set of pages, I've taken a cue from the Republic of Pemberley and made up a "teenyquick" (see above) - or a series of pictures that link to the three main sections of this ever-growing conglomerate.

From left to right they are:

The Symposium, a web-bulletin board, consisting of several smaller boards for specific topics. You don't need to register to write or start a new post. So c'mon in! Drop us a line!

The Christian Guide to Fantasy, a site within a site, this is a user-friendly guide to a sometimes daunting literary genre.

Mirror of Glory is a page that links to everything else: the Literature Page, the Theatre Page, the Artwork Page and who knows what else.

And last, but not least, you'll notice all the neat new buttons (such as "updates" above?) - well, if you'd like to get back here, or to the complete links, or even, *gasp* to the obligatory bio, just look for the nifty button.

Sooner or later I'll probably see if I can't stick together a map, but for now I hope this helps you get your way around this little cybercorner of the world wide web.

Happy surfing and God bless!

His Love Endures Forever! Alleluia!

Click on image

Whoda thunk it? My first professionally published short story came out on March 1, 2000, after two years of waiting and fretting and waiting and waiting. Praise God! (And buy a copy.) Yes, friends, "If We Shadows Have Offended," written by yours truly, can now be found in a bookstore near you in Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine, Winter 2000, vol. 46!

And...(drumroll please)...I'm now officially award winning!!! Yes, that's right folks, just today (14 April, 2000) I received word that "If We Shadows" had won FIRST PRIZE for Issue 46!!! Dance of Joy! Dance of Glee! Peals of Laughter! Shrieks of Disbelief! (Pants of Asthma.) Praise the Lord, now and forever!

So what are you waiting for? Disconnect your modem and rush out to buy a copy today!

...OK, you're modem's not off. Hrm. Well, fortunately for you, Fantasy, Fairytales & Folklore an on-line e-zine has just published my poem, "Calliope: Scintilla" for it's May 2000 issue. Click on the tour and check it out!

New! Oh, you're back. Still panting for more, are we? Well, you're in luck, because Mags, the high priestess of the Cult of Da Man, aka Henry Tilney from Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen, has graciously asked me to archive my novel-in-progress, Nachtstürm Castle over on her site within her site. Go check it out today!

New Pages up!

New! New! New! Due to popular demand, the "Christian Guide to Fantasy" has come into being. Here you'll find critiques on all sorts of Fantastic Fiction books, geared toward the discerning parent who's been burnt by Harry Potter and his ilk. And while your there, why not drop a line in The Symposium, a web-based forum to discuss literature and anything else that comes to mind.

Yaaay! After much huffing and puffing and running up and down the stairs and wrestling with cords and wires and all sorts of other neat stuff, I got my scanner hooked up and a few of my pictures digitized. I'll be adding as I get the time - but you can now see a smattering of my artwork.

And don't forget to check out my theatre pages, too, for "Theatrical Artwork" in the form of photographs!

Valentine to my Love

Praise Him!

Well, it's just past St. Valentine's day, and so here's mine to the First Man in my life. He's such a God! I could just eat Him up! He's soooo divine! I just adore Him!

(And His mother? She's a real sweetie. Keeps the house immaculate.)

Home's Page!

Home's Page And speaking of mothers, my own demanded a site for the family, so without further ado, I welcome you to The Snyder Home's Page!

Note: If you've a slow-loading computer, you may want to skip the nifty splash page I put together, and go straight home. Also, please sign my father's GUESSbook and take his poll!

Updated Literature Page!

Love and Desire Just when you thought the Literature page had settled down, Annie McAndrew, that incredible Oxford Scholar, is here to tittilate us with her analysis of "Knights in Shining Armor: the Ideal of Christian Knighthood." Ranging from Arthur to Maxmillian Kolbe, this is one essay you don't want to miss!

And how about a dose of Jane Austen meet Clue? That's right, it's the short story, It was a Dark and Stormy Night - believe me, it's a killer.

And, if those don't cheer your day, take a look at the revamped page for the *snicker* Anathan Song.

But whatever you do, don't forget to visit our sponsor!

Internal Links

biography Complete Links

The Symposium ~ A Web Forum for the Literally Inclined The Christian Guide to Fantasy Mirror of Glory

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(c) 5 January, 2000
Last updated 16 April, 2001
All Rights Held by the Author.
No part of these pages may be used or copied without express permission of the author.