Yesterday I met a stranger...
Today this stranger is my friend.
Had I not taken the time to say hello,
or return a smile,
or shake a hand,
or listen,
I would not have known this person.

Yesterday would have turned into today
and our chance meeting would be gone.
Yesterday I hugged someone very dear to me.
Today they are gone...
and tomorrow will not bring them back.
Wouldn't it be nice
if we all knew tomorrow would be here?

But this is not to be, so take the time TODAY
to give a hug, a smile, and "I love you."
JUST FOR TODAY, at a stranger
...listen to someone's heart
...drop a coin where a child can find it
...learn something new, then teach it to someone
...tell someone you're thinking of them
...hug a loved one
...don't hold a grudge
...don't be afraid to say "I'm sorry"
...look a child in the eye and tell them how great they are
...look beyond the face of a person into their heart
...make a promise, and keep it someone, for no other reason than to just say "hi" kindness to an animal
...stand up for what you believe in
...smell the rain, feel the breeze, listen to the wind
...use all your senses to their fullest
...cherish all your TODAYS

 ~Author Unknown~





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Pecos Valley Rose

     Soul Sisters

Friends are Angels

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True Friends

Friendships Dying



How Do I Live


To Touch The Heart

Good Morning Sunshine


Looking for a Friend

Kisses for Daddy

Words of a Child

Out on the Farm

Real or Fantasy


Little Angels

The Gift

Online Friends

Joys of Building a Web Page

Forever Online Friends

I Need You Tonight

Its Your Love

Delete Me

Memories of You My Fantasy Lover

I Want to Be The One

Beware of the Cyberman

Starry Skies

My Best Friend

My Special Friend

RAOK Friendship Garden

I Knew I loved You Before I Met You

Windows of Friends

Friendship Roads

You are Here

Angel to Me

Flying Without Wings

A Friend Like you



Take my Hand

One Rose

Angel of Mine

Did Anyone Ever Tell You

If I Knew

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Don't Laugh at Me

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I Give to You

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Don't Quit

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May Our Friendship

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Isn't it Funny

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Quiet Emotions

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Grandma & The Internet

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May You Have An Angel

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