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              Words of a Child


                        Teddy, I've been bad again,

             My Mommy told me so;

               I'm not quite sure what I did wrong,

               But I thought that you might know.


          When I woke up this morning,

           I knew that she was mad;

         Cause she was crying awful hard,

            And yelling at my dad.


         I tried my best to be real good,

         And do just what she said;

        I cleaned my room all by myself,

        I even made my bed.


         But I spilled milk on my good shirt,

         When she yelled at me to hurry;

         And I guess she didn't hear me,

         When I told her I was sorry.


            Cause she hit me awful hard, you see,

              And called me funny names;

             And told me I was really bad,

              And I should be ashamed.


            When I said, "I love you Mommy,"

          I guess she didn't understand;

             Cause she yelled at me to shut my mouth.

            Or I'd get smacked again.


             So I came up to talk to you,

            Please tell me what to do;

           Cause I really love my Mommy,

           and I know she loves me, too.


          And I don't think my Mommy means,

           To hit me quite so hard;

           I guess sometimes, grown ups forget.

           How really big they are.


              So Teddy, I wish you were real.

           And you weren't just a bear;

             Then you could help me find a way.

          To  tell Mommies ever where.


            To please try hard to understand.

          How sad it makes us feel;

         Cause the outside pain soon goes a way,

          But the inside never heals.


           And if we could make them listen,

           Maybe then they'd understand;

           So other children just like me,

           Wouldn't have to hurt again.


         But for now, I guess I'll hold you tight,

          And pretend the pain's not there;

           I know you'd never hurt me,

            So Goodnight, Teddy Bear...

             Written by:   Cindy Pike Dunning



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