were my fantasy lover,
Gentle yet so strong,
You made me feel when I was with you,
It was where I truely belonged
You were always honest,
You didn't play with my heart,
You were man of deep feelings,
Which sat you far apart from others.
were a passionate lover,
Filled with passion and desire,
Just one look or slight touch,
And you could sit my soul on fire.
were always faithful,
In body, spirit and mind,
For you valued me as your lover
You were not the unfeeling kind.
my heart was touched,
By you
I vowed I would love you forever,
In all ways that I could.
you instilled in me,
A trust beyond compare,
I knew that you loved me,
For it was our souls we shared.
But you see, you were a Fantasy,
And now you are gone
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