The frequency range from 18 to 31 GHz.
Kilobits per second. Thousands of bits per second. For example: 14.4 Kbps means 14,000
bits per second.
Kelvin (K)
The temperature measurement scale used in the scientific community. Zero K represents
absolute zero, and corresponds to minus 459 degrees Fahrenheit or minus 273 Celsius.
Thermal noise characteristics of LNA's and LNB's are measured in Kelvins.
A list of decoder addresses and decoder key in ordered pairs. Keylists are used by the UCS
when creating authorization messages that are addressed to the diagnostic circuit embedded
in decoders specific to the encoder system.
Key Synchronization
When a set of services defined on a single UCS (or multiple UCSs) provide unique program
keys encrypted under identical category keys. In this mode, each service category epoch
shall be defined for the same duration and the epoch transition synchronization shall be
dependent upon the host platform real time clock.
Kilohertz (kHz)
Kilo meaning thousand and Hertz meaning cycles so that 1KHz is equivalent to 1 thousand
cycles per second.
The specific beam tube used in some high power
amplifiers (HPA's).
Ku Band
Operating in the 11 to 14 GHz range, these are
medium-power satellites, requiring about 40 to 80 watts per transponder and permitting
receiving dishes as small 1 meter across. Ku Band transmissions are sometimes subject to attenuation by severe
rain conditions and other meteorological phenomenon
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