Michael Ball - alone together

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Sources, Links and Credits

The video and DVD of Alone Together, recorded at the Donmar Warehouse, is available for purchase from numerous online shops, including Heritage Theatre, the company responsible for the video production.  Discount Music Connection specialise in Michael Ball's recordings and videos.

The Donmar Warehouse

The Official Michael Ball Website

The Michael Ball Fan Club

 Jason Carr

Other Michael Ball Fan Sites

Just Ball
Jackie's Ballfest Place
Michael Ball Corner
The Michael Matinee
The Golden Voice
The Nordic Website

Song Research Sites

Between us we've checked a number of sites to source material on some of the songs featured in the show.  Here are
the most relevant:

Musical Heaven  is a good source to discover song lists and recordings from numerous musicals.

Songfile offers a search facility to discover composers, artistes, licensing regulations and links to purchase recordings
and song sheets.

The Al Jolson Society Page  provided information on a lot of the material from the Medley.

Sites dedicated to individual composers also provided background and composition information:   Harry Warren,
Irving Berlin, Oscar Hammerstein, Adam Guettel, John Lennon, Joni Mitchell, David Bowie and  Radiohead  - and a novelty page for  Baby Face!

Check out my other websites:

 Debbie's Jigzone - my puzzle page - a selection of my photographs and many stills from alone together that I've turned into web jigsaws to play online

 England, My England, an appreciation of the film by Tony Palmer, about the life and times of Henry Purcell, starring
Simon Callow and Michael Ball

Debbie's ME/CFS Page - my experiences of coping with ME/CFS - a positive look at living with illness

Thanks to everybody who helped in compiling the material for this site, especially Chris Kitchen, Rina Tchen, Debbie Upton,   Fran Banasick, Theresa Storey, Donna Kelly, Margo Egberts, Sue Wilde, Jeana Edwards and Cathie Roberts.  Thanks also to Kerstin Wohlgemuth and Andrea for letting us lift scanned images from Just Ball and Fontine's Musical Home Page.


Debbie and Barbara


Site Established December 2001, by Barbara Uram and Deborah Norris

Links updated 11 August 2004