Effective teaching rarely begins on the first day. In the Summer before the session starts, you might wish to send a letter to the parents. Your classroom needs to provide a safe environment that will be
both entertaining, comforting, and conducive to learning. This requires smart planning.
Improvement list
Bare windows need curtains.
Antiseptic classrooms need plants to warm the environment.
Seating arrangements need to be assigned.
A map of the classroom helps you design the best manageable concepts.
Your desk needs the best vantage point for maximum learning and astute behavior.
A code of conduct should be prominently displayed.
Color, curriculum related wall displays need to be tact-fully arranged.
A word wall area needs to be selected.
A People wall area needs to be selected.
Learning center areas need to be designated.
An order of consequences need to be prominently displayed.
A filing system for each student and an administrative system needs to be setup.
Make sure a fire escape plan and procedure is prominently displayed
Make sure a medical emergency and school nurse schedule is prominently displayed
Make sure you have a desk and closet or locker that can be locked for unsafe items and overstock