You would be amazed how quickly your students will snap to attention if they know you tally every aspect of their behavior, and have a reporting system that can be presented to anyone at any time showing their student attitudes.
Positive behavior is also a great reinforcer. A parental phone call of praise circles the "Grapevine" faster than you can imagine, and has a school -wide circulation!
Add your daily tallies to your current rewards system of promoting positive behavior in the classroom!
When parental calls are made, you have an instant report that tallies their day's progress, and is a good instant comparison to the rest of the class.
Daily Report
You should set up some daily report for your own records. This should consist of absenses, lateness, class cutting,
homework assignment check list, behavior worksheet, pink slips, parental contacts, and appointments. Great care
is to be made to include positive as well as negative feedback for these reports.
The above check list is work that can be updated at your leisure during the evening hours.
This report will become indispensible when you use Classroom Management Software. This type of software
needs to be maintained daily if it is to be effective. You must stay on top of these items if you are to take full
advantage of the software's more powerful features.
Behavior worksheets help catch all untoward behavior, and are good when it is time for parental contact to have
such a detailed annecdotal record. See the below example.