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Pipes I have made

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040 - Straight Billiard  {sandblasted}
This is a billiard variation I've been working on for a while. As you can see the shank, while looking normal in profile is actually wide. The shank is paneled but all sides are curved making the corners and overall feel much gentler than would be if they were flat and the corners sharp. Reminds me of a 'Box Pressed' cigar a little. I like it because it's easier to control than a round shank and feels interesting.

This design is actually quite a stable sitter. My version of a sitter is a pipe that does not tip over easily and keeps the bit off the surface. 

"I did not like the grain and the pipe has several pits so I decided to keep the pipe as a reference for future work. Some day I may sandblast it and see how the crazy grain looks that way." 

As you can see I did finally sandblast this pipe as I am working on my sandblasting techniques. I am very pleased with the look and think the pipe is much more interesting now than it was as a smooth. Also practiced some staining techniques which has developed into something fun and unique for me when it comes to staining sandblasts.

The stem band is cocobolo. The rim is my 'bottle cap' design: A smooth dished rim to aid in cleaning and a beveled outer edge. This slightly wider edge detail is a more robust surface for the rough and tumble play of the real world. It offers better stamina, lower maintenance and easier repair than a fragile and delicate sharp corner. This is a distinctive feature found on many of my new pipes. 

Length: 5.75 inches / 14.5 cm 
Height: 2.25 inches / 5.7 cm 
Bowl depth: inches /  cm
Bowl width at rim:  /  cm. 
Grade: Copper 3


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014 - Bent Poker Sitter {Rusticated} 
A block with a lot of pits and some pretty weird grain. Rusticated it's great! A partially beveled rim shows off some of the natural plateaux. Straight sides flare out at the base. Rough and deep rustication feels great in the hand. 

Just below a rather traditional pipe, a secret garden grows.  I took the uncooperative wood and pits as an opportunity to try an idea I've had for the last year or so. The flower pattern on the smooth portions and the stem is sterling silver inlayed into the wood and acrylic bit. I was going for a minimalist, Japanese type design.

There are still a few pits and checks that I left alone. They are shallow and I was not trying to fill every pit. I was making a pattern over them, but I was not going to make more than the design required. Most of the flowers are there for the design and are not over a pit or check at all. For example the one on the stem; obviously there was not a pit in the acrylic - this one was put there just to complete the pattern. I included a few different pictures on the composite; both with and without flash to help show what's there. 
Pipe comes with pipe sleeve.

Length: 5.25 inches / 13.3 cm 
Height: 2 3/8 inches / 6 cm (on short side) 
Bowl depth: 2 inches / 5.1 cm
Bowl width at rim: .85 / 2.3 cm. 
Grade: Copper 2


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009 Volcano
An early piece that I was at first thinking would end up rusticated! The grain was not good and there was a knot like formation which usually means there was a branch near at one time.

As I got down to the finished proportions the grain started showing up as straight vertical bands. I then worked to save and encourage as much of this as possible while staying true to the established shape. What can I say; I got lucky. The straightest grain of the first ten pipes, although number one would be a close second and is a much bigger pipe. This pipe only had the issue (in my opinion) of the mortise being too high and shallow. I re-enforced the shank and gave the mortise some extra room by adding the shank extension -which is briar wood. For the reason of this engineering adjustment, I gave the pipe a lower grade than it's looks deserve.  

A friend was watching this in production and before I'd even finished it he wanted it. Fortunately I did not mess it up and he bought it.

Grade: Silver 2






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030 - Pick Axe
Make a statement. Rule your kingdom. Battle evil vampires and save the world! With this pipe I think you could do it all. A large and elaborate show piece that shows off at every angle.

Do you like panels? How's this for panels? This is without a doubt the most complicated pipe I've made so far. It is elaborate and excessive in every way! : )  The design follows some ideas that I've been playing with for the last few years. Using multiple cuts and grooves the birds-eye grain and straight grain is displayed at every opportunity. Straight and flame grain radiate from back to front, fanning across the flat side panels. Birds-eye grain decorates the perpendicular surfaces facing front and back. 

I grade the pipes I make on three major factors: Size, Grain Quality and Complications. At almost 7 inches across from bit to front edge, and with a bowl of 5 inches it's got the size. The grain is excellent. It also has almost no pits. The few visible are small. For this reason I left the piece almost bare and I think it will reward whoever smokes it, darkening up very nicely after being smoked for a while. Complications, like in watches, means to me extra work design wise, be it elaborate carving or adding things like bands, caps, etc. On this pipe, not only is the bowl and shank complicated and elaborate, but the hand-made stem continues the regal, multiple panel theme, including strategic placing of the grade marker, Gold 1. My first Gold graded pipe, by the way.

Pipe comes with pipe sleeve.

Approximate Dimensions:
Length: 6.90 inches / ? cm
Height: 5 inches / ? cm
Weight approx.: 4 oz / 113 g  Who cares? You're a King. You'll probably have a slave carrying it anyway!
Bowl depth: 2 inches / ? cm
Bowl width at rim: 1 /? cm
Bit is approx.: 3.80 mm tall at button
Slot is approx.: 1.85 mm
Grade: Gold 1

$755.00 ***SOLD*** Thank you
US Shipping included. 
Please email questions or for payment information, if you are interested in this pipe. 


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015 - Horn Freehand
A nice piece of wood that was going to be something completely different. I worked on that for a few months, finally got tired of it and changed it to this in one day. 

Unfortunately -or maybe fortunately depending on your point of view- this was not the end of the story. As you might note, the pipe has a low number, a good 15 pipes before these other new ones and dated 2007 production, which is when it was originally completed. After I thought I was done, I ended up reworking the bit a few times then I broke the final one as I was preparing for Chicago 2008. Discouraged and fed up I just put it aside for about 8 months. I sort of lost it as it floated here and there while I decided what to do with it. Then a few days ago I found it again, and on a rampage, fixed everything. Reworking the bit so it's flatter and better shaped than ever, and reworking the shape so that it's better proportioned and lighter than ever, all in one long night. Now I like it and am seriously considering giving to myself : )

Beautiful flame and straight grain surrounds the bowl as it radiates from the heel. A nice wide shank highlights the birds-eye and grain structure of the wood. The beveled rim presents more birds-eye and some nice plateaux. Thick walls should offer a cooler hand if you don't smoke like a freight train.

A very elegant and graceful shape. The mortise is re-enforced with a Delrin sleeve.

Pipe comes with pipe sleeve.

Length: 5.75 inches / 14.5 cm
Height: 2 1/2 inches / 6.3 cm
Bowl depth: 1.9 inches / 4.8 cm
Bowl width at rim: .8125 / 2.1 cm.
Grade: Silver 1

$ 265.00 USD  **SOLD**THANK YOU**
Free shipping within the USA. 
Please email me with any questions or for payment information.

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012 Poker
A nice, slightly canted, little poker that really started off as an ugly duckling. 

As I was putting some pipes together for Chicago 2007, I started this poker but the block was small and the shank became shorter than I wanted. The unfinished proportions and grain did not look too promising so I left it alone for a few months. 

Finally in the mood to tackle it, I started reworking and reshaping proportions from how I had originally planned. In the end as I approached the finished shape the grain started to improve and the design really started looking better to me. While not straight grain, it's nice and interesting and perfectly centered. Now I like it. A simple, modern variation of a classic shape.

Length: 5.5 inches / 14 cm 
Height:   2 inches / 5.1 cm (on short side)
Bowl depth: .75 inches / 4.5 cm, 
Bowl width at rim: .8125 / 2.1 cm.
Grade: Copper 3


Research & Development

R & D 2011
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Research & Development
I would not normally put up proto-types and experimental pieces, however this one came out quite nice and I hope to do a few more. Also I was given the honor of having this pipe featured for September in G.L. Pease's 'In Celebration of Briar 2012' calendar (link below). Since he thought it was worthy of display, who am I to argue? 

This was a double experiment and learning experience as I was experimenting with bamboo shanks and trying to develop my sandblasting techniques. 

Also, not really an experiment at this point but in working on pipe repairs, one of the many things I noticed was the banged up rims that would come in from people knocking the pipes out on hard surfaces. So I've been adding a bevel to the outer rim of my pipes to offer a less fragile edge. This "form follows function" feature ends up working well with my normally dished out rims (which aids in smoke control and cleaning) so that the whole top finishes up with a nice "bottle cap", which became a distinctive and unique look to my work. Each of these angles are there for a practical and functional purpose rather than simply for decoration. It just happens to look good, to my eye, which is a nice bonus! : )

G.L. Pease' In Celebration of Briar 2012

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Totem n. 1. An animal, plant, or natural object serving as a symbol of a clan or family. 2. A venerated symbol. Anthro; Native American peoples.

Star n. 1. A luminous celestial body consisting of a mass of hot gasses held together by it's own gravity. 2. A graphic design having 5 or more radiating points. 3. stars: The future; destiny.

Just in case anyone was wondering; This site and all art and design work on it is copy-written, trademarked and patented. Nothing here may be re-published, or re-produced by any means or media, without my permission.  

I have spent my life getting to this point. I created all artwork here, unless otherwise noted. Please respect all intellectual and creative property.

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